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PAF and the JXX Fifth Gen Fighter

Of course anything that India buys automatically becomes superior to all the rest in the world. We are very much familar with the trend.

Thanks now can we get back on the topic which is about Jxx and PAF and not the F-16s and certainly not about IAF.

Actually it applicable to pakistan, india have choices and freedom to choose, and for pak it depends on soft loans, free aid. We are choosing best one. lolz yesterday one pakistani said jf17-11 is greater or equal to f35,mig35.isn't it funny.
Of course anything that India buys automatically becomes superior to all the rest in the world. We are very much familar with the trend.

Thanks now can we get back on the topic which is about Jxx and PAF and not the F-16s and certainly not about IAF.

Very sad to see that the JXX thread become IAF vs PAF thread...
Actually it applicable to pakistan, india have choices and freedom to choose, and for pak it depends on soft loans, free aid. We are choosing best one. lolz yesterday one pakistani said jf17-11 is greater or equal to f35,mig35.isn't it funny.

Don't know about the MIG 35 but the Russians themselves consider JF-17 a threat for their MIG-29.
Here is an old article to refresh your memory.

Whether it could compete with the MIG-35 or not is debatable. I am not responsible for what some one says about it to be equal or superior but with constant upgrades and a planned AESA radar in the block 2 JF-17, it could very well match mig-35 in terms of avionics. But MIG-35 will always remain superior in terms of its payload capability just as the F-16s still are in terms of their payload and range capability.
The comparison however should not be made because both jets belong to a different category and role.

This is the last off topic reply. The thread is about PAF and JXX. Lets get back to the topic shall we.
Actually it applicable to pakistan, india have choices and freedom to choose, and for pak it depends on soft loans, free aid. We are choosing best one. lolz yesterday one pakistani said jf17-11 is greater or equal to f35,mig35.isn't it funny.
not more funny then someone saying LCA is better than F22

econmy is in crunch..maynot be tomorrow..as it wasnt in mid2000s and late 80s..
not more funny then someone saying LCA is better than F22

And who said that???? I don think any Indian member is so naive...

Its not funny if some one say "LCA is better than F22 " in specific context...

1. It is cheaper, so cost wise its better..
2. Its capable (hopefully) to handle MiG21 (Pakistan almost 200 and chinese almost 700), which doesn't need 300 million $ plane..
3. Our enemy is not America neither they have stealth fighter.
4. It gives us experience which F22 won't give us (coz USA will not sell it)..

But if talk @ capabilities F22 is far far better than any available fighter planes on earth (FGFA and J20 is not operational)
And who said that???? I don think any Indian member is so naive...

Its not funny if some one say "LCA is better than F22 " in specific context...

1. It is cheaper, so cost wise its better..
2. Its capable (hopefully) to handle MiG21 (Pakistan almost 200 and chinese almost 700), which doesn't need 300 million $ plane..
3. Our enemy is not America neither they have stealth fighter.
4. It gives us experience which F22 won't give us (coz USA will not sell it)..

But if talk @ capabilities F22 is far far better than any available fighter planes on earth (FGFA and J20 is not operational)

see you just said it:cheers:
some possible concepts:

single engine JXX



stealthy JF17

Why do people open threads like JXX & PAF.

This is ridiculous thread since JXX is a 100% chinease prototype and a decade way from PLAAF induction.

JUST BECAUSE THUNDER was built for PAF people putting 2 + 2 making 100

not seen a single credible source on JXX and PAF.

We may as well start once saying F35 & F22 and PAF /IAF.

we should at least be realistic and have some proofs credible none of this my uncle told me or my father is in top secret engineer in JXX 5 PROGRAMME in chengdu
Why do people open threads like JXX & PAF.

This is ridiculous thread since JXX is a 100% chinease prototype and a decade way from PLAAF induction.

JUST BECAUSE THUNDER was built for PAF people putting 2 + 2 making 100

not seen a single credible source on JXX and PAF.

We may as well start once saying F35 & F22 and PAF /IAF.

we should at least be realistic and have some proofs credible none of this my uncle told me or my father is in top secret engineer in JXX 5 PROGRAMME in chengdu

The J20 flew just ONE year after the T50 flew. If the T50 is entering service in 2015, which is only 3 - 4 years away, why would the J-20 need a decade?
Why do people open threads like JXX & PAF.

This is ridiculous thread since JXX is a 100% chinease prototype and a decade way from PLAAF induction.

JUST BECAUSE THUNDER was built for PAF people putting 2 + 2 making 100

not seen a single credible source on JXX and PAF.

We may as well start once saying F35 & F22 and PAF /IAF.

we should at least be realistic and have some proofs credible none of this my uncle told me or my father is in top secret engineer in JXX 5 PROGRAMME in chengdu

I understand your frustration :lol:
There are lot of credible source like Pshamim,nabil,houshangai...confirming a 5th generation project for PAF !!
BTW 2+2=4 not 100 :D We will get 5generation fighter like we got FC-20 ;)
PAK FA is a decade away from induction
ie 2020 for india and maybe 2 years earlier for russian version

I HAVE NO DOUBT JXX will enter PLAAF by or before the indian fgfa

many of my fellow members saying jf-17 blk -II will come with AESA Radar nd it will be far more comparable to mig-35 or f-35. Are they thinking mig-35 will neva go for updates. When russians consider JFT is comparable to mig-29.
Aren't the Russians saying that they will start mass producing it in 2015? I am putting J-20 around 2018. The FGFA based on the T-50 I am banking around 2020

PAK FA is a decade away from induction
ie 2020 for india and maybe 2 years earlier for russian version

I HAVE NO DOUBT JXX will enter PLAAF by or before the indian fgfa

Arms acquisition works same in India and Pakland.

Here is the modus oprendi.

Based on the foreign exchange at hand the country decides whether they want to develop their own or buy from a foreign country. Buying from a foreign country is always favored as it brings kick back. Developing at home reduces the amount of kick backs and is not favored.

Lately Pakistan has no choice but to develop their own tank (Al Khalid) and its own plane JF-17 as the cash reserves are very low. If the cash reserves have been high than Pakistanis will simply acquire from foreign suppliers.

India on the other hand has a lot of cash at hand thus the foreign purchases. T90 tanks from Russia and the latest 125 plane purchase is a good example. Now where does the LCA and Arjun tank stands in this scheme of things. Well, we like to show the nation that we can build our self. However once built the Arjun tank and LCA will be produced in very small quantities and later shelved for a more advanced versions of them and will start a new research programs. These research programs will run another 10 to 15 years and may result in a better tank and a plane and the cycle will be repeated again. Foreign purchases will continue if cash at hand situation remains good and will change if the cash at hand turns in to a Pakistan like situation.
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