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PAF F-16 mlu specifications and 36 blk 52+ prospects

more like the AGM-88A.

and MAR-1 is a derivative of the US missile.

Id stick to the D, because the D includes both GPS aided correction with the EM sensor which MAR-1 has. Range may be close to the 88A.


Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has delivered the last four of 41 upgraded Lockheed Martin F-16A/B Block 15 Fighting Falcon combat aircraft to the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), the company said on 2 September.

TAI upgraded the PAF's F-16s under the Peace Drive II programme, a mid-life upgrade (MLU) project that was agreed in 2009 and began in October 2010.

In May 2010 Lockheed Martin was awarded a USD325 million Foreign Military Sales contract to provide 35 MLU kits for the Block 15 aircraft, as well as 18 MLU kits for F-16C/D Block 52 aircraft. The deal was supplemented in July 2011 by a USD42.3 million contract for a further 10 MLU kits.

According to a 2008 congressional statement by Vice Admiral Jeffrey Wieringa, then director of the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency, the upgrade involved "Falcon STAR structural upgrade kits ... and MLU avionics upgrade kits".

VAdm Wieringa described this upgrade as "very similar to that provided to other F-16A/B customers" and as replacing "critical structural components in the F-16 required to return the A/B airframe to a structural life of 8,000 spectrum hours", while the "MLU avionics upgrade kits are being designed to provide the Pakistan Block 15A/B aircraft with many of the same capabilities as the new Block 52 F-16s that the PAF is procuring".

According to his statement, the MLU upgrade kits included: Northrop Grumman APG-68(V)9 radars; Embedded GPS/INS (EGI); Link 16 datalink; APX-113 Advanced Identify Friend or Foe (AIFF); Color Cockpit with Color Moving Map; ALQ- 211(V)9 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suite (AIDEWS) pod; Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) Cockpit and External Lighting; Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod; Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS); reconnaissance pod capability; improved avionics systems; JDAM capability; EGBU capability; AIM-120 AMRAAM capability; and AGM-84 Harpoon capability.

VAdm Wieringa added: "While many of the avionics systems and capabilities are common with the new Block 52s and the MLU, some significant differences remain between the MLU F-16 Block 15s and the new PAF Block 52s: there are no improvements to the Block 15s mission range and loiter time; there are no engine improvements; and there are no improvements to payload capacity."

In February 2014, a senior Pakistani government official confirmed that the PAF was "close to concluding a deal" to purchase 12 F-16As and one F-16B version from the Royal Jordanian Air Force. The PAF confirmed that all 13 were originally Block 15 models that have also undergone MLU programmes. The first five were inducted into the PAF in April 2014 at Mushaf airbase in Sargodha.

TAI completes Pakistan F-16 fleet mid-life upgrade - IHS Jane's 360

Source: Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2 | Page 542
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PAF needs to negotiate with US for the possible delivery of their own 14 F-16s and also more from USAF inventory and also from Jordan and Venezuela.

But PAF should also arrange money to buy another 42 F-16s Block-52.
Eight (8) F-16 Block 52 aircraft (two (2) C and six (6) D models), with the F100-PW-229 increased performance engine
-Fourteen (14) Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS)
-eight (8) AN/APG-68(V)9 radars,
-(8) ALQ-211(V)9 Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare Suites (AIDEWS).
-Additionally, this possible sale includes spare and repair parts, support and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistical and program support.
-The estimated cost of MDE is $564.68 million. The total estimated cost is $699.04 million.

Source: India left "disappointed" as US goes ahead with F-16 sale to Pakistan. | Page 9
The main point will be the radar of these F16s.

APG-68(V)9 Radar for Block 50/52 F-16
Manufacturer: Northrop Grumman


F-16 Block 52s are equipped with the latest version of Northrop Grumman APG-68 radar, the (V)9 multimode fire control radar that offers improved detection range and resolution.

