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PAF going for MI-35 attack helicopters?

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I think Pakistan should go for T-129 , South Korea , Saudi Arabia , Azerbaijan and a few more countries interested , Azerbaijan and South korea one is very serious atm , South Korea doing tests for them

The T-129 has been on the table for quite some time but the pace of development has been slower than anticipated and I believe that the Hinds will be sought in small numbers to pull some load off the Cobras that are flying constant sorties in and out of FATA. In the long run, the key interest will remain the T-129 since it is a more modern and more manoeuvrable bird.
Can anyone please suggest credibility of the claim that columnist has made? He says Pakistan Air Force is intended to buy Sukhoi 30 Fighter Jets.

Daily Jang, Aug 26, 2012


Where do you read Su-30? It's saying Mi-24/35.

Read from the first line!

مگر اب پاکستان نے روس سے دنیا کا سب سے جدید لڑاکا طیارہ سخوئی 30 خریدنے کا ارادہ ظاہر کیا ہے۔

If russia decides that it is time for it to be a super power one more time then one of the most important tasks right up front are of the creation of new alliances---.

If---russia decides that it is time for it to start up a relationship with pakistan---then all the indian investments and defence procurements would mean nothing to it. Russia is basically cut off from every other side and has nowhere else to go except to pakistan.

Pakistan as well has been declared a pariah nation by the useless bantering of Obama---pakistan will seek a new alliance as well.

The statements of Barak Obama regarding pakistan have reached the height of stupidity by any american president in the past---. No american president has ever and under any circumstances condemned and bashed an ally nation as Obama has done to pakistan---.

History will judge Obama harshly if and when pakistan and russia form an aliiance and russians get to use the gwadar port and have access thru pakistan. It will be a shamefull and sorrowful loss to any legacy that Obama might leave when the russian navy docks at gwadar port.

That would be the day of infamy for the u s presidency---a day of utmost shame and loss.

If Obama wins this election---then russia has a few more years to think about it---but if the republicans win the election---things might change for pakistan---the republicans will apologize how Obama treated pakistan and they will want to have better relationship one more time.

If that happens---then the gesture of friendship from pakistan may not be as warm as it is now. Pakistan is down at this time---the helpfull gesture from russia at this time would be extremely welcome by the pakistani community. Unlike the us of a---russia has been more supportive of its allies than the u s.

The american tenure in afg is coming to an end---the afghans have given many of their mineral concessions to china---. The americans---even ater all the hoopla will be coming home empty handed---the chinese will be the winners by claiming all the mineral exploration and the russians will have a raod and railroad open to warm waters----.

Thank you Barak Hossein Obama----what an idiot of a president you have been for the united states of america.

As a matter of fact Condoleeza Rice in her speech at RNC made a hint at bad relationship by democrats with their allies---. Rumsfeld and Cheney had come out extremely strong when Obama was condemning pakistan regarding Osama.

Rumsfeld openly stated---there are rows of houses on the potomac where someone could hide and no one would know who is residing in there---and same thing with Cheney---.
A few years ago Pakistan Army Aviation ventured to buy a few Mi-35 night attack helicopters from Poland. These were basically used helicopters for the purpose of Air Aerobatic Display and were in pretty good condition. Bu the deal never went through because the Army realized that even if they would get the helicopters from Poland, they will face uncertain future as the critical spares support, GSE, maintenance parameters etc had to be sourced from a pro-Indian Russia. The deal hence did not go through.

Unless Russia openly announces relaxation in its arms export policy towards Pakistan and its official Arms Export Office opens a branch in Pakistan, all such claims by CAS or the analysts will remain just that, claims!!!!
MK sir , i didn't understand your logic ''if russia decide alliance witth pakistan , India investments in defence is nothing to it????? they are in need of money alot.... What kinda advantages pak will give over India to Russia???? Russians are very much cautious about their move against west.... russians views against west is changing, have you forget membership in WTO and their response about afghan....
Can this author differentiate between a 'C-130' and 'C-17'? Last I check PAF does not have any C-17's and all the donkey work is done either on the C-130 or the newly acquired IL-76 Air Refuelers! So much for the journalistic credibility!!

Can anyone please suggest credibility of the claim that columnist has made? He says Pakistan Air Force is intended to buy Sukhoi 30 Fighter Jets.

