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PAF Current Inventory

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OMG !!! Not again :hitwall:

It always starts with either an IAF Plane, PAF plane, their counts and grows into a familiar soap opera...

Seriously guys .. This place could do without inventory counting of PAF and IAF for a good few months. :blah:
LeT's geT back To The Topic now .. B.T.W. one inDian's Down aLreaDy :D .. once The 18 new bLoCk 52 F-16s are DeLivereD Then shaLL we be going for more 18 new ones or whaT .?? guys wiTh some cerTain news may answer ...
The Vs. DebaTe shouLd noT Be abouT numbers That P.a.F. has or whaT numbers iaf has or shaLL have buT iT shouLD be abouT which airForCe of The Two has maDe The hisTory in hisTory ... Damm .. man .. The nexT quesTion jusT afTer reaDing my posT wouLd be Like " give us some prooFs of P.a.f. beaTing The ----- ouT of iaf 's --- " anD for ThaT , This LiTTLe pieCe ( jusT given beLow) is one of many acknowLeDgemenTs anD ReCogniTion ThaT The worLd TeLLs The worLD abouT our P.a.F. anD iTs HunTing TaLenT ...aLL inDian members ReaD wiTh aTTenTion , This may wake you up frOm Day Dreams ..

“When we arrived in Pakistan in 1971, the political situation between the Pakistanis and Indians was really tense over Bangladesh, or East Pakistan, as it was known in those days, and Russia was backing India with tremendous amounts of new airplanes and tanks. The U.S. and China were backing the Pakistanis. My job was military advisor to the Pakistani air force, headed by Air Marshal Rahim Khan, who had been trained in Britain by the Royal Air Force, and was the first Pakistani pilot to exceed the speed of sound. He took me around to their different fighter groups and I met their pilots, who knew me and were really pleased that I was there.

They had about five hundred airplanes, more than half of them Sabres and 104 Starfighters, a few B-57 bombers, and about a hundred Chinese MiG-19s. They were really good, aggressive dogfighters and proficient in gunnery and air combat tactics. I was damned impressed. Those guys just lived and breathed flying.
The Pakistanis whipped their [Indians'] ***** in the sky, but it was the other way around in the ground war. The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I’m certain about the figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and counted the wrecks below. I counted wrecks on Pakistani soil, documented them by serial number, identified the components such as engines, rocket pods, and new equipment on newer planes like the Soviet SU-7 fighter-bomber and the MiG-21 J, their latest supersonic fighter. The Pakistani army would cart off these items for me, and when the war ended, it took two big American Air Force cargo lifters to carry all those parts back to the States for analysis by our intelligence division.

I didn’t get involved in the actual combat because that would’ve been too touchy, but I did fly around and pick up shot-down Indian pilots and take them back to prisoner-of-war camps for questioning. I interviewed them about the equipment they had been flying and the tactics their Soviet advisers taught them to use. I wore a uniform or flying suit all the time, and it was amusing when those Indians saw my name tag and asked, “Are you the Yeager who broke the sound barrier?”

They couldn’t believe I was in Pakistan or understand what I was doing there. I told them, “I’m the American Defense Rep here. That’s what I’m doing.” The PAF remains the only foreign air force in the world to have received Chuck Yeager’s admiration – a recommendation which the PAF is proud of. (Source: PIADS)

(General (Retd.) Chuck Yeager (USAF) , Book: Yeager, the Autobiography).
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1143097 said:
kashiTh ... LoOk .. man.. seriusLy saying , whaT i meanT By saying ThaT "LeT me HunT some inDians " was To LeT myseLf reaDy for a " Less - LeaThaL showDown" of DiaLogues backed - up wiTh some reaL facTs over any TopiC ThaT any inDian mighT wanna TaLk abouT , buT noT a baTTLe ThaT inVoLves some sorT of physiCaL inTeracTion .. You Didn'T reaD my LasT : iTwas Like " LeT me jusT hunT some inDians" , righT ?? i have used my worDs in an iDiomaTic sense , anD don'T say You Don'T know iDioms causs ThaT 'LL be so insuLTing for you as an inDian accepTing ThaT you reaLLy donT recognize iDiomaTic sTrucTuraL phrases among senTences of speeCh or reading beTween The Lines ; 'causss ThaT gonna be riDicuLous righT ?? :flame: .. anD i a'n'T TroLLing .. man.. save your Temper for oTher Things...:azn:

