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PAF contingent leaves for China

This forum is full of speculations
This is not the first nor the last :D

Eves droppers vet hearsay, speculations and facts. Then deduce their conclusion. Sometimes speculations match the reality. Anyways we are not do indeginous development of aircraft, so it saves us the burden of having and area 51.
Two things on these things are really very very in-accurate:

1. F-16 cannot be used without permission of USA ..... Wrong .... please prove this info is correct.... may be with one country such as China otherwise Pakistan Airforce has purchased this aircraft for war not for keeping it as a show piece. It can and will used when required.

2. Mirage and F-7 fighters are excellent aircrafts and thats why PAF are using them .... Its not technology alone which fights a war ..... the fact is well proven in Afghanistan and Iraq..... Its man behind the Gun ...... The fact of 6th september 1965 speaks for itself .... where IAF outnumbered and out classed PAF in technology 5:1 .... Hunters as their main Agressors againt F-86E & F Sabres ..... Why did India loose..... The fact becomes more and more clear looking at Indian Army losses.....
Eves droppers vet hearsay, speculations and facts. Then deduce their conclusion. Sometimes speculations match the reality. Anyways we are not do indeginous development of aircraft, so it saves us the burden of having and area 51.

My original post was in reply to @Luftwaffe refernence to Urantashtari's

Lets end it at that and not derail this thread any further :no:
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musharaf the macho man was there for almost 10 years,why couldnt he induct new tech aircraft.this traitor should be hanged for this crime alone in addition to so many others.
Can anybody provide a list regarding the PAF assets departed to China?
^^^ Currently situations are bad on our Eastern Borders and sending the prime fighters of PAF to a far away country for an Exercise wont be wise.
Thats why only the old F-7PG and Mirages are going.
The latest and most potent fighters. JF-17 and F-16 are staying at home.
In addition to that , it may be something to do with what PAF wants to achieve from the exercise...Mirages and F-7 are more Pilot skill intensive...while JF-17 and F-16 have more automation and instrumentation.
may be PAF wants pilot skills by manual flying to improve in these exercises and that's why sending more manually operated older planes.
Absolutely false. PAF didn't spend 5 billion USD on planes that it can't fly. There are restrictions on who has access to their technology other than Pakistan and USA and that is a fair point. But Pakistan can use them as and when it pleases. Since you are an Indian Poster you wouldn't want to believe that and rather believe the BS that somehow PAF can't use them against India or something.

Seriously, get a life.

Please learn to read whole post before trying to jump the gun, but even if u can not understand simple English then I can not help you because I am no English teacher. Where had i written that PAF can not use it against India in case of war?? this thought came just from your day dreams?? I was just commenting about air exercise with China or any other foreign country, when platform like F-16 is involved which is made in USA.

Thought about war with India and use of platform like F-16 came to your mind from vacuum and not from my post.

If you think that you can use your F-16 during air exercises with foreign country without permission of USA then you are living in dream land. Then by your logic you can modify your F-16 all by yourself or through China or any other third county without permission of USA.

Ask someone like @Oscar, can Pakistan use F-16 in Chinese aerospace without permission of USA?? or even when you are conducting air exercise with China in your own country??

If YES then your country is very lucky because India can not use offensive platforms like Apache gunship during air exercises with other countries (in near future) without permission from USA, leave about modifying them.

Note: I am just talking about air exercise with any foreign country and not about its use in case of war.

Thank you Mr. Think Tank for your deep thinking.
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Ask someone like @Oscar, can Pakistan use F-16 in Chinese aerospace without permission of USA?? or even when you are conducting air exercise with China in your own country??

The F-16's may be used for an exercise with China, but then further support for the F-16 program by the US has to be written off.
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Why do you want to send your F-16s there in the first place? Send some viper pilots in thunders and they'll have a glorious tale to tell. Its not like an F-16 pilot doesnt know how to fly a thunder. F-16 is the last platform a pilot is AWARDED. After conversion on F-16 he either stays in the squadron for longer period or becomes the OC of some Chinese or french aircraft squadron. Hence send the pilots. Not the jet. You'll still get to know the flanker.
Why do you want to send your F-16s there in the first place? Send some viper pilots in thunders and they'll have a glorious tale to tell. Its not like an F-16 pilot doesnt know how to fly a thunder. F-16 is the last platform a pilot is AWARDED. After conversion on F-16 he either stays in the squadron for longer period or becomes the OC of some Chinese or french aircraft squadron. Hence send the pilots. Not the jet. You'll still get to know the flanker.

Apparently the Jf-17s aren't included in the contingent ! :undecided:
No worries. Pg's are still called poor mans F-16. ;)

But dude we've been using them PGs for ages & we've trained against the Chinese with them countless times - What else do we think we can learn from another round of PGs vs Flankers/J-10s or J-7s ? :unsure:

So hows Qadri Sahib treating you - Are the sermons still blazing from his abode ? :lol:
musharaf the macho man was there for almost 10 years,why couldnt he induct new tech aircraft.this traitor should be hanged for this crime alone in addition to so many others.


It was the PAF who decided against the procurement of an aircraft between the periods of 9/11 and earthquake of 2005. They misread the threat from india and assessed that india won't be a threat anymore---peace will be made---so it was a waste of buying something from another country on the RUN.

They analyzed that the JF 17 with french avionics and missile systems will make up for what pakistan needed. The french avionics package fiasco has set paf back by at least 15 years and still then they will have inferior weaponery and electronics package.

India was extremely wary of 1. pakistan getting close to the u s one more time 2. and pakistan's FINANCIAL conditions becoming fairly strong during that period.

Pakistanis must stop blaming Musharraf---he was just one man---there was a whole team to advise him what needed to be done---then there was the whole nation---who was mentally screwed up and did not know what its priorities were.

YOU PATHETIC PAKISTANIS---the terrorists killed FRENCH engineers in your largest city---why didn't you go all out for the blood of the terrorists----the terrorists killed and abducted chinese engineers---you didn't give a sh-it either.

That is why I keep saying----pakistanis have no character---they are just all talk and no substance---you brag about pak china friendship---you should have gone all out and taken out anyone and evryone who hurt the chinese---the french gave you the most potent agosta 90---yet you did not retaliate on the terrorists.

You are so pathetic that when these terrorists came and destroyed two of your major assets on the air force bases---you just has excuses---.

Kid---you paks really don't deserve a nation---you don't cherish what the basic fundamentals of a nationhood are.

This is strange since either the picture belongs to Islamabad or the news source is from Islamabad.

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