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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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If state secrets can be discussed on pages after pages of PDF; then why not in Hardee?:p::p::p:
@Retired Troll we're doomed.
Turns out it was a well known news in PAF and outside also I was the one who had no clue about it.
Well in any case, I hope it's not true because more reliance on the US is a huge liability for state security.
more purchaes mean more import means more rupee devaluation mean more debt mean less per capita income mean less GDP... you work the equation for the next 5 years..

current fx rate wont roll back without increase in exports or FDI

Thank you for your post---and thank you for remembering---.

@Khafee mentioned in his post---the US just realized that pakistan has become another chinese state---basically an autonomous region and it happened right in front of their eyes when they had intentionally or un-intentionally turned on the snooze button---.

What was really shocking as to how could america let that happen---was it out of sheer negligence---incompetence or just that america did not care at all---or someone forgot to turn on the rewind button---but regardless it did happen.

America... we helped them with deliberately no or dirty diplomacy during last 10 years or so, paving the way for Indians to bring a backlash on diplomatic front and the surprise is were they really misjudged baniya and miscalculated their capabilities?

Feb 27! a decision by all the quarters in high offices and not to put burden on each other like it happened in the past, was seized to deliver. it was a blessing for us and an eye opener to many in the world and US in particular. had we let the bell ring loud and address the elements with a bigger bang in the air and in the sea, it would have bring a peace to the eastern front for an unlimited future.

still, this day bring a lot and trump was more willing to meet IM when he said "relations very good with Pakistan"
IK taking a position on his only visit is also because we had China in the backyard during Feb event with some goodies as @Khafee said. and with CPEC we have guaranteed China on our back with the world to see for a very long time.

the times comes when we stand on our own, we will be heard loud and clear. when will be that time come to begin with if it is not now?
If true we will surely get AIM-9X but AIM120D maybe not clear yet., maybe an upgraded version of C-series realistic.
I kindly request and beg all the seniors and experts to comment on this???cause I can't Controll myself now.cause this is out of nowhere.seems almost impossible to me coz yesterday I saw our Zulu's heading towards AMARG.and now block 70s.
If those Zulus arrive fast than expect this news to be true also
If true we will surely get AIM-9X but AIM120D
Ask for the AIM-260 and hopefully we will get the AIM-120D :sarcastic:
I very much agree that Feb 27 was indeed an eye opener for LM and the Americans. It blew the last bit of their hopes that India would buy the F16.

So this news can be legit.
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I very much agree that Feb 27 was indeed an eye opener for LM and the Americans. It blew the last bit of their hopes that India would buy the F16.

So this news can be legit.
Why is it that you Indians look from an Indian centric prism only? Every news HAS to revolve around your mighty India. Attention seekers.

There are bigger games at play here. The wheels are turning. The world is changing. You guys tried and I acknowledge that. But you failed. It's our move now. Sit back and watch the show.
App kay moon main Ghi Shaker :cheers::cheers::enjoy::enjoy: Thanks for great news.. :cheers: Hope and Prays for this to get materialize.. Pakistan ZindaBaad :pakistan:
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
@MastanKhan , I remember you said something about this .. I also have the same believes as soon as PAF get J-10s and USA realise PAF don't need F-16s they will sell us … lol here we go .. Look like balancing move By USA after S-400 and Rafale deal from india..
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Why is it that you Indians look from an Indian centric prism only? Every news HAS to revolve around your mighty India. Attention seekers.

There are bigger games at play here. The wheels are turning. The world is changing. You guys tried and I acknowledge that. But you failed. It's our move now. Sit back and watch the show.
Oh come on. For the last few years, all you've seen from LM and the USA is the desperate media/diplomatic push for selling F16 to India. To an extent that we are fed up and fatigued.

This doesn't call for an India-centric approach when it's sold to India's primary adversary? Since this is unconfirmed, I'm afraid I just have to sit down and watch without further comments.

At first I was very impressed with this photo---Trump hand unerneath and IK's hand on to---Trump giving it all to IT---.

But now the salesman in me has woken up---. This photo looks more like Trump has IK by the Ballz---and that is the scary part---.

Trump is sitting at the edge of his seat---he has that certain expression of " CLOSING THE SALE" on his face---as if he has signed the deal---. But what deal----????

Who won’t feel excited to deal with the Muslims?!?! They feel it like “if you receive by two times you need to return by four times”!!!! As for the rest, it’s the reverse....

I have found IK relaxed!! As if everything’s proceeding per his game plan drawn over a long span of time and space....

Gorelim Mevla neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler

Let’s see what Mevla has is store for us
Whatever it is HE renders it auspicious
I dont like it when guys get vibes from me. Only members of the opposite gender are given that courtesy.

Kindly switch of your vibe detecting system. Thank You
@Khafee @Trailer23

It seems pre-planned from them that they banned/stopped everything in early 2018 & now trying to release just peanuts & thinking that Pak will be more than happy to get that.
IK, however, doesn’t fall for “peanuts”!!! He settles for the Oxford Blues, best sportsmanship, Royals, Goldsmiths, World cups, premiership, 02-27 etc....
more purchaes mean more import means more rupee devaluation mean more debt mean less per capita income mean less GDP... you work the equation for the next 5 years..

current fx rate wont roll back without increase in exports or FDI
i don't think we are paying.
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