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PAF JF-17 in Farnborough Air Show 2010

Areesh...Mods explained to use defence.pk not PDF its a different forum.
Requesting all members who are going for the airshow, to collect as much information on JF-17 from there. Any leaflets, brochure or from the authority.. Especially on the avionics, radar, arms to be used, communication [don't forget to ask about the antenna] etc.. This is the best event to collect the right information..

best of luck on your ''fact finding mission'' :lol:


Sir it does not make sense. Why would we go this far just for a static display? I mean JF-17 is for the very first time being displayed in an International exhibition where defense attaches from numerous countries are visiting and some have keen interest in the JF-17. Wouldn't this be a bad PR for the jet if we don't fly it. Can you please shed some more light on to it?


Some legal issues were in the way of demonstrations. These may get resolved, but I have not seen an indication of this.
lol @ image Abu Zolfiqar you should suggest him polo mint wali goli too.

Is that b'coz i'm carrying an Indian flag ??.. for your information I'm a fan of all aircraft and that includes JF-17.. Also I have a huge collection of probably all published info from the beginning of JF-17 and its pics.... Feels scary now ??:rofl:
For all members, i have come to know that JFT Will fly at farnborough and this is why they sent two aircrafts not one. One would have done the job of static display easily and also reduced expenses. Two for static display does not make sense anyway when one can do it cheaply.

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