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Pak Christian Girl 13 Raped by 5 Muslim Men

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This is not correct. This is the usual perception of those who have a very cosmetic view of the issue.

During the entire time that women were subject to the Hudood ordinance (which is what you are referring to), the justice of the Islamic Shariat court, Mufti Taqi Usmani stated on record that 99% of the women were not sentenced even though they were unable to produce their own eye witnesses.

The problem is not with the Sharia, rather the uniform enforcement of the law. Police are corrupt and rarely do anything besides detaining the one complaining about the crime. In light of this, over 99% of the cases referred to the sharia courts in Pakistan have been set aside.

You may want to do some research on the punishment part. Most women have not been punished. I am all for transparency when it comes to this stuff, however blaming the sharia is incorrect.

Its a similar logic to the one that uses the example of Taliban to claim that all of the Muslims wanting Sharia would be the same as them.

So essentially you're saying men are free to rape women and children in Pakistan?
Yes, I'd like to add Blain is correct regarding the Hudood Ordinance (which are no longer part of law anyway).

The Hudood Ordinance distinguished between public rape and private rape. In other words, 4 witnesses were not required to get a rape conviction.

In order to get the death penalty for a rapist, 4 witnesses were required, but getting a Tazir conviction of imprisonment was always perfectly feasible using DNA proofs. The problem lay in the execution of the law.

I don't understand the point of this thread anyway. Gang rapes occur everywhere. What's your point?
Not sure what the point here is by pointing out the rape of a Christian girl by Muslim men??

Muslim women who are just as innocent are also raped by Muslim men. Point being that this problem of rape should be looked holistically and not through the prism of Muslim oppression of a Christian.

Rape of a woman, regardless of race, origin, religion is outright condemnable. There is no option but to mete out severe punishment to these bastards to set them straight.

Of course your point is true that rape is rape, and repugnant regardless of the religious status of the victim. HOWEVER, there is an undeniable undercurrent of the use of rape against non-Muslims, especially Christians, by Muslim men as a form of intimidation and domination of the minority. It may be rare in the great scheme of the number of rapes that occur, but the Christian community of Pakistan definitely thinks that "intimidation" rape occurs too often. That is why the Pakistan Christian Post publishes news of these occurrences in the hopes of raising sufficient awareness and outrage among the majority Muslim community to put a stop to it.
What statistics do you have for this "undeniable undercurrent" that Muslim men, as a form of intimidation and domination of the minority, single out anyone?
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I don't have any statistics on the percentage of "intimidation" rapes of minorities by majority Muslims in Pakistan. Only anecdotal evidence. So feel free to dismiss this as not a problem and go on your happy way.

And, your second question is highly insulting and uncalled for.
So essentially you're saying men are free to rape women and children in Pakistan?

If that is the level of intellect that you are going to display here then I'd suggest you try some other forum. A little bit of research on this issue would be of benefit. :rolleyes:
tauba tauba
such men and such neighborhoods should be burnt to ground
I don't have any statistics on the percentage of "intimidation" rapes of minorities by majority Muslims in Pakistan. Only anecdotal evidence. So feel free to dismiss this as not a problem and go on your happy way.

And, your second question is highly insulting and uncalled for.

I think it's all very appropriate.

You claimed it was "undeniable", and when probed for statistics you say, "well, it's just a feeling I have".

Well bully bally hoo ha, I have a feeling you're a 4ft 5" Indian that gets off on farting in elevators and perving on women in the conveniences, but there's no evidence of that!! That, then is quite deniable.

