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PAF revamped Air Defense Alert System

It is truly in house from ground up, i reported about it here. Exact same radar i am talking about.

im going to be very honest with you, if you look at the graphic and you look at similar missiles, you'll see a striking resemblance of the body to the skydragon 50, now consider that alongside NASTP and their plans they had for the sky dragon 50...

compare that graphic to the A300 MRL i post below
View attachment 931285
what i will say is though, FAAZ-SL i think is a homegrown system, i also suggested to farooq that FAAZ may be a variant of an AAM adapted to ground launch as implied by SL
compare that graphic to the A300 MRL i post below
WhatsApp Image 2023-05-23 at 19.28.54 (1).jpeg
Holy moly! Almost ditto.
But that’s half the range😕
its half the range, but has the same 30m-20km height interception altitudes, similar body, just different control surfaces, they seem to have re designed the fins and strakes, potentially messed with the propellant and whatnot and optimised it further alongside modifying the flight control to expand range- just throwing out theories here.
its half the range, but has the same 30m-20km height interception altitudes, similar body, just different control surfaces, they seem to have re designed the fins and strakes, potentially messed with the propellant and whatnot and optimised it further alongside modifying the flight control to expand range- just throwing out theories here.
Are we sure all these pics are real deal or just representative images like the SLAMRAAM. Otherwise, yes. They seem pretty much exact same both the LOMADS and Fatah-2.
what i will say though is, just because some of these are re badged/modified Chinese systems, its not a bad thing assuming they develop them further, itll mean we skip alot of the research and development that comes with starting from scratch, instead, we start with something we know works, then modify, gain experience, expand.

Also are we sure all these pics are real deal or just representative images like the SLAMRAAM. Otherwise, yes. They seem pretty much exact same both the LOMADS and Fatah-2.

In the case of the SAM and Fatah-2, im going to go ahead and assume they are real deal, its a mixture, some are representative, some are real, some are actual photos(the radar). But i am just assuming theyre real based off of impulse/experience/deduction, there are slight variations in each photo from the systems they are based off of, plus, etc
For sure, but the caveat is figuring out how much indigenous rocket development work we've done up to this point. IIRC, Denel's rocket stack for the Umkhonto R was used in the Marlin BVR AAM. Now, with FAAZ-SL basically being our own SLAMRAAM, then suggesting that we already have an AAM in the works is a good guess. My point is that we could build upon it and do more provided we mastered the tech (like Turkiye).

One of the concerns I had with the Ra'ad-series was that it was stuck because we leveraged an idle South African project. However, AWC clearly kept developing upon what it had and produced the Ra'ad-II and Taimoor. So, that would suggest that we have done addition work on the inputs, such as miniature turbofan or turbojet, materials, and guidance stack. If the SAMs are following a similar trajectory, then we'll see longer-ranged variants and, possibly, spin-off projects like AAMs, ARMs, etc.
Could be that for FAAZ-SL they are using SD-10 for commonality.
Could be that for FAAZ-SL they are using SD-10 for commonality.
its possible buuuuuut extremely unlikely- the PAF doesnt have enough stocks of PL-15 to retire SD-10 to SAM duty, in the same way, i doubt the PAF would buy more SD-10 to fill the SAM roles instead of buying more PL-15 and retiring SD-10s.
its possible buuuuuut extremely unlikely- the PAF doesnt have enough stocks of PL-15 to retire SD-10 to SAM duty, in the same way, i doubt the PAF would buy more SD-10 to fill the SAM roles instead of buying more PL-15 and retiring SD-10s.
Well you will still need SD-10 for 100 odd blk1/2 JF-17s unless we upgrade them with AESA andmake them PL-15 compatible.
Well you will still need SD-10 for 100 odd blk1/2 JF-17s unless we upgrade them with AESA andmake them PL-15 compatible.
there is no unless, the latter is a given, it is/will happen
what i will say is though, FAAZ-SL i think is a homegrown system, i also suggested to farooq that FAAZ may be a variant of an AAM adapted to ground launch as implied by SL
With this capability developed, can we expect air to air missile development based on the tech experience?
The SHORADS FAAZ-SL is interesting. SL = Surface launched so safe to assume air launched variant might exist as well.

I'm pretty sure there several more radars in prototype phase.
FAAZ-2 "Long range BVR"
180km range, 3.5mach speed
faaz bvr.png
FAAZ-2 "Long range BVR"
180km range, 3.5mach speed
View attachment 931533
As predicted a smaller range version the "FAAZ-1" also exists which appears to have been tested and later shelved in favor of PL-15 & FAAZ-2 combo
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