It uses new, Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) technology that provided faster processors that provide increased throughput, with x5 faster processing speed and x10 growth in memory capacity over the current version. With the powerful processing capability, the new system has a high resistance to electromagnetic interference and countermeasures and future growth potential. The system offers new and improved capabilities in both air/air and air/ground modes, primarily in the operation at long range (BVR) and target rich airspace. The APG-68(V)9 offers 30 percent increase in detection range, improved search-while-track mode (four vs. two tracked targets) and larger search volume and improved track while scan performance. Its single target track performance has also been improved.

On air/ground missions, the new radar becomes an effective sensor, utilizing its high-resolution synthetic aperture radar mode, which allows the pilot to locate and recognize tactical ground targets from considerable distances. Although previous radars had some Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) capabilities, the new version generates imagery-class (2 feet resolution) high resolutions pictures, comparable to pictures delivered by the most modern commercial satellites. These pictures can be acquired from very long range, at all weather conditions and provide an effective, real-time source for the targeting of long range, precision guided weapons. The radar also has increased detection range in sea surveillance mode, and enhanced ground moving target identification and mapping capability. The radar features an inertial measurement unit that improves dynamic tracking performance and provides an auto-boresight capability, which increases accuracy.
Pakistan looks to buy another 10 F-16s
Farhan Bokhari, Islamabad - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
09 March 2016
Pakistan will seek to purchase another 10 Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 52 multirole fighters from the United States after recently concluding a deal to buy eight of the aircraft.

A "decision in principle has been made to buy 10 more F-16s", a senior Pakistani government official told IHS Jane's on 7 March, while adding that "the exact timing to place an order is yet to be decided".

The US Department of State approved in February a sale of eight fighters - two single-seat F-16Cs and six twin-seat F-16Ds, along with associated equipment - for about USD699 million. The deal was opposed by some members of the US Congress on the grounds that Pakistan had not done enough against insurgents and terrorist groups active in Afghanistan.
Its my request to all members on PDF dont compare JF17 with "State of the Art" fighters. If something new in PAF doesnt mean its so called STATE OF THE ART. Even our Old F16s have MORE and more potential more power more accuracy and better much better this JF17. Kindly stop comparing JF17 or feel happy on this JF17 technically PAF go for this only because of replace F7 Pgs and rest of oldz. JF17 not even capable to front any 4 or 4.5 even not front line fighter.

About F16 simply we should go for more or change this platfrom to some other but 4 ++ 4.5. We already much lcking in fighters.

The JF-17 is certainly better than our non upgraded F-16 block 15's, and are certainly comparable to even our block 52's. In fact, the designer of the MIG-29 himself said the JF-17 is about as good as the MIG-29 for only a fraction of the price. The JF-17 can certainly compete with 4th gen fighters like the J-10, F-16, HAL Tejas, MIG-29, Mirage-2000, etc. But not with the likes of Rafale, Eurofighter, F-15, SU-30, etc until block 3 arrives with the AESA radar.

Also, keep in mind PAF pilots are some of the best in the world. A PAF pilot flying a JF-17 could likely handle an IAF pilot flying a SU-30.
The JF-17 is certainly better than our non upgraded F-16 block 15's, and are certainly comparable to even our block 52's. In fact, the designer of the MIG-29 himself said the JF-17 is about as good as the MIG-29 for only a fraction of the price. The JF-17 can certainly compete with 4th gen fighters like the J-10, F-16, HAL Tejas, MIG-29, Mirage-2000, etc. But not with the likes of Rafale, Eurofighter, F-15, SU-30, etc until block 3 arrives with the AESA radar.

Also, keep in mind PAF pilots are some of the best in the world. A PAF pilot flying a JF-17 could likely handle an IAF pilot flying a SU-30.

It doesn't mean that Fighter like F-7P can down Rafael,PAF is lacking in technology in Future.
On the contrary provided the plane carries a proper missile with range & and has proper radar / deception mechanism it can stay in Air with any fighter jet.

Modernization is certainly needed on the F-7 that Pakistan has avionics/radar & Missiles is an item that can be improved for the planes we have
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