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Pak Christian Girl 13 Raped by 5 Muslim Men

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What else should I conclude from your statement? In your own words you said 99% cases are set aside. Doesn’t this means that 9 out 10 rapes go unpunished in Pakistan?

Again you go on making assumptions. These are the charges against women of committing adultery and fornication. Women who have been accused by men, relatives and other detractors for one reason or the other. Because there was no proof of their guilt, the Islamic courts threw the cases out in 99% of the cases. The same applies to the cases of rape. The earlier injunctions of the hudood ordinance where women were detained for reporting a rape are no longer in affect. A case in point again is the famour Mukhtaran mai case during the Musharraf times. That lady was never jailed. The inefficient Pakistani police took their sweet time to get these lads.

The problem is the enforcement. Saudi Arabia relies on the same sharia as does Iran. Women are not jailed and rapists do not go free. The problem is lack of enforcement in Pakistan.
Where do you get all this from what I said? I posted the rape story from the Christian Post because the Pak Christian community thinks that rapes such as this one are a form of persecution. You guys see it as simple thuggery. Fine. You don't acknowledge the possibility that minority women may be considered as "fair game" who can be raped without consequences because of their weak status as a minority. Fine. I disagree.

So lets consider this an issue of perception. Even then this does not take anything away from the main problem, which is that Pakistan has to fix the problem of rapes by meting out serious punishment to the perpetrators. If this happens then the insecurity of the religious minorities also becomes a non-issue.

The key is to find these bastards and make them pay for such crimes.
Again you go on making assumptions. These are the charges against women of committing adultery and fornication. Women who have been accused by men, relatives and other detractors for one reason or the other. Because there was no proof of their guilt, the Islamic courts threw the cases out in 99% of the cases. The same applies to the cases of rape. The earlier injunctions of the hudood ordinance where women were detained for reporting a rape are no longer in affect. A case in point again is the famour Mukhtaran mai case during the Musharraf times. That lady was never jailed. The inefficient Pakistani police took their sweet time to get these lads.

The problem is the enforcement. Saudi Arabia relies on the same sharia as does Iran. Women are not jailed and rapists do not go free. The problem is lack of enforcement in Pakistan.

What about the rape of a minor? In some states in the US the rape of a minor is a capital offense.
What about the rape of a minor? In some states in the US the rape of a minor is a capital offense.

Rape of a minor is punishable by death, just the same as that of an adult woman.

Rape is a grave sin and a major legal crime on the part of the assailant, and if legally proven it may be punishable by death. The assaulted woman, however, would not be considered a sinner, since she was overwhelmed and could not be blamed for it. The Quranic rule applies: "If one is forced, without wilful disobedience nor transgressing due limits, then he is guiltless, For God is Oft-Forgiving Most-Merciful. ' , (2:173)

Is a rape victim required to forgive a rapist in Islam? How much of a crime is rape seen in Islam? How about child molestion?

Get the answer below

Dear Lana,

Islam considers the lawful expression of sexuality, in contrast, is considered a great blessing, even an act of worship.

In contrast, Islam prohibits all expression of sexuality outside marriage, including flirting, kissing, and even holding hands. Therefore rape of anyone of any age, nationality, or religion by anyone of any age, nationality, or religion, is considered to be one of the most serious crimes, punishable, most often, by the death of the rapist.

This is true no matter what the marital status of the victim and of the rapist.

There is no rule in Islam requiring a rape victim to forgive the rapist, but in some jurisdictions, if the victim forgave the rapist, the rapist’s punishment might be reduced from execution to, say, flogging and incarceration.

Child molestation is treated in the same way.

Time permitting you can read the following which has quite a bit more on the punishment and rulings on rape:
Islam: Rape In Islam, unlawful sexual activity, child molestion
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Rape is rarely prosecuted under Sharia because of the need for eye witnesses. Sometimes in a situation like this, if she becomes pregnant, the young woman will be tried for fornication and punished instead of the rapists.

You are completely wrong. These cases are prosecuted. The rest has been explained by blain2.

I would just like to add one thing. If we go by the shariah then there is a provision that incase a women does not have a witness which is quite possible since no one rapes in open she can swear on Quran and the qazi shall give verdict. Presently this has to some extent become redundant since modern science can confirm rape and witnesses are not sole source for confirming rape.

Just one thing though. The girl is christian how can we prosecute her under shariah law. This is the tricky question which needs to be looked at.
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You are completely wrong. These cases are prosecuted. The rest has been explained by blain2.

Just one thing though. The girl is christian how can we prosecute her under shariah law. This is the tricky question which needs to be looked at.

