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PAF ready to face challenges: Air Chief

75% of the PAF TODAY are obselete second generation mirages or second generation CHINEASE F7 ON relatively new airframe...

PAF wil be heavely reliant on a sanction threatened small fleet of F16s and unproven JFT to hold onto PAF air space about 100 planes in total

There is nothing bar the single sqd of 18 block 52S that carries the punch, power and threat that over 200 su30mki/mirage2000-5 carry in the IAF. This excludes nearly 80+ mig29smt/k

Just imagine if the AMERICANS pull the plug

In total PAF is well on the way to having 60+ very capable AMRAAM equiped F-16's - not just 18. 50 odd JF-17's are already delivered with the next batch of 50 already signed up for. Every new type and many old types can be called ' unproven ' -- doesn't mean anything more than a bit of comfort to people like you.

With regard to Americans pulling the plug - big wow. Back in the 80's PAF had no alternaives for such tech so suffered badly when the US let it down. Times have changed and the emergence of China as a producer of top end fighter jets means that this is now a none issue. Whether US pulls the plug or not - those 18 block 52's will be the last fighters PAF gets from the US.

PAF does not aim to meet the numbers or 'punch','power' of the IAF -- its stated goal is minimum credable detterance -- and it continues to meet that goal very successfully. Sure IA and IAF have threatened a few times, like after the Mumbai attacks etc, once they even came all the way to the border --and jumped up and down for a bit but ultimately went home without firing a shot. Thats called - detterance.
In total PAF is well on the way to having 60+ very capable AMRAAM equiped F-16's - not just 18. 50 odd JF-17's are already delivered with the next batch of 50 already signed up for. Every new type and many old types can be called ' unproven ' -- doesn't mean anything more than a bit of comfort to people like you.

With regard to Americans pulling the plug - big wow. Back in the 80's PAF had no alternaives for such tech so suffered badly when the US let it down. Times have changed and the emergence of China as a producer of top end fighter jets means that this is now a none issue. Whether US pulls the plug or not - those 18 block 52's will be the last fighters PAF gets from the US.

PAF does not aim to meet the numbers or 'punch','power' of the IAF -- its stated goal is minimum credable detterance -- and it continues to meet that goal very successfully. Sure IA and IAF have threatened a few times, like after the Mumbai attacks etc, once they even came all the way to the border --and jumped up and down for a bit but ultimately went home without firing a shot. Thats called - detterance.

Nicly constructed post!
Well we can say, PAF is considered a experinced airforce regurding F-16s & it has mastered it to the perfection also it knows how to counter any challenges thrown against it?
Well about USA commitment to PAF for F-16s that leg pulling from USA already has brought us J-10bs into PAF,s vry near future plans & with china standing close to pakistan ,PAF has no worries to look anywhere else!
In 3 years time hving 60 odd J10bz & 60 odd J16z which are the most advanced version of MKK2 & MKKIs plus 100 thunders & 100 crunt F16z also nt to mention 70 battries of HQ9SAMz PAF will be the force , which can meet any challenge at any time , any where to anyone!
LOL dude this comment of yours convinced me that you are really mentally challenged.
BTW partying??...wooow...that too in USA woooow...i am impressed(thats what you expect me to say)...but what are you doing there as it is a HARAM and they dont serve halal food also...and what is the fun in partying when you dont consume alcohol?

oh right..you are a 13 year old having coke and chips with your friend and call that partying.

And btw be thankful to Indians who are saving your assaz in USA....confused??...Let me give you a hint...it has something to do with some peope claiming to be Indians :lol:

Thats what we call "FOB" here :lol:

indians like you (neeray painduuuu) come to USA and embarrass your countrymen who are in USA for long time.

So first thing : Partying doesn't always mean 'frat parties' (Go google what does this term mean)...Secondly , you think alcohol is the only 'fun' part (even in frat parties)?....PAINDUUUUU bhartiya.. :rofl:

Mr Lonely , get a girlfriend please and be more social.

