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Countries who claim them peace loving why don't come forward in solving border disputes??

Yeah I agree.. If China is peace loving then they should return the land of Kashmir they have illegally occupied..:tup:

I'm shooting on my food by calling ourself a peace-loving people :oops:...now people just take it seriously and as granted :hitwall:
China should be more open in solving disputes... then only world countries accept its peace loving nature. China is doing some impressive work in African countries , But in Asia it has to give some respect to its bordering 14 neighboring countries also
So this article is about India preparation (conventional + deterrent) and readiness to face China potentional invasion...but this guy forgot to mention if economical is viable to have arm race with China.

We have over 3 times defense budget more than India...that's not include other hidden cost...you India better be ready to match that. The best way for China to defeat India without fire a signle shot is:

- Push India to have an arm's race until bankrucy the same way as U.S did to U.S.S.R

Let see if India will commit the same mistake as U.S.S.R

Dude India is world's third largest economy and we spend around 2% of our GDP on defence much less than global average. USSR went bankrupt because they were spending 1\3 of their GDP on defence like their yr Pakistani half brother. We don't do that. Unlike Pak USSR never had any sugar daddies to bail them out.
So stop this BS that u would bankrupt us by sucking us into this arm's race.
China will fail when people take to streets demanding democracy, next Arab spring is due in China.
Think about. India is one that gave u yr security council seat , gave u yr religon(without which u would have been a Islamic country!!!!),gave u even yr kung fu.
Instead of being thankful to India u have only given us trouble.
1. The Chinese media or reports of defense build up in that country are exclusively defensive targeted at countering possible aggression by USA. Isn't it, therefore, strange that the Indian media and GOI are so hyper about an imminent Chinese attack? Perhaps it is not all that strange given the gullibility of Indians in buying WCC (Western Christian Civilization) prescription of a Chinese threat to their dream of attaining super power-hood.

2. The candid fact is what was disclosed by an eminent son of India. Sashi Tharoor has rebuked those who call India a super power whereas India really is a Super Poor.

3. It is not possible that Indian leadership, among whom are many eminent intellectuals, are not aware that the paranoia created by WCC is to pit her against China in a proxy war. Perhaps greed has overtaken intellect. India is the top destination of the global arms bazaar. Which presents opportunities for maha-graft. The objective of the Arms Peddlers is to create conditions to push sell. The objectives of Neo Cons is world domination. The objective of the Money Barons is Urban Renewal after a war has destroyed a nation. "When blood flows in the streets, there is money to be made," Rockefeller Sr.

4. Saner elements in India ought to realize she can never bring herself to confront PRC. What India needs to do is to address poverty alleviation,enact land reforms, remove illiteracy, and the top most, go for drastic social reforms. Otherwise she will crumble from within. In fact that is already happening. And if this internal weakening continues her smaller neighbors will intervene to take sides on account of ethnic, religious, linguistic or historic affinity.

1. The Chinese media or reports of defense build up in that country are exclusively defensive targeted at countering possible aggression by USA. Isn't it, therefore, strange that the Indian media and GOI are so hyper about an imminent Chinese attack? Perhaps it is not all that strange given the gullibility of Indians in buying WCC (Western Christian Civilization) prescription of a Chinese threat to their dream of attaining super power-hood.

2. The candid fact is what was disclosed by an eminent son of India. Sashi Tharoor has rebuked those who call India a super power whereas India really is a Super Poor.

3. It is not possible that Indian leadership, among whom are many eminent intellectuals, are not aware that the paranoia created by WCC is to pit her against China in a proxy war. Perhaps greed has overtaken intellect. India is the top destination of the global arms bazaar. Which presents opportunities for maha-graft. The objective of the Arms Peddlers is to create conditions to push sell. The objectives of Neo Cons is world domination. The objective of the Money Barons is Urban Renewal after a war has destroyed a nation. "When blood flows in the streets, there is money to be made," Rockefeller Sr.

4. Saner elements in India ought to realize she can never bring herself to confront PRC. What India needs to do is to address poverty alleviation,enact land reforms, remove illiteracy, and the top most, go for drastic social reforms. Otherwise she will crumble from within. In fact that is already happening. And if this internal weakening continues her smaller neighbors will intervene to take sides on account of ethnic, religious, linguistic or historic affinity.

