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PAF JF-17 in Farnborough Air Show 2010

well everybody contributed in this thread by sharing pictures of their visit to Farnborough. I think its not a good idea to share same poses again n again and to register my presence their in farnborough i am thinking to only post Pilots, technicans and other Staff pictures in my coming posts. The aircraft was standing at the same place and i am sure everybody got the same view as i did so there is no point sharing similar pictures again n again.

So below are some PAF staff accompanied by JF-17
I start with the flag of Pakistan, found near the entrance








I love Chinese, this guy was happier than myself and praising me for developing this aircraft. I explained him about the real developer of this aircraft and he was extremely happy to hear the collaboration between both countries and this once again realized me about the brotherhood between the both nations

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I think it would be unfair if i don't share even a single picture :confused:

So last pic from myself about JF-17


I have got 297 high resolution pictures of my visit including pictures of many aircrafts including F-35. The total folder size is around 1.17GB and if anybody interested i can upload somewhere for you :P
Zaki Excellent Pictures - Finally you're making some good posts instead of just trying to raise your post count.(JK)
Well most of the pics seen in this thread look the same. The guys at pakistani defence have done a gr8 job. this guy actually posted his pic standing next to JF 17. Now i dont know if this was allowed or not but i have not seen anyone post such a pic or even talk about it and if i am wrong plz do correct me.



This must be Hussain... about whom a few posters were talking earlier on.
Well most of the pics seen in this thread look the same. The guys at pakistani defence have done a gr8 job. this guy actually posted his pic standing next to JF 17. Now i dont know if this was allowed or not but i have not seen anyone post such a pic or even talk about it and if i am wrong plz do correct me.

One small mistake happened, there was a visitor card available at the entrance for only a little amount. I did not know that before entering the site. Whoever had that card had access to go very close to the aircrafts. I mean in another words you could touch them. We as a ticket holder only had access very near but could not touch most equipments however i got an opportunity to sit on the cockpit of Eurofighter Typhoon + physically touch many UAVs and other aviation equipments just like that guy is doing on that JF-17 aircraft.

Sorry cannot post my own pictures for some reasons :confused:
self delete.......

picture of my cousin sitting on cockpit of Eurofighter is removed
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I think it would be unfair if i don't share even a single picture :confused:

So last pic from myself about JF-17


I have got 297 high resolution pictures of my visit including pictures of many aircrafts including F-35. The total folder size is around 1.17GB and if anybody interested i can upload somewhere for you :P

I am interested. If you can upload something that big on some file sharing site that would be great. Do you have any TuAF 737 AEW&C pics ? You took of the Static ?
I am interested. If you can upload something that big on some file sharing site that would be great. Do you have any TuAF 737 AEW&C pics ? You took of the Static ?

oh no actually i only took pictures of JF-17, F-35, F-16, F15E, F-18, couple of UAVs including Falco, ScanEagle etc, some helicopters, missiles and some random pictures of avionics, engines and some flying objects.

Sorry did not take the picture of TuAF 737 however i was able to see it very closely. Wanted to start from JF-17 incase battery does not get finished and when i was over taking pictures, i was too tired to go back and take its picture :cry:

I am sorry once again
oh no actually i only took pictures of JF-17, F-35, F-16, F15E, F-18, couple of UAVs including Falco, ScanEagle etc, some helicopters, missiles and some random pictures of avionics, engines and some flying objects.

Sorry did not take the picture of TuAF 737 however i was able to see it very closely. Wanted to start from JF-17 incase battery does not get finished and when i was over taking pictures, i was too tired to go back and take its picture :cry:

I am sorry once again

That is cool. Where did you get pictures of the F-35 ? I didn't know they had it there. Or was it a mock up ?
self delete
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Thanks for the clarification Zaki. I was actually surprised to see people touch the planes. I will quote this guy SHAZMAN(same guy touching JF17) from pakistani defence, i felt his post was informative and should be shared here as well.
I also went today and will upload pix tommorrow but what an amazing day, not just for jf17 but all other aircraft on display and the flying display was capped off by the Red Arrows towards the end. in one word, they were awesome but the jf17 really made my day. Spent alot of time here standing next to the planes having my pix taken with them. Also spoke to the two pilots who flew them here and some really open and frank discussions with them.

The reason they gave about not flying was that everything was done at so such short notice. Getting the clearance and the visas on the passports etc. The technicians also 'stuck to the same story'. They did emphasise that there was no political reason for this. It was a late invitation. They will be back in 2012 however and inshallah will fly. There is another airshow in China later this year and one in singapore where they will fly.

They confirmed that they prefered flying the JF-17 to the current F-16s. They also mentioned that J-10 is definitely on its way, its just a matter of financial resources but it isn't a constraint
. They (the pilots) did say that J-10 will be a much more superior fighter to the JF17s and once the currentl F-16 are MLU'd then they will be even better than the Thunder. It is only better then them in their current configuration but it will also be improved over time. The idea is that it will be the main workhorse of the PAF replacing A-5s, Mirages and F-7s. However, thunder will carry out all missions and not only just air defence.

There was a whole array of missiles on display including the SD-10 and WMD-7. I also saw a huge anti-ship missile which they claimed was better than the exocet. I can't remember it's name but it should be on the pix.

