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PAF Vs IAF Command and Control Systems

Vera is a passive sensor it has no power at all. Obviously you are firing in the dark.

No offence buddy but its range is very small. not not an advanced radar. russia has some many such radars.


PAF now posses this system. It is an amazing system which is able to decipher even the type of aircraft flying. This means that PAF shall know of the entire raid package, the position and type of escorts etc. With this technology the element of surprise has been totally eliminated

no radar in the world has such capabilities.

Want to know about PAF's long range radars.
VERA passive sensor

Mode of operation

The deployed system typically comprises a central site (containing the signal processing equipment and an ESM receiver) and two or three side sites containing only an ESM receiver. The side sites relay the signals received to the central site over a point-to-point microwave link. The central site uses the known propagation delay from the side sites to estimate the TDOA of the pulses at each site. The TDOA of a pulse between one side site and the central site locates the target on a hyperboloid. A second side site provides a second TDOA and hence a second hyperboloid. The intersection of these two hyperboloids places the target on a line, providing a 2D measurement of the target's location (no height). A third side-site provides a third hyperboloid, which, when intersected with the line provided by the other two side sites, provides a full 3D location of the target. This process is known as multilateration. The height of a target with an SSR Mode C or Mode S transponder can also be provided by decoding the Mode C or Mode S response directly, which is the normal mode of operation for the civilian VERA-AP system.

System accuracy

System accuracy is typically better than a microwave surveillance radar, and is a function of the deployment geometry, the inherent timing accuracy of the central site, the bandwidth of the pulse being detected and the signal-to-noise ratio. Wider separations of the side sites from the central site provide better accuracies – but at the expense of a reduced area of common coverage. Typically side sites are deployed 15-40 km from the central site, providing a reasonable compromise of coverage and accuracy.
The system is generally line-of-sight limited, with a nominal range of 450 km, the normal radio horizon. Detection of targets is within a sector of approximately 120 degrees, although IFF and SSR targets are detected using a dedicated omnidirectional antenna, and hence may be seen over 360 degrees. Up to 200 targets can be automatically tracked simultaneously, with an output rate adjustable from 1 to 5 seconds.
No offence buddy but its range is very small. not not an advanced radar. russia has some many such radars.


no radar in the world has such capabilities.

Want to know about PAF's long range radars.

In due course of time it shall be established that I do not give wrong information. The Vera gives the PAF more that 300+ Km transfontier coverage into India. Its capability to identify targets as explained by Rafi is very real.
The Pakistan Air Force begun its Air Defence modernization quite early with the procurement of six AN/TPS-77 land based three-dimensional tactical mobile radar systems from the U.S.

This was reinforced with another six YLC-2 3D long-range and ten YLC-6 2D low altitude radar systems from China;

PAF is in the process of inducting these systems. Air Weapons Complex is on the forefront of the Pakistan Military's C4I program.

The PAF is evaluating the Czech Vera passive-radar system, and will decide to purchase it or not soon. The PAF's air defence will join the Pakistan Military's joint Hi-Medium Air Defence (HiMAD) and Low-Medium Air Defence (LoMAD).


YLC-2 long-range 3-D phased-array surveillance system and previously unknown YLC-6 low-level system. Six of 10 YLC-6 radars on order have so far been delivered and Pakistan is also gaining six US-made AN/TPS-77 tactical mobile radars for medium-level application.

During the 5th China International Electronic Exhibition (CIDEX) held in Beijing in April 2006, 14th Institute of China Electronic Technology Corporation (CETC) revealed its YLC-20 two-station passive surveillance radar system, which appears to be similar to the VERA-E. It is not known whether the YLC-20 has any connection to the VERA-E technology.

Green Pine

The Arrow Weapon System features a state-of-the-art EL/M2080 L-band radar, Green Pine, based on the decades of experience in developing technological solutions for early warning and fire control defense systems.

The Elta Electronic Industries subsidiary of IAI Electronic Group developed the Green Pine early warning and fire control radar for the Arrow system. The radar carries the designation EL/M-2090 and includes the trailer mounted radar and antenna array, the power generator, a cooling system and a radar control centre.

Green Pine is an electronically scanned, solid state, phased array radar operating at L-band in the range 500MHz to 1,000MHz, and was developed from the Elta Music phased array radar. The radar operates in search, detection, tracking and missile guidance modes simultaneously.

The radar can detect targets at ranges up to about 500km and is able to track targets up to speeds over 3,000m/s. The radar illuminates the target and guides the Arrow missile to within 4m of the target.

