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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Please realize what US doesn't want war with Pakistan, in fact practically it can't wage one against Pakistan especially American people they know the constraints of today.

If push comes to shove, Pakistani military will defeat hostiles.

:( too simple a statement sir.
This operation is Done By Pakistani Forces ....in a village near PMA .. ..!
foxbat...call US Embassy in Pakistan. No need to give you link it is a confirmed news.
I can see a new Pakistani news -- it has to do with, wait for it.... denial, and... conspiracy:

It's not really Bin Laden - he's still aalive in some part of Pakistan (though he's not in nor has he ever been in Pakistan)

Zawahiri is alive and well, and not in Pakistan (nope, no one's seen him around here)

OK, there was a military operation, it was planned and executed by ISI and SSG, the Americans were told to come in helicopters and pretend to crash ther helicopters, so that Pakistani state authorities will once again not tell Pakistanis the truth

The truth is there never was a person called Osam Bin laden and if there was such a person, he died 5 years ago, and he was never in Pakistan

I am not worried about any of this, but the thing I am thinking why Pakistani authority didn't break the news ignoring the veracity? There is no doubt operation was carried out by 'fauj' cooperation and most probably SSG guys knocked him down, still none of authorities spoke a word about it, just to take credit at least?

No doubt Obama thanked Pakistani authorities but the impression from all the news headline depict american troops action without any Pakistani troops involvement which eventually will arise many conspiracies about the intend of Pakistan commitment. We do all the right things at wrong times! They got the credit but our chopper was shot down [my assumption] or crashed due to flying at very low altitude during surveillance means Pakistani soldiers blood bled.
I am american, a US citizen born and raised. A lot of american people are GOOD people. When talking on govt. issues do not refer to ALL Americans as the same, as I will not judge you. Your govt. does not speak for ALL pakistanis. The world is too populated and countries too involved for everyone to just mind there own business. We all have to work something out, adn YES and I do believe that Osama needed to be taken out and YES I do believe that Pakistan had involvment with his capture and death.

Also, wheres the proof he died a long time ago???
OSAMA is just one person, need to get out lot others
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why are the US people so happy about....it is a happy news but not this much....someone else will take his place and they will intensify their operations.pakistani forces cordoned off the area and then 2 helis started pounding the compound with rockets.....americans planted 4 bombs that went off simultaneously adn then they conducted the operation.PA was not completely out in the sun on this.
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