Guys to transalte all he is saying is he does not have any productive work to do, so if you are in same boat join him.
Pakistan does not operate only 14 Thunders, manufacturing of the plane started at the end of 2009 and every month they roll out 1 or 2 planes. By now they might have around 20 of them. Pakistan Air Force Equipment
If they don't announce each and every plane they manufacture, it doesn't mean that they are not doing so. Everywhere I have read, it says Pakistan operates 46 F-16s A/B, one Viper makes a great deal of difference. Also, PAF does not operate F-5s it has 41 Q-5 close air support fighters.
The JF-17 was not the "only way" forward, it was the only logical way forward to rid itself of dependancy on the U.S and build it's own equivalent plane. If the only purpose of this project was to counter the Su 30, it would have instead spend the R&D money to buy Rafales. The PAF is inducting around 300 JF-17s which (if we take each plane at $16 million) adds up to $4.8 billion till 2025. Imagine how many Rafales it could have bought with that money, if Pakistan's concern was only the MKI. However, self-sufficiency was also an equally important factor.

As for MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n, please try to be less annoying, thanks.
Pakistan does not operate only 14 Thunders, manufacturing of the plane started at the end of 2009 and every month they roll out 1 or 2 planes. By now they might have around 20 of them. Pakistan Air Force Equipment
If they don't announce each and every plane they manufacture, it doesn't mean that they are not doing so. Everywhere I have read, it says Pakistan operates 46 F-16s A/B, one Viper makes a great deal of difference. Also, PAF does not operate F-5s it has 41 Q-5 close air support fighters.
The JF-17 was not the "only way" forward, it was the only logical way forward to rid itself of dependancy on the U.S and build it's own equivalent plane. If the only purpose of this project was to counter the Su 30, it would have instead spend the R&D money to buy Rafales. The PAF is inducting around 300 JF-17s which (if we take each plane at $16 million) adds up to $4.8 billion till 2025. Imagine how many Rafales it could have bought with that money, if Pakistan's concern was only the MKI. However, self-sufficiency was also an equally important factor.

As for MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n, please try to be less annoying, thanks.

I think Q-5 is the Chinese name for the plane and I am pretty sure that the Pakistani name for Q-5 is F-5. The Chinese J-7 is called F-7 in Pakistan as well.
According to AFM article and interview with the PAF ACM, PAC is rolling out 2 thunders per month, so by the end of the year PAF should have atleast 24 JF17's.
According to AFM article and interview with the PAF ACM, PAC is rolling out 2 thunders per month, so by the end of the year PAF should have atleast 24 JF17's.

Not sure mate.

PAF has 14 fully operational Thunders. The other 6 were prototypes/only testing ones.

Now they are saying that PAF will get 6 or 7 more this year.

So total will be 20.

The number is too low to replace all Mirage and F-7 by 2015.
i dont know why this thread has been started - this topic has been discussed a gazillion times!
Did some research on PAF LAST NITE... which may interest you all.

Current PAF combat inventory
14 Thunder
18 F16/52
45 F16 BLOCK 15 (mlu started)
189 F7/PG
181 Mirage3/5
41 F5


The F7 fleet is the largest outside of China who operate 500+
Eygpt has around 60 and North Korea around 40 next largest operators.

Mirage3/5 PAF also operates the largest fleet of mirage 3/5 AIRFRAMES in the world first Mirage entered service in 1968 last batch in 2004

F16 block 15 HAVE ALREADY SEEN 20 years of service life with PAF.. they only represent 15% of the combat fleet.

I can see that with 370 mirages & F7 (chinease mig21 derative) why The Thunder programme is so important.

Rather than The Thunder being a direct answer to SU30MKI fleet it is infact the ONLY WAY forward to repace the massive Mirage & F7 fleet PLANE FOR PLANE.

