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Pak Hindus barred at Wagah after reports of mass exodus

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Aint that a good thing....specially if equal citizens of democratic country are discriminated based on faith of/chosen-by their ancesters :)
if so y dont you agitate for uniform civil code.
you are in no position to comment on me or my hubby but sure i'm in position to comment on hinduism.

Helpless low life hindu men need some diva (divya) to defend their religion and culture...... :)
Oh my bad as a hindu i escaped from my fello indian hindus from india before i too end up being killed.If as hindu i dont feel safe in India how can minorities feel safe ?

Thats the first time I have heard that you dont feel safe in India because you are an Hindu...I agree that Minorities in India are being discriminated to an extent...we are not perfect, but we are getting there...slowly but surely...Education is the key...the day when we remove religion from governence we would have got there.
Hindus get a flight to Bangladesh, change your name to some raqibul or hossein and then come into India through Assam -- the Congress will provide you with all papers, voting rights and look after you.

If you feel it is a good bargain, why don't you do it yourself.
Krait Pandavas are not god not even ravan,neither duryodhan nor dushasan.

As for taking shot--i've already done many times and seen the result too.
You brought Draupadi, I brought Krishna, how can you bring Duryodhan and not Krishna where same Duryodhan asked for Krishna's army and Arjun asked Krishna for being his Saarthi, wither bring them both or don't mention it at all.

You bring single incident, I will ask for more general behavior, I will also ask for the reasons and if you can't I can provide them. Either its on topic or off topic. Just bring it on.

Those who want to take shot on Hinduism can take on now, until this thread is closed, I am more than happy to reply you.

P.S. I won't bring or discuss Islam or Muslims in the discussion, so don't bring it yourself.
Country First religion second...in that order....no special treatment because of religion....special treatment only for all Indian Citizens..if you ask for that order to be changed prosecution will follow...be it any religion...!!
wrong choice of word i meant persecuting.......not prosecuting.......
you are in no position to comment on me or my hubby but sure i'm in position to comment on hinduism.

Had you learnt any punctuation in school, you would have learnt to differentiate b/w a comment and question( a rhetorical one, but a question none the less)

You like to portray your self as staunch feminist?..Therefore I ask again from the point view of a the original question ie." liberation of women"
Is the idea of men having multiple wives(as is common in Islam) or Women having multiple husbands (which though not common in Hnduism , has found mentions in Hindu mythology ) was more liberating for women?"

Doesn't this fall within the ambit of polygamy.

Well it does ..but some religions in India do allow it.
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