Daily Jang, Aug 26, 2012

1st of all this will never materialize that Russia sell any Offensive equipment to Pakistan worth few million, when more than 50billion dollars worth of business in stake. PAF or PA or PN can say anything to Russian counterparts but the question is will they even consider ? Well absolutely not. Trust me it was yet another Chai biscuit meeting for your generals :lol:

Didn't India say Russia won't supply China with RD-93 for Pakistan's JF-17?
MK sir , i didn't understand your logic ''if russia decide alliance witth pakistan , India investments in defence is nothing to it????? they are in need of money alot.... What kinda advantages pak will give over India to Russia???? Russians are very much cautious about their move against west.... russians views against west is changing, have you forget membership in WTO and their response about afghan....


Russia is not in a financial bind---gas prices are up--secondly---look at the geographical map and the recent events in the middle east----russia has lost all its allies in a single year and the only one left---syria---does not have much to offer to it.

On the other hand---it is back to the warm water port---a direct access of goods and services thru afghanistan.

Again---geographically---india has nothing to offer to russia any more---and india cannot---as it is already allied with the U S.

The losses in middle east have been tremendous for the russians. They will have to re-group and re-think their game plan. Indian defence deals would make little difference. It has to become a matter of pride for russia to see where it wants to stand in the coming times.

Plus india is also caught in a catch22 situation---it simply cannot cancel its defence deals with russia due to financial constraints and also it will have to bear the burden of starting all over again.

Bottomline---india has nowhere to go with its supposed defence deal threats. It will be caught between a rock and a hard place---ie---the u s and russia---now which one is the rock and which one is the hard place---you decide.

Pakistan just has to playits cards right---has to keep nudging the russians and keep them informed about the timing of the u s elections---. Never has been a time for russia where the whole of the pakistani civilian population will supoort this move as well as the pak millitary---.

Which mean that the 'blabber mouth' Barak Obama has prsented pakistan on a platter to the soviet unions---excuse me---russia---well done usa---well done.

Russia is not in a financial bind---gas prices are up--secondly---look at the geographical map and the recent events in the middle east----russia has lost all its allies in a single year and.........which one is the hard place---you decide.

Pakistan just has to playits cards right---has to keep nudging the russians and keep them informed about the timing of the u s elections---. Never has been a time for russia where the whole of the pakistani civilian population will supoort this move as well as the pak millitary---.

Which mean that the 'blabber mouth' Barak Obama has prsented pakistan on a platter to the soviet unions---excuse me---russia---well done usa---well done.

Mastan Sahib, thats the thing isn't it ? Pakistan, usually, is embarrassingly bad at playing her cards right ! I don't what happened to the people whom some of the more capable guys in the Muslim League cadre groomed to take over for the next generation because between the Indus Water Treaty, Tashkent, Simla and a whole host of other things we appear to never deliberate the repercussions of our actions. The only two good things that I can think of, in International Politics, that we managed to do right were - China and maybe..just maybe our relation with KSA ! Pataa nahin whats wrong with our diplomats...they can't be, in all reason, be expected to play our cards right !
Ahh It will be ok IF russia aligns with Pak [ highly doubtful ] ...India has done good so far by not leaning too much to either side ..and since a new side is rising fast [ China ].India stands to gain more by its policy
So which helicopter is paf finally going for ?

helicopter hawa hawai
i dont think russia have forgotten the U2 spy plane incident specially when cold war era ex KGB agent is heading the nation.

Russia is not in a financial bind---gas prices are up--secondly---look at the geographical map and the recent events in the middle east----russia has lost all its allies in a single year and the only one left---syria---does not have much to offer to it.

On the other hand---it is back to the warm water port---a direct access of goods and services thru afghanistan.

Again---geographically---india has nothing to offer to russia any more---and india cannot---as it is already allied with the U S.

The losses in middle east have been tremendous for the russians. They will have to re-group and re-think their game plan. Indian defence deals would make little difference. It has to become a matter of pride for russia to see where it wants to stand in the coming times.

Plus india is also caught in a catch22 situation---it simply cannot cancel its defence deals with russia due to financial constraints and also it will have to bear the burden of starting all over again.

Bottomline---india has nowhere to go with its supposed defence deal threats. It will be caught between a rock and a hard place---ie---the u s and russia---now which one is the rock and which one is the hard place---you decide.

Pakistan just has to playits cards right---has to keep nudging the russians and keep them informed about the timing of the u s elections---. Never has been a time for russia where the whole of the pakistani civilian population will supoort this move as well as the pak millitary---.

Which mean that the 'blabber mouth' Barak Obama has prsented pakistan on a platter to the soviet unions---excuse me---russia---well done usa---well done.

I asked you what kinda advantage pak will offer to Russia????

one simple question.....
so you are saying.... russia will prefer pakistan than India???? hmmmm

do you know just Pak-fa or FGFA contract costs 35 Billion dollors..... what are the size of Pakistan military budget..... there is a hell lot of difference between Importance of India and pakistan .......
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