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PAC Launches Android Tablet – PAC-PAD Takhti 7

Such as?

It would be interesting to see what list you can come up with, since it can be argued that anything Pakistan can produce in a value-added manner already has fierce international competition.
Such as Textiles!!
We are good at it!

Pakistani sports goods have an excellent market, so does our agri products, fruits and vegetables which can be further improved upon with some extra effort. Leather goods. Cutlery and surgical equipment. We are doing good in Pharmaceuticals too. These are some of the fields in which we have some background in and can further build on it, put in some extra effort and increase the rewards. It is already been done in some sectors and even though a lot remains to be done, saying that there is NOTHING going on will be wrong.
Such as Textiles!!
We are good at it!

Pakistani sports goods have an excellent market, so does our agri products, fruits and vegetables which can be further improved upon with some extra effort. Leather goods. Cutlery and surgical equipment. We are doing good in Pharmaceuticals too. These are some of the fields in which we have some background in and can further build on it, put in some extra effort and increase the rewards. It is already been done in some sectors and even though a lot remains to be done, saying that there is NOTHING going on will be wrong.

Those are some good sectors you have indicated, for sure. But have you looked at the global competition lately? The competitiveness of Pakistan's industries remains blunted due to issues related to power, manpower, bureaucracy, and outdated management and marketing practices. It is a tall order to compete with these handicaps, but I will agree with you here that it can be done.
Those are some good sectors you have indicated, for sure. But have you looked at the global competition lately? The competitiveness of Pakistan's industries remains blunted due to issues related to power, manpower, bureaucracy, and outdated management and marketing practices. It is a tall order to compete with these handicaps, but I will agree with you here that it can be done.
There always will be competition. If you look at the global market, you will see that there are multiple players already in it, competing and surviving together. It is not like there is one nation that have knocked out every other player. Each country have their share in the market and with a strong background, technical know-how, skilled labour and some support from the government, we can increase our share in these markets.

The new avenues of potential that may need a LOT MORE effort include automobile industry (complete units as we are good in parts), electronics (which i do not see happening), value added agri products (not much focus on that) as we do not have a strong history dealing in these items. There is a long list for sure. However, if we focus on our strengths and try to get something going, there will be a chance to gradually new industries as well.

However, all this needs devotions, conviction and honesty. If that is not present, we will remain stuck in the loop. Still, this do not stops me from hoping and TRYING to do my part in improving the situation and there are millions of others who will be doing the same. I cannot quit, cannot give up really, i dont want to.
There always will be competition. If you look at the global market, you will see that there are multiple players already in it, competing and surviving together. It is not like there is one nation that have knocked out every other player. Each country have their share in the market and with a strong background, technical know-how, skilled labour and some support from the government, we can increase our share in these markets.

The new avenues of potential that may need a LOT MORE effort include automobile industry (complete units as we are good in parts), electronics (which i do not see happening), value added agri products (not much focus on that) as we do not have a strong history dealing in these items. There is a long list for sure. However, if we focus on our strengths and try to get something going, there will be a chance to gradually new industries as well.

However, all this needs devotions, conviction and honesty. If that is not present, we will remain stuck in the loop. Still, this do not stops me from hoping and TRYING to do my part in improving the situation and there are millions of others who will be doing the same. I cannot quit, cannot give up really, i dont want to.

There was a time when I could walk into just about any shopping mall here and find excellent cotton based clothing made in Pakistan, some with designer labels. Now, it has almost all been replaced by products from other countries. The same decline can be observed in other sectors, particularly over the last decade or so, for products and produce from Pakistan.

I agree with you that rectifying this situation will require devotion, conviction and honesty. Given your signature these days, one can hope that IK's team will be able to apply these in delivering good economic results. We can discuss the developments as they occur over the rest of the term of this government.

"electronics (which i do not see happening)": Are you saying that the Takhti was destined to be a failure? :D
There was a time when I could walk into just about any shopping mall here and find excellent cotton based clothing made in Pakistan, some with designer labels. Now, it has almost all been replaced by products from other countries. The same decline can be observed in other sectors, particularly over the last decade or so, for products and produce from Pakistan.

I agree with you that rectifying this situation will require devotion, conviction and honesty. Given your signature these days, one can hope that IK's team will be able to apply these in delivering good economic results. We can discuss the developments as they occur over the rest of the term of this government.
If you check in those stores, you will notice that those products have been replaced by more polyester rich products (especially bedding). The reason is that cotton being a natural fiber got expensive and even the American or other European customers were not able to afford it. The Chinese came in with cheap polyester/micro fiber products. Latest research and studies have shown that it is not good for skin so people are gradually going back to Poly Cotton and Cotton products. Cotton in last few years was more limited to garments and even there it faced competition from Polyester. Pakistan's strong point have always been bedding and denim, next time you visit such a store do check these two things. Notice that have the bedding products and even some garments that you say previously used to carry Pakistani label have been replaced by more polyester rich products. Secondly. check the tags on some Denim trousers/pants (Jeans). If possible, so share your observations.

"electronics (which i do not see happening)": Are you saying that the Takhti was destined to be a failure? :D
Saying that it was never going to compete with Apple of Samsung or the low prices Chinese products.
If possible, so share your observations.

Will do, and probably in a dedicated thread, not here, after my next visit to the mall in a week or two. Right now I am preparing for a two day 400 mile off road rally.
Will do, and probably in a dedicated thread, not here, after my next visit to the mall in a week or two. Right now I am preparing for a two day 400 mile off road rally.
Wish you luck.
I will be visiting UK next week so will check it again myself as well. However, i do it on every single visit to Europe, i mean i ALWAYS do it. The points i shared are based on those observations. However it will be great if i can have some input from USA (you). Will look forward to it.
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