India spends much below global average on defence and bondhu instead fretting about us prevent yr country from becoming another Pakistan. Because this would be yr fate if Zia madam came to pwer.
Dude India is world's third largest economy and we spend around 2% of our GDP on defence much less than global average. USSR went bankrupt because they were spending 1\3 of their GDP on defence like their yr Pakistani half brother. We don't do that. Unlike Pak USSR never had any sugar daddies to bail them out.
So stop this BS that u would bankrupt us by sucking us into this arm's race.
China will fail when people take to streets demanding democracy, next Arab spring is due in China.
Think about. India is one that gave u yr security council seat , gave u yr religon(without which u would have been a Islamic country!!!!),gave u even yr kung fu.
Instead of being thankful to India u have only given us trouble.

let have an arm race then...we shall see who will prevail

as for democracy...worry more about 1 meal per day indian people, your democracy is far from being perfect...otherwise India don't even bother with Maoists or faction such UFLA....so much for your democracy...and by the way...China will never fail because that how China rule for millenium...

You give us the council seat?...I dont know the detail..call for expert for that...

as for religion...don't flattered yourself...that's not a gift...we didn't ask for it...just happened at that time to be that some of your monks came fist to China to spread the religion...if Islam came first...then your monk can kiss good bye.

No offense...as Kun fu...if you talk about Tatmoh...that's only speculation and legendary told...We don't deny it nor accept it until a solid evident ..then again.. if you Indians are so good at it...why didn't keep it for yourself

Give you trouble??? your harbor our Tibetan slave owner first in 1959...and say that we give trouble??? there must be a rational explaination on this
Off course nothing personal...if you talk about Vietnam’s hypothetical revenge with Indian navy assistance to open a second front at sea...that’s possible but consider that Sino-India war at Himalayas, PLA navy asset is intact too...I don’t want to foresee who will win...the tactic is debatable..i will let expert to handle it....sure PLA Navy have free time to spare to have warm welcome of India navy in SCS.

AS 1962...I don’t know much about the detail, maybe Chinese-Dragon can contribute more on this issue :D
But on Chinese side, we blamed India for inflexible for negotiate the McMahon line...you guys take it as blessing of God and Harbor Tibetans slave owners in 1959...and Nehru’s forward policy...these had degenerate into 1962 war...as I repeat again...I don’t know much detail..That’s only the general perception.
Yes I agree the EXAMPLE war sinario will have many dimensions like your supply line in IOR and hidden or open support of other world powers like Russia and USA. So let's not get it to details. It was just example.

Ok. I don't go in detail with you on that topic. But don't you think whatever the issues even Tibet (actually India agreed to your claim before war) should have been solved through diplomacy and not through war ??? You don't need any knowledge to answer that question. Actually 1962 war helped India a lot than the loss. Our great World Peace Embasiter learn the lesson about the requirement of Army.
let have an arm race then...we shall see who will prevail

as for democracy...worry more about 1 meal per day indian people, your democracy is far from being perfect...otherwise India don't even bother with Maoists or faction such UFLA....so much for your democracy...and by the way...China will never fail because that how China rule for millenium...

You give us the council seat?...I dont know the detail..call for expert for that...

as for religion...don't flattered yourself...that's not a gift...we didn't ask for it...just happened at that time to be that some of your monks came fist to China to spread the religion...if Islam came first...then your monk can kiss good bye.

No offense...as Kun fu...if you talk about Tatmoh...that's only speculation and legendary told...We don't deny it nor accept it until a solid evident ..then again.. if you Indians are so good at it...why didn't keep it for yourself

Give you trouble??? your harbor our Tibetan slave owner first in 1959...and say that we give trouble??? there must be a rational explaination on this
Are you not getting the point or you don't want to get the point ???
Let me be clear. India's so call arm race will be just 3% of its GDP every year unless there is a war. Our GDP is increasing every year so amount bound to increase. It will require atmost 3/5 year for IA to update its soldiers equipments and other weapon systems. IAF and IN has plans running through 10/15 years for globle roles. But they will also attaind regional role fitness in 4/5 years

Yes UNSC seat was offered to India. It was again thanks to our great wise leader to give it to you. China was in isolation and only India was its mediator to talk to the rest of world. Fact.

