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Over 50% of children face sexual abuse in India

Mr Asim..u have brought in a point ..may b I am offtopic here but cant resist a question..when u see a reported post do u also try to analyze the context or quoted posts..?? kindly answer Sir. as I can't PM..

You may use Visitor profile message and you can I think PM admins and mods.
I find the stats difficult to digest. I cant accept or believe the figure to be so high. Child abuse is terrible to see ANYWHERE and i hope its eradicated from all society. Sadly there are those who take advantage of the innocence of children and that's a sad sad thought. The problem isn't isolated or exclusive to India.
Nobody with any sense and decorum can look at these stats and be happy. Lets pray for it to be eradicated from all society.
I saw the show yesterday by chance. Called my kids and made them watch it as well. Especially the "workshop." I thought I was being a progressive father and arming my "protected" kids with knowledge against the nasty real world.

Turns out from the sniggers I got from my wife and the exagerrated rolling of eyes of my older daughter, that its all daal roti for them.

I should spend less time here in office and more with them. They've grown up so quickly and are so smart. Having an open mother helps.

A lot of the ills that plague us as a society is because the women keep quiet and are many a times hand in glove. Izzat. Biradari. And all that crap.

Balls to izzat and biradari. Your kids should come first.
Izzat. Biradari. And all that crap.

Balls to izzat and biradari. Your kids should come first.

One of the biggest weapon of abusers is to ensure the crime takes place under the circumstance where it just goes unreported.
I find the stats difficult to digest. I cant accept or believe the figure to be so high. Child abuse is terrible to see ANYWHERE and i hope its eradicated from all society. Sadly there are those who take advantage of the innocence of children and that's a sad sad thought. The problem isn't isolated or exclusive to India.
Nobody with any sense and decorum can look at these stats and be happy. Lets pray for it to be eradicated from all society.
yes stats seem overblown..but we dont have other source to counter that info..which has been done by a govt. ...in any case we need to remove this disease ..yes its a mental disease (atleast I presume it that way).
How to counter?

1 still after 64 years we dont have laws related to contain and root out this disease...and thats pathetic and thats when a govt stats shows condition too badly, so make some laws, that too, harshest!! which can deal with the offender and give some sola ce to victim.

2 Educate child and parents aboutt this. issue.
3 Parents should show more confidence,when child complains about something ppl tend to ignore child complaints.. "baccha hai".
One of the biggest weapon of abusers is to ensure the crime takes place under the circumstance where it just goes unreported.

I believe our kds are smart. Not just city kids. Rural kids too. Media is just too widespread for anyone to be cloistered anymore.

I am sure that even when the kids finally talk, its the family and parents who hush it up.

Posh schools do it. Educated affluent people do it.

Most times I feel its the middle class that is left holding the flag of activism.

Dhobi ka ***** comes to mind ...
why do u open a thread when you dont have any intellect to digest the response coming...just cheap banters windy..comeon make some contribution...let see ..

Let me get this right, your idea of intellect is, next time an Indian member opens a thread about terrorism attack inside Pakistan, i'll drag in some Naxalite issue.
By pointing out the nine scum bags caught in the UK, is the problem in India or for that matter elsewhere going to go away.
These evils exist in every society alas my evil is never better than yours. !!
If you watched the show, these stats included "Forcible kissing". I would imagine that most kids have had some or the other relative grab and kiss them, without sexual overtones. Indians are a tad too physically expressive at times, and This might be the reason for the 53% statistic.

Talking about statistics is missing the point. The scary thing is that these pedophiles are incredibly clever and devious, and generally someone trusted by the family. Sometimes, it is the father who abuses his own kids. I guess the only way to deal with this is to talk, talk, talk. Keep the lines of communications open, and if there is a problem- Tackle it and not avoid it.
:woot: 50% ? This is huge guyz! Just like a country runs with out a Police...

I am glad Satyamev Jayate is already up on tv in India.

Hope our Sri Lankan and Pakistani brothers also stand up these hard facts of life, and our willing to face their own "Satyamev Jayate" and take corrective actions.
But we guys are seriously lax and soft targets when it comes to protecting our kids against foreigners in places like Goa, Kolkata, Mumbai, etc. Even when they are caught, our authorities pussyfoot all over. We cant afford to get such a reputation. Otherwise soon we will become like Pattaya.

Even here in Pune there is this ongoing case against an orphanage. Run by a so called respectable member of soceity. Case has been dragging on without progress. Victims and families are bought off. Authorities are bought off. Life goes back to normal. After all we have a annual birth cohort of 25 million. Plenty to go around. Disgusting!
Like i always said, we can learn alot from Pakistani NGO methods on CSA awareness. cartoon like these are usefull fro kids as well as adults/parents.

If i recall correctly, there aren't proper laws defining CSA in India.
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This is unacceptable and please don't make fun of India on this, its not a laughing matter.

My best to India is battling this scourge. We normally kill all Indian internal matter threads, but will leave this one up with the trust people will remain civilized on such an important issue. It is not to prove that Indians are some sort of fiends, living with Indians I can say for certain they are not, its a few of course, but a few too many, of course.

I repeat, keep it clean and civil and accord it the seriousness this topic deserves.

Side note: Asim, why is this " courtesy" not extended to similar topics about Pakistan? … you know topics like this is all about scoring points, does this one being kept open just for such ulterior motive? Can we bring back and discuss UK Pakistanis penchant for recruiting 12 yr old girls into sexual slavery or dance boys of Pakistan's north I believe or Chinese trafficking of women and owners of almost all brothels / massage parlors in the US? I can't promise the kind of reaction from others- but I know I can write it out with utmost civility as you have called for on this topic. Can I open such topics and you afford me the same courtesy brother?

On Topic : Nice to see that 99% of Indians reaction is not o cower away and be fan boys. The data as per my understanding ( which not 100% clear)but also includes things like hugging, kissing among teenagers towards teenagers- Unwanted as it may have been, it's really not the eye popping crazy abuse going on as the article seeks to project . But it is problem that I believe is at it's highest in conservative and closed societies and I know India is one.
Well i watched both the shows and i must say due diligence has been done in showing the issue in a constructive way(not just harping on the issue but also showing the path of a way out).... Now as far as 50% number is concerned then there is no way we can find out the correct number...Sexual exploitation with a kid doesn't necessarily means some sort of penetration/removing clothes etc etc...Sometimes kid may not even understand about what is going on...Sometimes they do but not able to tell anyone...sometimes they tell but are not taken seriously...sometimes the offender don't do it frequently with the kid etc etc....I mean there are so many permutations and combinations in which a kid can be exploited..Also such a character is looking out for kids and thus there is a high chance that he may end up exploiting "n" number of kids since the risk of getting caught is minimal...

In short this is a serious issue and it doesn't matter it is happening to how many percentage...the only way out is to keep your kid informed and give him/her confidence to tell you if god forbids anything happens...Most importantly we should take them seriously and take action irrespective of who the culprit is...
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