It can be tried under the sharia since the perpetrators are reported to be Muslims. The punishment is solely for the perpetrators and there is no burden on the victim (be she Muslim, Hindu, Christian or of any other religious denomination).
Just one thing though. The girl is christian how can we prosecute her under shariah law. This is the tricky question which needs to be looked at.
Why on earth do you want to prosecute the poor girl?
Just one thing though. The girl is christian how can we prosecute her under shariah law. This is the tricky question which needs to be looked at.

Even if it were Christian men that did the rape, it still is possible to prosecute the case under a Shariah Law. The rules would be based upon the Shariah, but the defendant and perpetrators would make their statements on the Bible, or whatever religious text is appropriate.
Utterly despicable act... The reporting is even more horrible. What the f*** does religion have to do with this? It is these reporters that need to be prosecuted first.
Yeah please change title mods.
It should be Pakistani Girl Raped by 5 Men..
The men who did this should be hanged by their balls! :mad:
I guess you have forgotten what you people did to the british teenager that came for vacation to India. You first raped and then killed her and her mother had to flee India after she was threatened and publicaly acknowledged she did not expect to receive justice in India.

This is a very sad incident and should not have happened in the first place. I am sure culprits shall be brought to justice.
EJAZ a frnd is not blaiming u ...and he is sayin that u r rapist ..and if any indian is rapist then he also should hang ....and our media and people condemmed that incident....i dunno why u guys become so offended ...r u with rapist?? it is absurd
i think neighbors are bigger rapist than rapist themselves.... :sniper:
WTF they were smiling at girl during this horrible act....la haul willa kuwat:angry:

WTF* = what the fissh :D
Rape is rarely prosecuted under Sharia because of the need for eye witnesses. Sometimes in a situation like this, if she becomes pregnant, the young woman will be tried for fornication and punished instead of the rapists.

Here we go again... Please get your facts right...

What you seem to be referring to up there is Zina, whilst rape would be classified as Zina Ul Jabr: the issue of Zina and Zina Ul Jabr were covered under an archaic law called the Hudood Ordinance:Under Pakistani Statute here is the correct explanation of Zina Ul Jabr:

A person is said to commit zina-bil-jabr if he or she has sexual intercourse with a woman or man, as the case may be, to whom he or she is not validly married, in any of the following circumstances, namely:--

(a) against the will of the victim,

(b) without the consent of the victim,

(c) with the consent of the victim, when the consent has been obtained by putting the victim in fear of death or of hurt, or

(d) with the consent of the victim, when the offender knows that the offender is not validly married to the victim and that the consent is given because the victim believes that the offender is another person to whom the victim is or believes herself or himself to be validly married.

Explanation.--Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of zina-bil-jabr.

This understanding comes from the now obsolete and repelled laws of Hudood: he "Offence of Zina (Enforcement of Hudood) Ordinance, VII of 1979.

In Modern Day Pakistan we replaced the Hudood Ordinance with the "Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006".

Under the Protection of Women (Criminal Laws Amendment) Act, 2006, Rape is defined as:-

"375. Rape:-
A man is said to commit rape who has sexual intercourse with a woman under circumstances falling under any of the five following descriptions,
(i) against her will.

(ii) without her consent

(iii) with her consent, when the consent has been obtained by putting her in fear of death or of hurt,

(iv) with her consent, when the man knows that he is not married to her and that the consent is given because she believes that the man is another person to whom she is or believes herself to be married; or

(v) With or without her consent when she is under sixteen years of age.
Explanation: Penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of rape.

And the Punishment for rape in Pakistan under the said law is:

376. Punishment for rape
(1) Whoever commits rape shall be punished with death or imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than ten rears or more, than twenty-five years and shall also be liable to fine.

(2) When rape is committed by two or more persons in furtherance of common intention of all, each of such persons shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life.".
Rape is rarely prosecuted under Sharia because of the need for eye witnesses. Sometimes in a situation like this, if she becomes pregnant, the young woman will be tried for fornication and punished instead of the rapists.
What sharia law are you referring to! You just made an *** out of yourself. If case is served through real Sharia law then All the rapist are stoned to death and As far as it goes for girl. If one of the rapist wasn't her boyfriend then she is a victim but if one of the rapist were her boyfriend and if she were going to have sex with him then she is guilty as well and punished for adultly which is not the case in this story. I hope she gets out of this trauma and may Allah give her strength to over come this horrific incident amen. Those rapist should be caught and should be stoned to death through the christens so minority feel the justice.
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