On Tibet issue talked in upper post
So this article is about India preparation (conventional + deterrent) and readiness to face China potentional invasion...but this guy forgot to mention if economical is viable to have arm race with China.

We have over 3 times defense budget more than India...that's not include other hidden cost...you India better be ready to match that. The best way for China to defeat India without fire a signle shot is:

- Push India to have an arm's race until bankrucy the same way as U.S did to U.S.S.R

Let see if India will commit the same mistake as U.S.S.R

Junk head ,u guys r in an arms race with us , japan, russia, south korea, india vietnam,etc etc so combined all the economies of these countries is 10 times of ur economy.india has a much lesser challange just pakistan n chinna combined economy is roughly 2.8 _ 3 times of our economy.so if u guys can sustain we have 3 times More better chances of survival than u..n dude the moment u cross borders u face hostile population with a hostile army but if IA crosses the border we face only a hostile army with no pressure of a hostile population or a very friendly population think over it u guys have no war exp but IA has crushed guerella warriors for the last 45years irrespective of the terrain and country supporting them..so the only chances of PLA holding onto india ground is to apply for an indian passport
Junk head ,u guys r in an arms race with us , japan, russia, south korea, india vietnam,etc etc so combined all the economies of these countries is 10 times of ur economy.india has a much lesser challange just pakistan n chinna combined economy is roughly 2.8 _ 3 times of our economy.so if u guys can sustain we have 3 times More better chances of survival than u..n dude the moment u cross borders u face hostile population with a hostile army but if IA crosses the border we face only a hostile army with no pressure of a hostile population or a very friendly population think over it u guys have no war exp but IA has crushed guerella warriors for the last 45years irrespective of the terrain and country supporting them..so the only chances of PLA holding onto india ground is to apply for an indian passport

Actually the combined economies of all these countries is around 3 times as large as China's.

But you need to take it account China's relative much quicker economic growth and in 10 years time China should be around as large as all of them combined.

China is a massive juggernaut on the move.
China should be more open in solving disputes... then only world countries accept its peace loving nature. China is doing some impressive work in African countries , But in Asia it has to give some respect to its bordering 14 neighboring countries also

Absolutely. China partnered with the US to undermine Russia, and it is supporting North Korea and Pakistan to counter Japan, South Korea and India. Pakistan, which was created by the British for their own interests, is now being misused by China.

China is also bullying Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia.

China needs to introspect about its unwise policies.
The Chinese media or reports of defense build up in that country are exclusively defensive targeted at countering possible aggression by USA. Isn't it, therefore, strange that the Indian media and GOI are so hyper about an imminent Chinese attack? Perhaps it is not all that strange given the gullibility of Indians in buying WCC (Western Christian Civilization) prescription of a Chinese threat to their dream of attaining super power-hood.
And you know everything about Chinese strategy ??? Grow up...What Chinese military build-up in Tibet and near Sikkim, Arunachal, HImachal Pradesh is for US ??? What US will attack China from India or Pakistan ??? Which one do you think :rofl:

The candid fact is what was disclosed by an eminent son of India. Sashi Tharoor has rebuked those who call India a super power whereas India really is a Super Poor.
Whats new ?? Nobody calls india a super power... everybody calls india an emerging power and developing country. You need to read a little bit about India before you write. Just because you don't like the country which freed you doesn't mean what you wrote is true...

It is not possible that Indian leadership, among whom are many eminent intellectuals, are not aware that the paranoia created by WCC is to pit her against China in a proxy war. Perhaps greed has overtaken intellect. India is the top destination of the global arms bazaar. Which presents opportunities for maha-graft. The objective of the Arms Peddlers is to create conditions to push sell. The objectives of Neo Cons is world domination. The objective of the Money Barons is Urban Renewal after a war has destroyed a nation. "When blood flows in the streets, there is money to be made," Rockefeller Sr.
Despite alot of poors, India's economy is growing at a rate of 7 % per annum. It is Asia's third largest economy. Now as the economy grows so is the defence spending. If you won't be able to defend yourself, there's no point of this development.
Yes its true India is biggest arm importer and thats were problem rise.

