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PAF JF-17 in Farnborough Air Show 2010

This year 43 aircheifs from round the world were there....
Flying display in europe can be costly in other airshows .... But RIAT dont charge much for participation..
So good chance of international,european exposure.
YeaI its good to make them burn due to their jealosy that we are able to make such a capable fighter. Nomore dependance on the West..........:lol:
YeaI its good to make them burn due to their jealosy that we are able to make such a capable fighter. Nomore dependance on the West..........:lol:

I don't know why you're making such immature comments,People in here specially aviation enthusiasts were waiting for PAF to give a green signal for JF-17 Thunder,Many whom I know were anxious to see this aircraft fly in European airspace,RIAT invited them but it was PAF who declined that invitation.

This year 43 aircheifs from round the world were there....
Flying display in europe can be costly in other airshows .... But RIAT dont charge much for participation..
So good chance of international,european exposure.

Oh I was so hoping they would send Thunder this year anyhow maybe next time I get lucky.
Oh I was so hoping they would send Thunder this year anyhow maybe next time I get lucky.

That maybe possible but less likely. JF-17 has made three major appearances at Izmir, Farnborough an Zhuhai. Next appearance at a airshow would be made at a major event away from these places. PAC/CAC have got interest from as many as 13 countries for now, who have sent their delegation at PAC. For now, these are enough. Next appearance is likely to be after the customers other than PAF's orders are being fulfilled.
I wonder what was the reason that PAF declined? I would love to see JF-17 doing a flying show!!!

It costs a lot to send a pair of jets, pilots, support teams, and maintenance crew to a european country. Even if there is no fee for participation, expenses for boarding an dlodging of a team of 20 would be quite significant and for what perpose?

Probably PAF is waiting for Block II to materialize with new features to participate with a mature platform with all weapons integrated. There is no point showing thesame machine again.
It costs a lot to send a pair of jets, pilots, support teams, and maintenance crew to a european country. Even if there is no fee for participation, expenses for boarding an dlodging of a team of 20 would be quite significant and for what perpose?

Probably PAF is waiting for Block II to materialize with new features to participate with a mature platform with all weapons integrated. There is no point showing thesame machine again.

Thats the same as arguing wht the americans sent Armstrong to the moon at billions of dollars of expense...

Advertisment of a country's capabilities in technology brings business and good impression..
Thats the same as arguing wht the americans sent Armstrong to the moon at billions of dollars of expense...

Advertisment of a country's capabilities in technology brings business and good impression..

I would disagree for two reasons. Sending a manned mission on the moon and participatin in a n exhibition to display / offer your product for sale are tow totally different things and can't be compared.

Purpose of participation in millitary exhibitions is to showcase the capabilities of your equipment that you are offering for sale, which we have already done on three ocassions. Any one who is interested in JF-17 probably has the relevant details with them, its not that their decission will be influenced by a fly show in an exhibition , although it will draw attention.

Once the attention is drawn, the prospective customer would want a mature product with all the necessary weapon/equipment integration which can be delivered in a reasonable time frame, which for a fact we all know is not the case as I write these lines. Wepaon integration is still in process which may take another 2/3 years tocomplete for the advertised weapons. Secondly Pakistan still has to complete its own requiremnets before it can be sold to any third party. Third, to export this platform with Russian engine will require NOC from Russia.

I would find it logical to participate again when the weapon/equipment integration and testing is complete at least on block I, Let the productspeak for itself.

When the platform is inducted in PAF in good numbers and preferably also in PLAF. PAF takes Thunders to participate international air exercises and shows good performance, then the customers will automatically be attracted with the need for any advertising / exhibitions.

French took their Rafel to implement no fly zone over Lybia only as a publicity stunt for their product not for any humanitarian reasons and showed the world its performance in real use.
YeaI its good to make them burn due to their jealosy that we are able to make such a capable fighter. Nomore dependance on the West..........:lol:

Immature statement. The flying display is a great marketing technique. What would you rather buy? Something that flys in front of you and you can measure the aerodynamic and other capability or something that exists in a fancy brochure?


Thanks for you post. The person in the middle is test pilot of Pak-Fa, Yes a stealth pilot:D. He visited JF-17 twice in FB'2010 and was greatly impressed by the design and cockpit layout. Airchiefs of Egyptian AF, Jordanian AF, Senior officers from Omani AF, RAF and USAF also visited the PAC stall.
Pakistan's Ex-PM Nawaz Sharif, Pushpindar Singh (renowned Indian Aviation analyst) were among noticeable people that visited JF-17 in FB'2010.

Is that Sq Ldr Hussain on the left , who was martyred in the JFT crash ?
I don't know why you're making such immature comments,People in here specially aviation enthusiasts were waiting for PAF to give a green signal for JF-17 Thunder,Many whom I know were anxious to see this aircraft fly in European airspace,RIAT invited them but it was PAF who declined that invitation.

Oh I was so hoping they would send Thunder this year anyhow maybe next time I get lucky.

Hey Assalam Alaikum .... Bhai app tou apne baby se mile aur kiya chahiye (EF2000)
The current airframe with current engine is capable to add two more hard points and routine testing will be required. I am saying this because i was given a solid argument by a friend on this job. Infact, prototype 5 was tested experimentally to carry two more hard points briefly which were later removed. We will see them along with IFR and rest will be avionics modifications in blk 2 and from blk 3, IRST will be integrated. I have seen pics with two additional hard points in CAD imagery but there is a limit to what i can share on JFT.

What was or is the location of these 2 additional hard points? under wings or intakes?
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