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Pak film Waar depicting 'Indian terror' does roaring business

Smart move by the film makers really.

Playing off the wide-spread and largely and largely unfounded paranoia against India present amongst the Pakistani populace, this film was always going to do well.
Waar (2013)


Mujtaba: There's only one thing that stands between him and Pakistan, me.

Mujtaba: We do not know how many lives we've lost in the name of terrorism... But we do know how many lives we still need to save.

Mujtaba: As long as history will be written by hunters, lions shall never be glorified.

[from trailer]
Mujtaba: There's only one thing that stands between him and Pakistan, Me

[from trailer]
Javeria: You know what will be really nice? If you could stop focusing on yourself for a change and start focusing on the country, because if it is as serious as we think it is, I assure you, it will be devastated .

[from trailer]
Ehtasham: So let's tell them that this night is their last night.

[from trailer]
Zoya: Arrangements for that have already been made

Mujtaba: Death is a seven letter word but I will make it very long for you.

Waar (2013) - Quotes - IMDb

How is death a seven letter word?
Yeah ... This is the only way they can feel good ..... :lol:

They tried with the Indian involvement in terror activities but looks like nobody in the world is buying that .

with decades in business nobody still buys crappy indian movies
How is death a seven letter word?

Haven't seen the movie though, but i think Mujtaba is calling himself the death of some one.

Mujtaba is saying death is a seven letter word.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


I can't think anything else other than that will be logical.
I am looking for movie zinda bhaag which is pakistan's oscar nomination. It is being released in some state of USA but not here in uk. Any link of download?

Pakistan have ability to produce quality movies like iran even with limited budgets/audience and resources. Some of pakistani drams which i recently watched were 100 times better than big budgets movie of salman and SRk with same story lines being repeated over and over again and thats the last thing i would want for our industry. Dead indusry is better than these useless masala movies.We should make movies based on real issues keeping originality and realism.
Haven't seen the movie though, but i think Mujtaba is calling himself the death of some one.

Mujtaba is saying death is a seven letter word.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7


I can't think anything else other than that will be logical.

I don't think it works for this situation. If that's the case, his name is already the worst that could happen to that person. He wouldn't say I would make it longer than that.
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