Thirdly , how are you assuming that I don't drink alcohol? I drink alcohol or I don't drink alcohol..its NONE of YOUR business little vege hindu :lol: Pity on you who thinks that there is no fun in party without alcohol...how about smoking weed? :woot: Anyways , I have guessed that you are a little teenage lonely boy who only thinks frat-style parties as "parties" ...because afterall , you rarely go to even frat parties because you are so low on confidence...

Get some class my friend...and some life too.
Thats what we call "FOB" here :lol:

indians like you (neeray painduuuu) come to USA and embarrass your countrymen who are in USA for long time.

So first thing : Partying doesn't always mean 'frat parties' (Go google what does this term mean)...Secondly , you think alcohol is the only 'fun' part (even in frat parties)?....PAINDUUUUU bhartiya.. :rofl:

Mr Lonely , get a girlfriend please and be more social.

Thirdly , how are you assuming that I don't drink alcohol? I drink alcohol or I don't drink alcohol..its NONE of YOUR business little vege hindu :lol: Pity on you who thinks that there is no fun in party without alcohol...how about smoking weed? :woot: Anyways , I have guessed that you are a little teenage lonely boy who only thinks frat-style parties as "parties" ...because afterall , you rarely go to even frat parties because you are so low on confidence...

Get some class my friend...and some life too.

Come back to the thread instead showing your party skills man!
This bit is pure GUESSING and wishing and you know thats true

In 3 years time hving 60 odd J10bz & 60 odd J16z which are the most advanced version of MKK2 & MKKIs plus 100 thunders & 100 crunt F16z also nt to mention 70 battries of HQ9SAMz PAF will be the force , which can meet any challenge at any time , any where to anyone!

200 new fighters in 3 years ie

Additional 40 F16
60 NEW fc20
60 new J11

Those additionsd would cost $10 billion

PAF wont spend that in the next decade even spread over 30 years of payment plans
hello maty..
try to find about the fate of Saab erieye while you are there...If permanently damaged or repaired and flying...
I cant PM you or i had asked in PM....

Hi Safder,

Thanks for reminding me, infact I am invited tomorrow for dinner, would ask someone, dont worry.;)
Hope you all know that Ex. Saffron Bandit Ex has been around for well over a 20+ years now. Not sure why its news now?

Privilege offered by PDF. !!!
Hence even the pond frog catches a cold. !!!
Hope you all know that Ex. Saffron Bandit Ex has been around for well over a 20+ years now. Not sure why its news now?

One could consider that such a name speaks of the same old mindset increasingly irrelevant in a rapidly changing world, possibly?
Well there was a report last year in an Indian TV channel and also an article came out in an Indian newspaper of PAF capabilities. Maybe people have seen that report previously, but I am still show the article below to the first two members who think PAF is not what it used to be.

IAF losing edge over PAF

Shiv Aroor & Durga Nandini | HEADLINES TODAY | New Delhi, April 20, 2011 | UPDATED 21:25 IST

The Pakistan Air Force is stronger than ever. Since the last Indo-Pak air war of 1971, the Pakistan Air Force has with steely determination built up numbers, lethal capabilities and a combat force now counted as one of the most disciplined and well-trained air forces in the world.

Headlines Today has a disturbing proof that all this has made India worried. A recent presentation by the defence intelligence establishment paints a morbid picture of how the numbers and capability advantage that the Indian Air Force has always found comfort in is rapidly slipping away.

Headlines Today has accessed the recent presentation made to the Ministry of Defence. The document makes singularly ominous projections. The most glaring warning is about combat force ratio.

The presentation says that the ratio of 1:1.7 is likely to progressively dip to 1:1.2 by the end of 2012. It describes this as a "historic low". It also says that the traditional hi-tech advantage is almost equal now with 9.5:11 squadron ratio.

With Pakistan rapidly acquiring early warning aircraft, mid-air refuellers and long-range missiles, the technology gap is at a historic low.

It is a wake-up call to India's military planners. The decisions taken now could forever doom the crucial advantage that the Indian Air Force has always enjoyed against an adversary that can never be underestimated.

A formidable adversary

The last time the air forces of India and Pakistan fought a full-blown war was forty years ago.

