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PAF Chief flies the Typhoon

True our typhoon is widely regarded as the most advanced 4.5 generation fighter jet in the world, only the rafale comes close.

However, to be honest, i dont think Pakistan can afford this formidable fighter jet, since its quite expensive. Reason outside Europe only very wealthy countries like Saudia Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar have odered/are using it so far, though Republic of Oman is a special case.
If pakistan can afford them though then it will be a tremendous boost to their airforce and this will mean their airforce will gain a great technological edge in the region over all its neighbours and even beyond.
this is not cold war era there USAS and USSR controles the Fighter Aircrafts market but now ground situation has been changed and countries have multi options as like
Your E.U Typhone Fighter,
France Rafale,
Swedesh Gripen,
Russain Migs
and Sukhoies ,
Please Waite and See than these companies will offer soft loan, local assemblies facilities as France Rafale and Swedesh Gripen offering India because USA, EU & now Russia are setting the battle grounds in middle east and Easteren countries for selling of their War machines and Safety of Israel so my advice is for you please Wait and See.
This is best thing that our air chief can lead from the front. I liked this airplane when it was first launched and I guess PAF maybe setting its eyes on it but what are the cost and are we going for a very diverse inventory with Su-35, EFTs and a few J-11s and JH-7s.

Let our COAS force the Zarb-e-Azab on the corrupt Zardari and Shreks and their Co's to frog out some money (I guess SCP ordered for the production list of USD 400 Billion of assets by corrupts in foreign countries). Bring this looted money back, pay USD 90 billions of the lof the debt, hang these bastards and spend USD 100 billions on up-gradation of three services. Spend another USD 100 billion in modernisation of our industry for example Semi Conductor industry and fabrication facilities at nano-scales, 3-4 fastest supercomputers for research in defence, energy and environmental issues. Solve energy crisis and leave our jealous stinky enemy smoking and dusting in the wake.
The PAF had checked out the Typhoon as far back as in 2005 when the then PAF air chief and the guy in my avatar flew in a couple of them to Germany and back. Any ways, not known to many, the RAF and PAF have carried out joint air exercises where the RAF deployed the Typhoons.


PAF and RAF pilots during DACT Exercise at UAEAF Air Warfare Centre at Al Dhafra 13 Nov - 7 Dec 2007. Seen in background are RAF Typhoon and Tornado F3 aircraft.
like the pic man, go any more?
You are excelling in INDOCRACY bro :enjoy:
Lool isn't it. My bad, dont know much about that small country. So they are a kingdom or something?:D
Furthest thing from a republic mate, its absolute monarchy, however as a resident there for 17 years before I moved to Canada, it is one of the best places for expatriates to live :-)
To be honest his caliber of troll doesnt deserves a response at all. If you respond and fall in his trap, then he will drag you down to his level and beat you through experience. :p: so take my advice bro. :D
Yawn. Typhoon is ugly. Yawn
You got to be kidding :mad:
nope. Not a fan of Tejas type designed planes.
The Dassault Rafale

The Eurofighter Typhone

It would be freakin awesome to have some of these badass jets in our air force.If that`d be possible,I would go for typhoons instead of Flankers.
Love this beauty.....
Furthest thing from a republic mate, its absolute monarchy, however as a resident there for 17 years before I moved to Canada, it is one of the best places for expatriates to live :-)

Maybe i should put it on my to visit list next holiday then. :)
how much weapon load it can carry ?
and what's the estimated Unit price (per 2015) for typhoon ?
and it's life span Obviously ..
What a beauty..........Hows this for control

Thats what i'm talking about .:enjoy::smokin:

oman is a oil country they have money but they only ordered 12 or one squadron to replace the sepecat jaguar, which are british too. its nice to have a good valued regular customer.

your taste is horrible.
look at it. it's gorgeous.
Well as i expected, they also have large oil reserves like many gulf states. Well explains why the could afford such an advanced fighter jet like typhoon.
How many countries still have tornados and jaguar fighters in their airforce?
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do anyone know what sqadrons are deployed ad smungli airbase.cuz i m seeing jf 17 and miraage here often
Thats what i'm talking about .:enjoy::smokin:

Well as i expected, they also have large oil reserves like many gulf states. Well explains why the could afford such an advanced fighter jet like typhoon.
How many countries still have tornados and jaguar fighters in their airforce?
Panavia Tornado - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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