Perhaps it then is just a dream you had.
I don't understand the point of this thread anyway. Gang rapes occur everywhere. What's your point?
While you are right this stuff is common in the US, India, Timbaktoo... We must not care about them and really bring to light the plight of the poor out in the open. It makes us think, and perhaps makes our society a little better.
Of course your point is true that rape is rape, and repugnant regardless of the religious status of the victim. HOWEVER, there is an undeniable undercurrent of the use of rape against non-Muslims, especially Christians, by Muslim men as a form of intimidation and domination of the minority. It may be rare in the great scheme of the number of rapes that occur, but the Christian community of Pakistan definitely thinks that "intimidation" rape occurs too often. That is why the Pakistan Christian Post publishes news of these occurrences in the hopes of raising sufficient awareness and outrage among the majority Muslim community to put a stop to it.

This charge is unfounded at best. Tell me how many Christian women have been raped in such a manner and then simply do a tally against the same crime involving Muslim on Muslim and you will come to a clear cut conclusion that this claim is pretty baseless. What is NOT baseless is the problem of rape in Pakistan. We have a serious problem that afflicts the women of society from all backgrounds and religions. This has to be curbed ruthlessly.

Secondly, the religious elements who prod people against those of other religious denomination are loath to committing rape as a way to punish the minorities. There are few sins as great as that of committing zina and fornication in Islam. This sin is neither condoned nor tolerated by the Muslim world. However just as everywhere else, people in power (as a group of thugs would think so) tend to do things which are outright condemnable. I hope those who are harping about unfounded claims that this is some sort of a form of intimidation by Muslims against the minorities, would look into the now world-famous Mukhtaran mai case. This lady used to teach kids Quran...and supposedly Muslims villagers gang raped her.

So lets be clear about this that those who commit rape are nothing but deprived souls who have a mental sickness that leads them to get pleasure out of inflicting sexual excesses against women.

I can guarantee that these perps are none other than local hoods who have been watching this girl for a while and prayed upon her when they had the opportunity. This will turn out to be another mess of the uneducated villagers or one of the local toughs taking advantage of an innocent girl.
I don't have any statistics on the percentage of "intimidation" rapes of minorities by majority Muslims in Pakistan. Only anecdotal evidence. So feel free to dismiss this as not a problem and go on your happy way.

so ur stating that most pakistani muslims are rapists?!?
u've shown ur true racist colors
so when a person from ur race or religion dies u feel saddened and angered but when someone else thats different from u dies and get tortured u look away?
incredible thinking
this is my opinion i dont care if u take it nicely or not but i think ur just a close-minded racist american or should i just say a "regular american"
While you are right this stuff is common in the US, India, Timbaktoo... We must not care about them and really bring to light the plight of the poor out in the open. It makes us think, and perhaps makes our society a little better.

I agree. It's not something anyone should ignore. We all know there is a problem with the police and judiciary. Hopefully this case can be resolved fairly. I question the motives of those people posting the stuff more than anything.
If that is the level of intellect that you are going to display here then I'd suggest you try some other forum. A little bit of research on this issue would be of benefit. :rolleyes:

The problem is not with the Sharia, rather the uniform enforcement of the law. Police are corrupt and rarely do anything besides detaining the one complaining about the crime. In light of this, over 99% of the cases referred to the sharia courts in Pakistan have been set aside.

What else should I conclude from your statement? In your own words you said 99% cases are set aside. Doesn’t this means that 9 out 10 rapes go unpunished in Pakistan?
so ur stating that most pakistani muslims are rapists?!?
u've shown ur true racist colors
so when a person from ur race or religion dies u feel saddened and angered but when someone else thats different from u dies and get tortured u look away?
incredible thinking
this is my opinion i dont care if u take it nicely or not but i think ur just a close-minded racist american or should i just say a "regular american"

Where do you get all this from what I said? I posted the rape story from the Christian Post because the Pak Christian community thinks that rapes such as this one are a form of persecution. You guys see it as simple thuggery. Fine. You don't acknowledge the possibility that minority women may be considered as "fair game" who can be raped without consequences because of their weak status as a minority. Fine. I disagree.
What is this non-sense????

Why is the religion of the victim and offenders mentioned???

Title shouldve been "Pakistani Girl raped by 5 men".

I do not see the importance of religion in this crime.
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