But if the Pakistan Air Force of 1971 was an enemy to be reckoned with, circumstances have made it an even more formidable adversary today.

The internal assessment by the Indian defence establishment makes some grimly practical projections in the light of an adversary emboldened by an unfettered modernisation spree.

The government has been warned that with the Indian Air Force's edge slipping fast, the Pakistan Air Force's assertiveness is likely to increase.

Once seen as a primarily defensive force, the Pakistan Air Force will use its new strength to employ offensive and defensive operations in equal measure.

With new precision weapons, the Pakistan Air Force will conduct limited strikes to achieve strategic effects.

The one thing that won't change -- high-value targets in J&K will be high-priority targets for the PAF.

There's a deeper threat at play than just fighter numbers. Consider these newly inducted force multiplers that all but kill the Indian air advantage. Pakistan is inducting four Swedish Saab Erieye and four Chinese Y-8 airborne early warning aircraft, while India, currently, has three.

India no longer has the mid-air refueller advantage. Pakistan is inducting four identical IL-78M aircraft.

The Indian Air Force's UAV advantage is also disappearing. Pakistan is acquiring 25 European UAVs, with more in the pipeline.

Despite the ominous projections of the presentation, there are those who believe the Indian Air Force will always remain on top. Among them, Air Marshal Denzil Keelor, one half of the legendary Keelor brothers, who scored independent India's first air-to-air kill against Pakistan in 1965.

But for the IAF to remain ahead, and stem the swiftly dwindling capability advantage over Pakistan, it needs to make some hard decisions across the board.

Delayed decisions

Rapid inductions of new generation fighters give the Pakistan Air Force significantly enhanced fighting potential.

The air superiority fighter advantage that the IAF once enjoyed is progressively disappearing.

A determined plugging of air defence gaps with radars and missiles has starkly reduced the Indian Air Force's freedom of action in the event of war.

There are several reasons why the situation has been allowed to get so grim for the Indian Air Force.

Delays in the Tejas have forced the Air Force to grapple with stop-gap arrangements that don't quite cut it.

The Indian mother of all deals for 126 new fighters is still incomplete more than ten years after the IAF said it needed the aircraft urgently.

Finally, with an ageing Soviet fleet of aircraft (MIGs) that are troublesome and facing retirement, the Air Force looks at an even greater dip in the numbers advantage.

The message to the Defence Ministry and the government is simple. Cut your losses and plan hard for the future. If you don't, the Indian Air Force will lose the one thing you've always counted on: its combat edge.

Well there was a report last year in an Indian TV channel and also an article came out in an Indian newspaper of PAF capabilities. Maybe people have seen that report previously, but I am still show the article below to the first two members who think PAF is not what it used to be.

This is an incredibly short-term situation- within the decade the gap will start to grow irreversibly.
This is an incredibly short-term situation- within the decade the gap will start to grow irreversibly.

Capacity building and capability enhancement is never irreversible. It can atrophy over time if you are not constantly modernizing. Due to the sheer size of the militaries on both sides (Pak and India), constant modernization is not an option. Secondly and as a result of the first, modernizations is a periodic phenomena in our region. All sides will engage in it periodically. With force multipliers, the region is already seeing massive rationalization and also new force projection paradigms.
Capacity building and capability enhancement is never irreversible. It can atrophy over time if you are not constantly modernizing. Due to the sheer size of the militaries on both sides (Pak and India), constant modernization is not an option. Secondly and as a result of the first, modernizations is a periodic phenomena in our region. All sides will engage in it periodically. With force multipliers, the region is already seeing massive rationalization and also new force projection paradigms.

& this is happening because our region has 4 nuclear armed nations 1 suspected one, 3 different war theaters & 1 with hving a 90% posibility for becoming one?
PAF took a giant step in the past 12 years getting refuelers getting new thunders, getting MLUs for F16s, & getting blk 52s, aquiring HQ9z & different kinds of radars!
Was that all was nt important?
Right now as we speak, PAF is leading the airfront with fast speed just because special situations being displayed by other major powers in the region, & we can't do much about that?
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