The radar has the following features:

Phased array L-band radar
Dual mode operation - early warning and fire control
Long range acquisition capability - several hundred kilometers
Simultaneous tracking of dozens of Tactical Ballistic Missiles (TBM)
Clear discrimination between TBMs, aircraft and other missiles
ECCM capability

He said China began marketing a Kolchuga derivative at the 2005 IDEX International Defence Exhibition in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates.

older radars--

American origin TPS-43G
German MPDR-45, 60 and 90 radars linked through the command and control centres to provided low level and high level coverage along the entire length of the country.
SLC-2 is an Artillery Locating Radar.
Hughes AN/TPQ-36 mortar locating radar
Hughes AN/TPQ-37 artillery locating radar
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We have also purchased Italian SPADA, and are currently in negotiations to purchase a number of long range Chinese SAM's with ToT.
Is not the radar too small for 450 km range? So Pakistan has only TPS-77 and Vera both cannot be used as fire control radar.

Some Russian long range radars similar to Vera,





But all these are out dated by modern long range active phased array radars,
Is not the radar too small for 450 km range? So Pakistan has only TPS-77 and Vera both cannot be used as fire control radar.

ive found some more long range radars used by pak [posted above]-- there might be more, im no professional:no:
As the VISION-2020 suggest India as a Nuclear power and IAF as a Nuclear force. India will have to acquire the capability of launching these weapons thus the delivery system for the Nuclear arsenals and to defend them. For this IAF would have a major role to play as via-air dropping is the easiest and the most common method used in wars.

Currently IAF is under development with first to acquire the force multipliers and setting up of a Nuclear Command And Post. If we take a look at the IAF's fleet of year 2020, the list would as follows-

(A) Frontline Fighters

1) (FGFA)
2) (MRCA)
3) Su-30 MKI
4) MCA (Medium Combat Aircraft) (Fighter/Bomber/Recon)
5) LCA (Light Combat Aircraft) KH-2001
6) Mig-29K (The non- carrier version)
7) Mig-27
8) Mig-21- (Fighter)
9) Jaguar (Fighter)
10) Mig-23 (Fighter)

(B) Long Range bombers and Recon aircrafts

1) MCA (Medium Combat Aircraft) (Fighter/Bomber/Recon)
2) Tu-22M3 Backfire (Bomber/Recon)
3) Mig-25 Foxbat (Recon)
4) Mirage-2000 (Bomber)
5) Mig-23 (Bomber)
6) Jaguar (Recon)
7) AVATAR (Solid Fueled Space Based) (Recon)
8) Mig-21-93 (Recon)
9) Su-30 MKI (Recon/Bomber)
10) (MRCA)

(C) Light/Heavy/Executive Transports

1) IL-76MD Candid B (Heavy Transporter)
2) IL-214 (Light Transport)
3) ATR (Light transport and Executive)
4) Dornier 228 (Light transport/Executive)
5) Boeing 737-300 (Executive)
6) Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules
7) Boeing C-17 Globemaster III

(D) Force Multipliers

1) A-50 Phalcon AEW&C (A-50 Mainstay with a Israeli Phalcon radar system)
2) EMB 145 AEW&C (Airborne Early Warning & Control) jets
3) Boeing E-3 Sentry
4) IL-78 Air to ait refueling tanker
5) Boeing 737-300 Air to ait refueling tanker

(E) Combat Helicopters

1) Mi-24/25/35 Hind (Attack/Transport Version)
2) ALAH (Adavance light attack helicopter)
3) ALH (Attack Version)
4) LAH Lancer (Light Attack Helicopter)
5) ALH (Advance Light Helicopter) (Attack Version)
6) Chetak (Attack Version)
7) Mi-8/17 (Attack Version)

(F) Executive/Heavy/Light Transport Helicopters

1) Mi-26 (The Largest Helo In the world)
2) Mi-8/17 (Transport Version)
3) Mi-24/25/35 (Transport Version)
4) ALH (Advance Light Helicopter) (Transport Version)
5) Chetak/Cheetah (Transport Version)
6) Dauphin
7) LOH Light Observation Helicopter (Transport)

(G) Observation/Recon Helicopter

1) LOH (light Observation Helicopter) (Recon)
2) Mi-24/25/35 (Recon)
3) Mi-8/17 (Recon)
4) Chetak-Cheetah (Recon)
5) ALH (Advance Light Helicopter) (Recon)

(H) Combat/non-combat capable trainers

1) HJT-36 (Advance Sub/Super sonic) (Combat Capable)
2) AJT Hawk (Advance Sub/Super sonic) (Combat Capable)
3) HJT-16 Kiran (Sub-sonic)
4) Iskara (Sub-Sonic)
5) Mg-21-93UB Trainer (Sub-Super Sonic) (Combat Capable)
6) LCA KH-2001 (Trainer) (Advance Sub-Super Sonic) (Combat Capable)
7) HPT-32 (Transport Trainer)
8) Dornier 228 (Transport trainer)
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