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Pak Army Responsible for Bangladesh killings 1971 ?????

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So why abusing a girl for opening this thread?? Many people think she is right for example 'traitor' Hamid Mir or 'Hero' Imran khan! If you don't like her post, ignore or answer logically! If she is ignorant, tell her facts! Courtesy begets courtesy!
So why abusing a girl for opening this thread?? Many people think she is right for example 'traitor' Hamid Mir or 'Hero' Imran khan! If you don't like her post, ignore or answer logically! If she is ignorant, tell her facts! Courtesy begets courtesy!

It was u i believe who had posted the articals of Col. Dalim, the Mukti Bani Commander.
and certainly u know what he had said..........
So why abusing a girl for opening this thread?? Many people think she is right for example 'traitor' Hamid Mir or 'Hero' Imran khan! If you don't like her post, ignore or answer logically! If she is ignorant, tell her facts! Courtesy begets courtesy!

who & why killed (punished) SMR?
who & why killed (punished) SMR?

I have posted about three killers of SMR earlier. All of them were patriotic pakistani, Joined Army just after 1965 war to avenge India....ironically all three fled from West pakistan to Join Mukti after 26th March! After victory, they realized SMR was similar to previous autocratic pakistani rulers. So they eliminated him! There were many other causes!
Time has come that PDF should stand upto its reputation...There should be a separate section where new comer and emotive repetative issues should be discussed rather than just spamming with the same thread again again....Dude...Pakistan Army has done exactly same thing what even every army will do in that scenario....Do you feel that BD army or Indian army will pamper the people with flower if you are making anti national activities......This is just a simple victim mentality of BD people who has to move on wrt time....Think about Indian partition in 1947...Million people of both Hindu and Muslim sides...So does that mean that India and Pakistan will just cry and crib to each other for ever about what has happened in 1947???No of course...not...we have to move on and rest of the world also should move on with time...
No apology as Pakistan did not commit any genocide. Those who accuse us are themselves accepting Pakistan Army did not do such a thing.

Terminal X: Indian research scholar at Oxford: Pakistan Army not involved in Bangladesh massacre

Forty years after the independence of Bangladesh, a new book on the conflict by an Indian author has sparked outrage among Bengalis around the world. Sarmila Bose, the US-born author of ”Dead Reckoning” claims, among other things, that the atrocities committed by Pakistani soldiers in Bangladesh were greatly exaggerated and that both sides committed crimes against humanity during the independence war.

The civil war – between what was the East Pakistan and West Pakistan – is believed to have caused up to 3-million deaths (a number Bose believes is wildly inflated). She writes that perspectives on the conflict “are still imprisoned by wartime partisan myths”.

She contends that “many Bengalis - supposed to be fighting for freedom and dignity - committed appalling atrocities. And many Pakistani army officers, carrying out a military action against a political rebellion, turned out to be fine men doing their best to fight an unconventional war within the conventions of warfare.”

Bose, of Bengali Hindu descent and a senior research fellow at Oxford University, claims the Pakistani army was “demonized” and blamed for “monstrous actions regardless of the evidence”, while Bengali people were portrayed as “victims”.

“This has led to a tendency to deny, minimize or justify violence and brutalities perpetrated by pro-liberation Bengalis,” she says, adding that Bangladesh is in a great state of denial over what really happened during the war.

Bangladeshi scholars are savagely criticizing Bose’s book and conclusions.
Naeem Mohaiemen, a New York-based writer, told the BBC that Bose is “pushing her conclusions to an extreme” by assuming that the Pakistan army used “only justified and temperate amounts of retaliatory force.”

Bose said she interviewed people throughout Bangladesh as well as former Pakistani officers and combed through official documents.

She alleges, among other things, that Bengali nationalists in Bangladesh attacked non-Bengalis in the country just prior to the war – including West Pakistanis and Biharis who had migrated eastward during partition in 1947.
Bose told BBC: “In the ethnic violence unleashed in the name of Bengali nationalism, non-Bengali men, women and children were slaughtered.
Non-Bengali victims of ethnic killings by Bengalis numbered hundreds or even thousands per incident... men, women and children were massacred on the basis of ethnicity and the killings were executed with shocking bestiality.”

In response, Mohaiemen told BBC: “She [Bose] also relies heavily on Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report, which was done by the post-1971 Pakistan government with the intention of white-washing the war.”

Terminal X: When the India-sponsored Mukti Bahini slaughtered 1 million Biharis

When the India-sponsored Mukti Bahini slaughtered 1 million Biharis

Muhammad Abul Kalam [Bangladesh Patriot]

I am grateful to Sarmila Bose for bringing the hidden facts in light.Pakistani Forces fought bravely in East Pakistan in 1971 this has been acknowledged by the Indian army. Rape committed by Pakistan Army in East Pakistan was very rare. In every army there are evil doers. In Pakistan army there may be few.

Actually Mukti Bahini and Bengal Regiment personnel raped the Bihari and west Pakistani women killed about 800,000/ to 1,000,000/ innocent Biharis and West Pakistanis in East Pakistan in 1971. After the 16th of December 1971 Bangladeshis showed the dead bodies and graves of these innocent Biharis and Pakistanis as Bengali people killed by the Pakistan army. This is the fact.