The pilots and the crew were so happy that so many British Pakistanis had turned up. It was'nt only guys and geeks but families and young men with their wives and mothers and aunties etc. Some people had even travelled from Scotland. When i got close to the planes and saw the enthausiasm and unity the Pakistani crowd showed towards these birds and the whole aircrew, i got a lump in my throat. To set eyes and actually touch these birds was the highlight of my day. I can't even begin to tell you how proud everyone was on seeing this tremendous achievement. One really touching scene was an old buzurg, maybe around 80 who's son was pushing him in a wheelchair. They let him into the enclosure and to be up close and personal with the planes and he musstered up the strength to get out of the wheelchair and walk towards the aircraft and touch it as well. I could see so many emotions run across his face and the one look of awe and proudness on his face really summed it up for me. I can't even emphasise to you guys how proud everyone was today. People were just beaming like cheshire cats.

It was such a hot day and the sun was beating down but people queued patiently and the pilots and the aircrew's attitude was fantastic. Talk about performing good PR. These guys were very polite and very professional. I spent so much time talking to them and not once did they cut me off or walk away towards someone else.

As well as Pakistanis, there were indians and sikhs there and they looked so impressed by what they saw. It really was a great atmosphere.

There was also a sizeable chinese contingent there as well. Some students, some foreign workers and people who had settled here. They felt just as proud as the Pakistanis and had their pictures taken with the birds and the air crew. In fact they even looked happier than the Pakistanis.

In addition to the chinese there were many local english and european air enthausiasts who were very impressed with the plane and were queuing up so they could get a closer look and have their pictures taken.

I also took an opportunity to go indoors and look for the PAC/CATIC stand so i could pick up a few brochures and leaflets as souvenirs but the time was approaching 5.30pm and the show was winding down. By the time I got there, the whole stand was empty apart from two large Thunder models. No leaflets, nothing. There was chinese guy sat behind the counter and I asked him about souvenirs etc but he went inside and called somebody out. This guy was an old Pakistani gentlemen and also happend to be the assistan director of projects for the JF-17 Thunder project (can't remember his name now) but he was very nice and very polite. His boss reports directly to the Pakistani PM. I just ended up having a half hour conversation with him about the project from conception and design through to final product implementation.

From my conversation with him, he did mention that there were no issues with the Russians supplying the RD-93s. In fact the PAF purchased all of these up front and they are ALL sat in storage in Pakistan. He was very happy with the Russian engine and indicated that it will stay in the current batch of thunders. When the WS-13 becomes available, it will be incorporated into the future thunders being manufactured at that time but will not replace the RD93s already in use. Will cost them more to do this anyway but the engine is spot on.

This whole news was indian masty. He also mentioned the LCA being rejected by the IAF as it is dated and doesn't meet their current requirements. I think the IAF are embarrassed about this aircraft.

Regarding radar, Pakistan is developing a radar based on chinese design and it is in house. He did not give too much away about the French radar whether the PAF are getting it or not but showed alot of confidence in the system being developed in Pakistan.

Regarding exports, he stated the response was extremely positive from various countries but orders will take time since each customer has to specifiy their needs and request configurations specific to them. He did not elaborate which countries although the pilots I spoke to were very confident about Egypt being one of the first customers. He discounted Turkey because of their involvement with the JSF. They also have a very large F-16 fleet.

He briefly mentioned use of composite materials for future thunders and they already working on this and possibly integrating some composite technology into the current models being manufactured.

I mentioned the youtube videos to him, recording the landings of the planes and the reception from local english air enthausiasts since everyone was interested. He told me he arrived beforehand and that he was actually in the air control tower watching when the first plane landed and as it did so, all the english people in the a.c.t broke into applause and cheering and they were congratulating him on these new birds.

Another interesting snippet he mentioned, happened during the Gripen press conference when the Gripen team were talking about their bird and all its current features when a foreign journalist got up and bascially pointed out that most of the features described for the Gripen were also available in the JF17 Thunder but at a mcuh lower cost so how can they justify the costs for the Gripen. The Gripen rep had no answer to this question.

I really think PAF have hit the jackpot here with this plane because I can see it wiping Gripen and the older generation of F-16s out of the market. Especially for third world and central and south american companies. The assistant projects director (somebody plz remind me of his name) was very confident about this.

So, it was a fantastic day and I got more than my expectations from it. If anybody else has a personal story to share about their day in Farnborough then please do so.
That is cool. Where did you get pictures of the F-35 ? I didn't know they had it there. Or was it a mock up ?

Trust me, thats the best machine i have ever seen in my life :woot:
I was stunned to see the length of F-35

See this is JF-17 thread and i do not want to spoil it. I share just one picture of it and that too without image tag. Open it by clicking on it



PS: By its length it looks like 2 F16s = 1 F-35
F-16 looks a baby in front of F-35

Edit: Look at the engine of F-35 for example, its a power house.... We could generate 10mw of electricity on such a mighty engine :lol:

that was my last off-topic post, sorry
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:smitten:I can't wait till Turkey gets these we will be making the F135 engines in Turkey. As well as the F-35 eventually like the case was with the F-16s.

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