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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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I also heard the strategic arm of the PLAAF deployed several Nuclear Armed Bombers and that they were ready to wipe out New Delhi in the event of a blink by Modi. These forces were supported by the military of Uganda and Congo which were ready to invade India at a moments notice.

Thank the God that Modi did not blink!

Salute to all those who are actually believing this, whatever dream this is.

Am just wondering about the feel good thread... i am careless about trump and ik meeting... whatever the outcome.. trump is someone who are capable to take U turn.... F 16 blk 70 is not going to happen... may be Ik meeting trump might give some positive relief but US pak relationship is fragile ...
Aren't they upgradeable? American AESA is much better than KLJ-7A though and will probably be much better in A-A combat especially than the JF-17 block 3.

Why can Pakistan not produce its own radars? Taiwan after having help for earlier radars is producing two AESA radars fot its jets from seperate companies using its indigenous semi conductor production as an asset.

Nope it can't be. Same as Arabs can't even produce their own toilet seats from their indegenous sources.
Well you should know about the history and industrial background of Taiwan. Their major export item is silicon semiconductor chips. They are amongst the major producers of semiconductor material and its a basic component of every electronic device being produced in the whole planet. And Pakistan unfortunately doesn't have that kind of commercial industrial base. We have to import the most simplest types ICs and transistors to repair a device let alone producing top of the line military electronics equipment. We still source our communications devices sets etc from abroad such as turkey and our military industry just gets ToT of assembling them. That's it.
To summarize this until we establish our own setup of mass production of semiconductors and microprocessors we may just dream of producing indegenous radars, AA missiles or Air defence systems.

Same is the case of engines, transmissions of all military vehicles upto the cruise missiles and Airplanes, they are all imported. Because all of our Automotive industry combined can't even design a small hatchback car and not in a position to manufacture their engines or transmissions from scratch. We just assemble. Place it and tighten the screws that's it.
Can't you just modify a 2000 lb dumb bomb and add a nuclear war

I know but Irbis-E is still useful tech regardless of it being a PESA. 400 km is better than the most AESAs today especially with Russias long history of radar tech.
Please read what happened to the MKIs on 27/02. Tells you the reason the world is going for AESA rather than PESA. The K3 of PAF has a PESA and we are looking to upgrade it to an AESA.
China deploying h6k with nukes and j-20 with deep strike weapons. Pakistaniz getting block 70? Yikes... Rafale died before it could pose a threat... Ouch!
Hmmm really??? You believe in fantasy...

Please read what happened to the MKIs on 27/02. Tells you the reason the world is going for AESA rather than PESA. The K3 of PAF has a PESA and we are looking to upgrade it to an AESA.

Am still waiting for Mki images??? Probably might not get..
Am just wondering about the feel good thread... i am careless about trump and ik meeting... whatever the outcome.. trump is someone who are capable to take U turn.... F 16 blk 70 is not going to happen... may be Ik meeting trump might give some positive relief but US pak relationship is fragile ...

It is not just that, our economy has taken a severe beating under IK and will take many years to recover. Fact is, we simply will NOT be able to afford adding resources to our already overstretched Military budget; and there will not be any more freebies from the US.....that is unless they somehow transform the outstanding payments under CSF and channel them to the F-16 program and even then it will just not be enough.

Financially, we are so weak that we just cannot compete with India conventionally, and in the presence of a Nuclear umbrella, even the attempts should be discouraged. We need to focus on our economy and the welfare of the people.
Hmmm really??? You believe in fantasy...

Am still waiting for Mki images??? Probably might not get..
Mki fell in indian conrolled territory ask ur armed forces they are in better possition of providing them. We don't grt involved in stuff we cant prove. Unlike primitive brown indians.
:astagh: and in advance I didn't intended to humiliate any of our Arab friends here. Just shared my opinion on the basis of my previous experience as a civilian supplier/contractor of Saudi Armed Forces. We supplied them the US made toilet seats, and HVAC systems along with German made taps and fixtures. The only Japanese product they approved was ball bearings. The Chinese products were mainly of US origin such as Cisco routers, switches, printers, computers etc. Everything else should be US made at first priority and if not available then the European manufactured products, forget about even the Japanese products except Toyota SUVs, Double cabins though:cheesy::enjoy:
Mki fell in indian conrolled territory ask ur armed forces they are in better possition of providing them. We don't grt involved in stuff we cant prove. Unlike primitive brown indians.

Oh yeah??? Indian parliament will address if any thing happens like that... armed forces will address... can't keep it secret...
Oh yeah??? Indian parliament will address if any thing happens like that... armed forces will address... can't keep it secret...
Indian parliment? Indian armed forces? Indian media lol luke hell they will. They are pure forms of evil on this earth! But thankfully primitive indian kind !
So you can't take my opinion? Get a life bub and learn to live and let live. I have a right to express my views on here within reason.