Saner elements in India ought to realize she can never bring herself to confront PRC. What India needs to do is to address poverty alleviation,enact land reforms, remove illiteracy, and the top most, go for drastic social reforms. Otherwise she will crumble from within. In fact that is already happening. And if this internal weakening continues her smaller neighbors will intervene to take sides on account of ethnic, religious, linguistic or historic affinity.
You do realise India has a population of more than a billion people. Any reform will take time to materialize. India spend more than your budget on poors in the form of various subsidies, MGNREGA scheme and relief packages. The spending on education is also at its all time high. The spending on various basic infrastructure projects has risen to way beyond our beliefs....
In short leave these things upto the intellectuals...
India(apart from Akash SAM) is unable to make any other weapons system indigenously.

Really? You are way too uninformed so dont give finality to your statements. Maybe have some room for maneuvering.

To correct you:

1. Project 17 and Project 17a are just one example of tasks undertaken by Navy.
2. LPDs (on lines of Austin Class LPD) and LSTs being manufactured already.
3. Air Craft Carriers (where is Chinese 'engineering' here? They have had Varyag since ages now)
4. SSBNs to be inducted over next couple of years.
5. 100% integration into the network for network centric warfare achieved by Navy.

6. Ground Penetrating Radars
7. Gun Locating Radars.
9. JSTARs type integrative system under the AFNET underway.
10. ABM System
12. ALCM
13. Dedicated Military satellites with resolution of 1 foot and below already underway.
14. Trial of FINSAS underway
15. Project for SPG (tracked and wheel) produced in India is also final awaiting CCS clearance.
16. AMCA approved.

etc etc .. the list is endless. So please find out before opening your salvo!!

Apart from the nuclear SSNs, nearly everything else in the above list is on/virtually on a par with what the Europeans can produce. This shows a good deal of technological maturity
Thats their claim. Not independently verified.

China has tons more cash than any European country can hope to muster, and with the fact that China has much more scientists and engineers, this will allow the Chinese to catch up and surpass the Europeans in nearly all fields in 10-15 years.

Same for india.
China is a massive juggernaut on the move.

The juggernaut is slowing down.

Few things:

1. The Chinese economy is more exposed to the global trends than Indian economy by ways of greater exposure of Chinese companies to international markets in terms of financing and investments as compared to Indian companies. So the impact of the global debt crisis will be more on the Chinese economy than India

China's economy | Growth slows

2. The Chinese economy is predominantly an export oriented economy with the bulk of productions being exported to other countries. OTH Indian economy is more of domestic consumption patterned. Hence as the global debt crisis looms larger with govts defaulting in EU and the ripple effect on US companies the comparative effects again shall be more on China than India.

3. The manufacturing of goods for consumption elsewhere is greater in China (with this being the predominant source of livelihood in China) than in India. As the domestic demand will fall in EU due to financial restructuring the pressure on home industires (read EU based ones) will increase by means of legislation/other means in order to get the business back in own country in order to improve the overall employment scenario. Again with the greater exposure of Chinese economy to this the effects will be greater.

While the Chinese economy grew on international outsourcing the reverse trend will impact it and cause a slowdown in economy. Such high growth rates are not sustainable. In effect we shall be seeing the effects that befell the tiger economies in the late 90s. Cheers!!
let have an arm race then...we shall see who will prevail
why r u wasting ur money which u have got by seelling pirated craps to US ,western world

as for democracy...worry more about 1 meal per day indian people, your democracy is far from being perfect...otherwise India don't even bother with Maoists or faction such UFLA....so much for your democracy...and by the way...China will never fail because that how China rule for millenium...
oh really DID CCP feed u this propanganda :cheesy:
You give us the council seat?...I dont know the detail..call for expert for that...
well india was offered intially but they instead promote it to china BIG MISTAKE BY INDIA:hitwall:
as for religion...don't flattered yourself...that's not a gift...we didn't ask for it...just happened at that time to be that some of your monks came fist to China to spread the religion...if Islam came first...then your monk can kiss good bye.

No offense...as Kun fu...if you talk about Tatmoh...that's only speculation and legendary told...We don't deny it nor accept it until a solid evident ..then again.. if you Indians are so good at it...why didn't keep it for yourself
plz enlighten urself my boy
Hindu Wisdom - India and China

Give you trouble??? your harbor our Tibetan slave owner first in 1959...and say that we give trouble??? there must be a rational explaination on this
well he is our spiritual leader he is not mao zedong ( H*N slave owner):lol: .Well we would always be grateful to people of india for that.May god bless we would oneday acheive our objective:D
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