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Over half of all Indians without electricity

Bullsh!t!!! If over half of India was without electricity, then more than half of the image below, showing India at night would have been black! Check out the NASA image taken from space...


It looks more like 80% of India that's lit up!

Haidar bhai, please don't copy paste whatever you see in the Western press. Most of it is poppyc0ck! :no:


P.S. Note Tibet, Southern China, BD and Burma in comparison! The Western portion of India has less illumination as what you're seeing is desert with sparse population.

my goodness a light on every inch of india and that too like 300W bulbs looking towards the sky and all those lights confined inside the Indian borders, Show that to Mujeeb your bangladeshi people.
If there were more smarts than fools this world would be like hell
my goodness a light on every inch of india and that too like 300W bulbs looking towards the sky and all those lights confined inside the Indian borders

Ever heard of a festival called deewali????? This picture was taken by NASA on last year deewali night......
my goodness a light on every inch of india and that too like 300W bulbs looking towards the sky and all those lights confined inside the Indian borders, Show that to Mujeeb your bangladeshi people.
If there were more smarts than fools this world would be like hell

Ever heard of a festival called deewali????? This picture was taken by NASA on last year deewali night......

Thats a fake photo actually.This is the real one. And even on an average day it would look the same, diwali lights won't be visible from the space.



NASA releases map of India on Diwali night - The Hindu

NASA, the national space agency of the U.S., on Thursday released a black and white satellite imagery of India Diwali night 2012, cautioning people against the fake image in circulation on the social media.

“On November 12, 2012, the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi NPP satellite captured this night-time view of southern Asia,” NASA said releasing a picture of India on this Diwali night.

“The image is based on data collected by the VIIRS ‘day- night band’, which detects light in a range of wavelengths from green to near-infrared. The image has been brightened to make the city lights easier to distinguish,” it said.

NASA said most of the bright areas in the imagery released by it are cities and towns in India. “India is home to more than 1.2 billion people and has 30 cities with populations over 1 million,” it said.

Cities in Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan are also visible near the edges of the image.

“An image that claims to show the region lit for Diwali has been circulating on social media websites and the Internet in recent years. In fact, it does not show what it claims.

That image, based on data from the Operational Linescan System flown on US Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites, is a colour—composite created in 2003 by NOAA scientist Chris Elvidge to highlight population growth over time,” NASA said.

“In that image, white areas show city lights that were visible prior to 1992, while blue, green, and red shades indicate city lights that became visible in 1992, 1998, and 2003 respectively,” it said.

“In reality, any extra light produced during Diwali is so subtle that it is likely imperceptible when observed from space,” NASA said.
Ever heard of a festival called deewali????? This picture was taken by NASA on last year deewali night......

dont tell me you really believe this photo is real!!
compare that to christmas eve photo of US, forget US its too big take UK...they will look dark ages as compared to India
The BBC wants us to believe that approximately 600 million people are without power on a daily basis in India.....but the last time this much people was left without power it made headlines around thw world as the largest blackout in the world. So something is not right in this report.

It is misleading.

Some of the most populous states of India are:

Uttar Pradesh: Most populous - Only 36.8% households have electricity.

Bihar: Third most populous - Only 16.4% households have electricity.

West Bengal: Fourth most populous - Only 54.5% households have electricity.

Madhya Pradesh: Sixth most populous - Only 67% households have electricity (3% less than 10 years ago).

Rajasthan: Eighth most populous - Only 67% households have electricity.

Odisha: Eleventh most populous - Only 43% households have electricity.

These are 5 of the 10 most populous states (except for Odisha, which is 11th most populous).

Total population of these states: 575 Million (approx.) - Almost half of India, and the collective percentage of households without electricity comes about 52.5%.

If we were to consider the urban areas as having greater number of households with smaller families than the ones in rural areas by the smallest factor of 3:4, and then almost a quarter of Indian population is without electricity within these 6 states.

If we were to take into account all the states of India with their respective percentages, then at 67.2% of the households that have electricity, the majority of the households getting electric power are nuclear (read: smaller) families that reside in the urban areas.

At 3:4 population ratio per family (urban:rural) with one-third of households without electricity, the percentage of Indian population without access to useful electric supply would go up from 33% straight to 50%.

I suppose for an economic giant like India, this is not a picture that should instill any pride in the heart of Indian nationals.
dont tell me you really believe this photo is real!!
compare that to christmas eve photo of US, forget US its too big take UK...they will look dark ages as compared to India

UK s population density is less than India s...
I am from Mumbai. There is no electricity here from Adam's era. I went to Gujarat, Modi only gives electricity to Yindoo majority areas. Almost no mosque has electricity in India. This report is absolutely right.
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