This was the only feasible/logical solution to induct 300 fighters at a very low cost.

To try and buy 300 FC20 AND F16 would be impossible for all but the very richest nations like saudi or UAE etc.

I predict it will take to close to the end of this new decade ie 2020 TO SEE THE LAST F7 * MIRAGES cause there is just so many planes of this ilk...

250 Thunders offical nos being suggested.. in different blocks
80 F16MLU/52 already confirmed
70 FC20/J10 in 2 batches 2015 & 2018

Another useless thread by Storm Force. Main Purpose of the thread is to say JF-17 is just replacement of old F7s. JFT is nothing good and is dead meat infront of IAF. Pakistan cant afford expensive fighters and thats why end up on JFT which is crap (As per Indians ). Plus Pakistan is using decades old F16s which are also dead meat for IAF.

So My reply to Storm Force is Please spare us from This Indian mentality BS. Talk facts. As far JFT V Su30MKI is concerned its been discussed 10000000000000000000000 times on this forum. So don't make anymore threads.

Yes JFT is replacing Mig21s because JFT is MIG 21 of the new century.
Thread shld be closed untill the exact figures decalred by PAF
Thread shld be closed untill the exact figures decalred by PAF
Exact figures of What.....Its not about figures its about mentality.

If we say we'll have 6 F16 Block 52 for every Su30MKI (which is never going to happen as its not our need) the reply will be as follow

American tech is crap. The range of Radar is nothing as compared to Su30. 1 Su 30 will fire 6 BVRs and all F16 will be dead meat.
aT eaSe ganTLemen ... enD of DisCusSiOn : " P.a.F. is The BesT " .. iaf sTanDs far more inferiOr To our P.a.F. .. LeT me give you guys some reaL eViDence ... pay aTTenTion anD reaD ThaT :


“When we arrived in Pakistan in 1971, the political situation between the Pakistanis and Indians was really tense over Bangladesh, or East Pakistan, as it was known in those days, and Russia was backing India with tremendous amounts of new airplanes and tanks. The U.S. and China were backing the Pakistanis. My job was military advisor to the Pakistani air force, headed by Air Marshal Rahim Khan, who had been trained in Britain by the Royal Air Force, and was the first Pakistani pilot to exceed the speed of sound. He took me around to their different fighter groups and I met their pilots, who knew me and were really pleased that I was there.

They had about five hundred airplanes, more than half of them Sabres and 104 Starfighters, a few B-57 bombers, and about a hundred Chinese MiG-19s. They were really good, aggressive dogfighters and proficient in gunnery and air combat tactics. I was damned impressed. Those guys just lived and breathed flying.
The Pakistanis whipped their [Indians'] ***** in the sky, but it was the other way around in the ground war. The air war lasted two weeks and the Pakistanis scored a three-to-one kill ratio, knocking out 102 Russian-made Indian jets and losing thirty-four airplanes of their own. I’m certain about the figures because I went out several times a day in a chopper and counted the wrecks below. I counted wrecks on Pakistani soil, documented them by serial number, identified the components such as engines, rocket pods, and new equipment on newer planes like the Soviet SU-7 fighter-bomber and the MiG-21 J, their latest supersonic fighter. The Pakistani army would cart off these items for me, and when the war ended, it took two big American Air Force cargo lifters to carry all those parts back to the States for analysis by our intelligence division.

I didn’t get involved in the actual combat because that would’ve been too touchy, but I did fly around and pick up shot-down Indian pilots and take them back to prisoner-of-war camps for questioning. I interviewed them about the equipment they had been flying and the tactics their Soviet advisers taught them to use. I wore a uniform or flying suit all the time, and it was amusing when those Indians saw my name tag and asked, “Are you the Yeager who broke the sound barrier?”

They couldn’t believe I was in Pakistan or understand what I was doing there. I told them, “I’m the American Defense Rep here. That’s what I’m doing.” The PAF remains the only foreign air force in the world to have received Chuck Yeager’s admiration – a recommendation which the PAF is proud of. (Source: PIADS)

(General (Retd.) Chuck Yeager (USAF) , Book: Yeager, the Autobiography).
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