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PAF Current Inventory

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Storm Force

Sep 19, 2009
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United Kingdom
Did some research on PAF LAST NITE... which may interest you all.

Current PAF combat inventory
14 Thunder
18 F16/52
45 F16 BLOCK 15 (mlu started)
189 F7/PG
181 Mirage3/5
41 F5


The F7 fleet is the largest outside of China who operate 500+
Eygpt has around 60 and North Korea around 40 next largest operators.

Mirage3/5 PAF also operates the largest fleet of mirage 3/5 AIRFRAMES in the world first Mirage entered service in 1968 last batch in 2004

F16 block 15 HAVE ALREADY SEEN 20 years of service life with PAF.. they only represent 15% of the combat fleet.
I can see that with 370 mirages & F7 (chinease mig21 derative) why The Thunder programme is so important.

Rather than The Thunder being a direct answer to SU30MKI fleet it is infact the ONLY WAY forward to repace the massive Mirage & F7 fleet PLANE FOR PLANE.

This was the only feasible/logical solution to induct 300 fighters at a very low cost.

To try and buy 300 FC20 AND F16 would be impossible for all but the very richest nations like saudi or UAE etc.

I predict it will take to close to the end of this new decade ie 2020 TO SEE THE LAST F7 * MIRAGES cause there is just so many planes of this ilk...

250 Thunders offical nos being suggested.. in different blocks
80 F16MLU/52 already confirmed
70 FC20/J10 in 2 batches 2015 & 2018
assaLaamu aLaikum...To aLL musLim BroThers...ThaT's my firsT Day , Can'T waiT To Do The TaLking.. we|||cOme aLL geeks anD Freaks .. nOw iT's Time To go afTer inDia : LeT me jusT hunT some inDians... i am Loving iT.. ::DD
CooooooOooOoL ..guys.. This is ReaL or whaT , i mean : i can See my own wriTTen TexT on The Screen righT now.. Damm :D This viL geT inTeresTing..
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1142982 said:
sTorm .. Don'T geT iT wrOng : are yu an inDian..??

hey hey he didnt flame or anything?why do you assume that anybody who says raises question about pakistan is in indian , I mean statistically speaking you may be right but that is not a universal truth..0.9c is not c (where c is speed of light)
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1142997 said:
CooooooOooOoL ..guys.. This is ReaL or whaT , i mean : i can See my own wriTTen TexT on The Screen righT now.. Damm :D This viL geT inTeresTing..

:welcome::pdf: why do you have to go after Indians?this is not war dude.We discuss and debate,at times troll too..:flame::flame: but if you come with a pre-set agenda then i would say :wave::wave:
MuZammiL Dr. s[1]n;1142997 said:
CooooooOooOoL ..guys.. This is ReaL or whaT , i mean : i can See my own wriTTen TexT on The Screen righT now.. Damm :D This viL geT inTeresTing..
1 Stop using Capslock at odd places.
2 Logout from here with your esteem or as your motives show you would get banned with shame.
3 Here is right place for you
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
PAF does not have 18 f-16 block 52's as of yet but from reports 3 are in house they are rest awating to come.
PAF does not have 18 f-16 block 52's as of yet but from reports 3 are in house they are rest awating to come.

Are there plans to procure Block 60s or is Pakistan going to wait for the J-10Bs?
but the fact remains 0.9C~C

Well thing is, no particle with mass can gain speed of C, it can approach C but that is it...the point is we cannot make generalizations,now if i were to make a generalization about pakistanis after my stay on this forum would be very wrong isnt it ?If there are some deluded flame,troll baiters then there are some voices of reason like SparklingWay too.
Correct me if i am wrong

BTW would love if we start a discussion thread for physics problem,
We south east asians(Chinese,Pakistanis and Indians ) have brilliant brains,it could be a good opportunity to have some meaningful,insightful discussions.
Hey the pic in your avatar is J-10B if i am not wrong?

Yes it is a CG rendition of the J-10B before real photos leaked out. Techically the J-10Bs still don't exist but military fans are ahead of Chinese official news by years! I am using it since it is the smallest J-10B picture I can find that fits that could fit as a profile picture lol.
:welcome::pdf: why do you have to go after Indians?this is not war dude.We discuss and debate,at times troll too..:flame::flame: but if you come with a pre-set agenda then i would say :wave::wave:

kashiTh ... LoOk .. man.. seriusLy saying , whaT i meanT By saying ThaT "LeT me HunT some inDians " was To LeT myseLf reaDy for a " Less - LeaThaL showDown" of DiaLogues backed - up wiTh some reaL facTs over any TopiC ThaT any inDian mighT wanna TaLk abouT , buT noT a baTTLe ThaT inVoLves some sorT of physiCaL inTeracTion .. You Didn'T reaD my LasT : iTwas Like " LeT me jusT hunT some inDians" , righT ?? i have used my worDs in an iDiomaTic sense , anD don'T say You Don'T know iDioms causs ThaT 'LL be so insuLTing for you as an inDian accepTing ThaT you reaLLy donT recognize iDiomaTic sTrucTuraL phrases among senTences of speeCh or reading beTween The Lines ; 'causss ThaT gonna be riDicuLous righT ?? :flame: .. anD i a'n'T TroLLing .. man.. save your Temper for oTher Things...:azn:
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