What is your point? We as a country don't provide services to other countries to steal technology of other foreign jets.we know irbis e is powerful but big rcs of su-30 is more than enough to Target it without any hesitation.we are discussing f-16 here and not technology theft.
Indian parliment? Indian armed forces? Indian media lol luke hell they will. They are pure forms of evil on this earth! But thankfully primitive indian kind !

When you don't know how it works then let it be..

Some people think that I am a blind man shooting in a barrel---but they don't know how big the barrel is & how sensitive my sensors are---.

That proves my stand again---Paf chickened out on the 27th---. It should have smashed the enemy air power---as many air craft it had gotten a lock on and taken out the indian sub---and then had the missile ready for any strike---.

8-10 enemy aircraft taken out---a scorpene boat sunk in pakistani water---and 50 nuc tipped missiles aimed at enemy centers---would have shaken the confidence of the enemy right to the core---a la carte Israel---.

Pakistani generals knew the backing they had from the chinese---and for how long I had been writing---get heavy strike aircraft---get type 054's---get some subs---because you cannot buy them on the day of the fight---you also cannot have them parked at the enemy airports and shipyards---you have to have them at your own airfields---.

As china is going for the J15 / 16's---Paf should have asked for totally re-furbished Jh7A's and only paid for the upgrades---. China knows the importance of the gwadar port and it knows what it will have to pay to keep its assets alive---.

Pakistan's military needs to change their stance at time of contact---it needs to learn to smash the enemy at its knees---. This talk of broken nose and broken jaws is old talk and is worthless---.

Pummel the enemy down---break its will to fight---smash it when you get the opportunity---. India was in no position to fight a war on the 27th---all its plans were smashed to smithereen when the strike happened---it is only the cowardice of some that showed on the pakistani side---otherwise the enemy was ready to be had that day---.

Mister---you are an enemy on this board---if it was for me---I would get you banned from the forum---.

Sir you are absolutely right.as far as I know,there were 8 to 10 targets but we targeted only 2 fighters.one su-30 on their side used high speed dive to save life.whether amraam hit or not,is still unknown.
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
two thinks come in my mind .....

پہنچی وہی پر خاک جہاں کی 'قبر' تھی
جتھے دی کھوتی اوتھے آن کھلوتی
two thinks come in my mind .....

پہنچی وہی پر خاک جہاں کی 'قبر' تھی
جتھے دی کھوتی اوتھے آن کھلوتی

English please?
What you say about China sending 4 SSK's along with type 55's, What we do heard rumor of that PAF requested X number sqs of J10 and X numbers of SD-10 for the possible all out war . If that news is true than once USA actually heard about the Chinese response it would ring a lot of bells in Washington .

If you remember that on the night of 28th of Feb, after PAF strikes IA was super close to launch missile attacks on different targets across the country, and for some unknown reason the entire Karachi cantt was cut of from power, were they anticipating a missile attack there ?

The news is amazing and I trust you here bro, but what i think that if such a deal was raised during PM or Army Chief visit, than certainly Americans are trying to get some sort of Influence back on Pakistan, since Trump cut off last 300 mln $ CSF Pakistan was not even looking at Americans for anything . 27th Attacks on India was a example, i cant believe that Pakistan take such a bold step without taking Washington into confidence .

What you say about China sending 4 SSK's along with type 55's, What we do heard rumor of that PAF requested X number sqs of J10 and X numbers of SD-10 for the possible all out war . If that news is true than once USA actually heard about the Chinese response it would ring a lot of bells in Washington .

If you remember that on the night of 28th of Feb, after PAF strikes IA was super close to launch missile attacks on different targets across the country, and for some unknown reason the entire Karachi cantt was cut of from power, were they anticipating a missile attack there ?

The news is amazing and I trust you here bro, but what i think that if such a deal was raised during PM or Army Chief visit, than certainly Americans are trying to get some sort of Influence back on Pakistan, since Trump cut off last 300 mln $ CSF Pakistan was not even looking at Americans for anything . 27th Attacks on India was a example, i cant believe that Pakistan take such a bold step without taking Washington into confidence .
Why do you believe it to be so? It's clearly against the declared policy stance of China that it would never intervene militarily as a third party in any foreign conflict and Pakistan/China haven't yet signed any contract of mutual defence or NATO type alliance. Same was the perception of Pakistani leadership in 1971 that US would send the fleet to terrorize the soviet backed India and China would pounce upon India to save us and see what hapenned!

Yes may be China may help us through continuous supply of weapons systems, their parts and spares etc. IMHO all China would do, they would help in training, supply of weapons, intelligence and reconnaissance, that's it. No boots on ground or a pilot in air.
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