How cruel our Bengali Brothers could be we have observed in the BDR mutiny recently. I belong to a Bihari family who migrated from India to East Pakistan in 1947 and settled in Panchabibi in the district of Bogra. My uncle Bashir and my elder brother was a school going boys at that time and were admitted in a Bangla school at Panchabi and they both Passed S.S.C examination from Panchabibi High School.

In 1971 my uncle was a Primary school teacher there .Although our mother language was Urdu we were educated in Bangla. Our friends were Bengalis but in April 1971 when Panchabi was under the control of Mukti Bahini the Biharis were called to attend a meeting in the Panchabibi Police Station where matter of their safety was to be discusses.The day was Friday. When the time of Juma Prayer came the 110 Biharis who came to attend the meeting asked permission to go to the nearby mosque and say there prayer but they were not permitted to go to the mosque.

They were asked to go Panchabibi High school which was adjacent to the Police Station to say their prayer. While they offering their prayer in the school room of the school the room was locked by th Mukti Bahini from out side and 3 days later on Monday all of the 110 innocent Biharis along with my uncle and my brother-in-law were killed by the Mukti Bahini and loaded on a truck and buried on the bank of Jamuna river in 3 combined graves in the west of Panchabibi Police Station. The Mukti Bahini killed the Biharis in every part of East Pakistan in Dinajpur, Corkai, Phoolbari, Santahar. Natore, Paksy, Issardi,Mymensing, Jessore Chittagong and each and every part of East Pakistan where the Biharis lived.

Indian Support of Mukti Bahini Guerrillas (Documents from the U.S. National Archives)
Every year around 16 December these threads are found in abundance!
They are like a seasonal outbreak of viral disease! :hitwall:
This is like the one zillienth thread on this topic, even indians are getting tired of these apology threads.
Where is Luffy 500? I seriously doubt that guy's nationality
This happened a long time ago, yes it did happen, but why bring it up now?
lol you stupid idiot. Do you even know anyone who fled from East Pakistan?

Entire neighborhoods of non-Bengalis and Pakistan-sympathizing-Bengalis were massacred by the Mukti Bahini and their supporters. So **** the apology.

The only apology that Pakistan should give Bangladesh is for the unfair treatment they got during the years we were united.

Bangladesh: Contributors to Liberation Received Awards

It is a reality that Pakistan has been a traditional enemy of India. The high echelons in the Indian leadership never accepted the division of Sub Continent. Hence, it wasn't surprising that India took the opportunity of weakening Pakistan by supporting the Bangladesh liberation movement. Former Indian foreign secretary Mr. Dixit is on record saying, "We helped in the liberation of Bangladesh in mutual interest, it was not a favour," As per a senior RAW intelligence officer, "Bangladesh was the result of a 10 year long promotion of dissatisfaction against the rulers of Pakistan". Thus, helping Bangladesh was not an instantaneous decision of India rather it was a carefully designed strategic plan that was executed in exact precision. Unfortunately, after the liberation, things did not go the way India had planned.

It was then the Indian leaders knew that the only party that was able to meet the Indian strategic demands in Bangladesh is Awami League. From. Sheikh Mujeeb to Sheikh Hasina, they never stopped keeping relations with Awami League and provided all sorts of support to them. According to some well-informed observers, India provided Tk. 300 crore to Awami League to win the 1996 election (Weekly Shugondha, 26th April, 1996). So these so-called awards might be actually a plea to beg their masters further support and possible favors.

BD self responsible killing Army....not a PAK Army

the Hamood-ur-Rehman Commission identified the underlying causes for the 71 tragedy where the Commission criticized the then political and military leaders for their ineptness, it also debunked the propaganda by New Delhi that 2 to 3 million Bengalis had been killed by Pakistan Army. Rather the civil war and the killings of West Pakistanis by Mukti Bahini guerrillas were the two main ignored reasons for that huge genocide.

Besides Hamood-ur-Rehman Commission there are numerous published reports out now which negates the Indian well propagated make beliefs of 1971 war where Pakistan Army was the sole dictator and the only evil. The declassified US reports, Indian military officers account, Pakistan military officers account, General Niazi's memoirs, Sharmila Bose write ups are only a petty reference of the unending list. Published books and articles as Subversion in East Pakistan, by AMK Maswani, Second Thoughts on Bangladesh, narrated by a repentant rebel, and Bangladesh Today—Indictment and a Lament, by the distinguished East Pakistani intellectual Matiur Rahman proclaim how the East Pakistanis were made the victims of a vast scheme to give up a part of their own country.

Henry Kissinger's voluminous work, The White House Years, adds heavily to the account. When the relevant written material is placed beside the events that took place before, during and after the war, the analysis exposes the US hand in fomenting rebellion by the Awami League against the State, assisting India in raising, arming and deploying the Mukti Bahni terrorists in East Pakistan, then provoking the war and devising a quick defeat for Pakistan.
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