For the present, we are at war and do not grasp the dimensions of the conflict. War’s nature has changed and we are now fighting a different kind of war. It’s not just about fighting on the battlefield. There are no distinct zones of war and peace. It blends the kinetic with the non-kinetic, i.e., politico-economic warfare, low-intensity conflict, lawfare, diplomacy, cyberwar, and now even fake news and other digitized interventions et cetera. question for everybody are we not in war? But taking the iron fist route only opens ourselves further to the very vulnerabilities that can be targeted. India already made mistake in this war make Kashmir people feel that they are not better off and not better protected by being part of the state rather than opting out. That feeling of belonging BJG took away from Kashmiri Muslim is created them alienation and isolation. which definitely break apart India into pieces, it is just a matter of time. Game is Started --- what do you expect from Cloud Theory Master ..
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