Gentlemen, soldiers follow orders and are human beings. These men died for their state's illicit polices but as much as some of their actions deserve our ire; they do not warrant utter disrespect. There are good and bad soldiers in all military forces,yet soldiers always salute each other even if they are from bitter enemies.
We represent a defence site.. we can condemn their actions.. but we shan't celebrate the loss of life on either side.
Because we are Pakistanis, we need to be, we MUST be better than the trash that forms the majority of Indians on our site now, better than the trash that makes up their defence forums where even 1/100th of the same freedom of speech we allow is absent.
Our existence, our being better human beings is a continual embarrassment and burn them up to the point where they hurt their keys on their keyboards. Let us continue to do that and not stoop to their level.
See a derailment, a troll.. DO NOT REPLY.. report and let us handle it.. and handle it we do.