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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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Any way it's great news. No need to beat around bushes. There are lot of darkness behind curtains and let's go for official version of story as Obama said in his speech.

Pakistan has helped USA to war on terror and to get OBL.
btw, where are the folks now who used to cheer that USA is losing the WoT?? Watching CNN.. Awesome footage of scenes outside the White house..As they say, perseverance always perseveres...

Nobody thought Osama bin Laden or Al-Qaeda were good in anyway. May he rot in hell...
3 woman were there. 1 woman was used as shield by one of his guards --- OSAMA oldest son killed too. 2 woman remaining getting medical aid 1 dead .

One US chopper crashed into the compound too- chopper ws destroyed by the US before leaving

House was BIG 8 x bigger than any house- they are saying
House had barb wire and had 2 security checks to get in ( NO Phones or internet access at the place)..

bits and pieces coming out now..
OK -- can we now get some idea of reaction in Pakistan, in Arabia and UAE and such ?? If someone is living in these countries, can you please give us some idea of reaction

Lol, that reminds me, I got to go to work. Will be the first people I meet in the UAE.
Good job by both Pakistan and the US the sucker core of these cowards is DEAD ....
So will the hatred against Muslims stop now ?

No, it will increase -- contempt will replace euphoria shortly

will Pakistan finally prosper ? will the US abandon Pak since they kill OBL ? so many questions

Of course not, Pakistanis want "honor" - let the army tell them to them eat their honor, why settle for grass.
BS....FAIL America had to force you guys to act........

if Pakistan gave the order and authorization for US forces to come in, then how is that fail?

it would be "fail" for Pakistan if US acted on its own, and our own intel agencies either knew where he was and didnt act; or if they didnt know where he was (while in Pakistan).

again, you fail at even being a proper troll. Sorry, but gotta call you out on that. ;)

read up how they caught ISI compromising intelligence inputs....I am sure you can read all about it just google..

read how ISI helped capture other top operatives (as i mentioned already) and is credited by US authorities for having done so --despite the other not so positive press

also read about how ISI safehouses and offices have been attacked by terrorists as retaliation for such cooperation to root out terrorists from the general region

so the only one spewing out BS, it seems, is you.
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This war isn't over. Zawahiri, Ilyas Kashmiri and many others remain out there dangerous and committed to their twisted, perverse ambitions. So many Americans, Kenyans, Afghans, Brits, Spaniards and Pakistanis have died as a direct result of Bin Laden's sick vision. I don't care who's responsible. I'd be amazed if Pakistanis weren't involved at some level but these sort of petty claims for credit are truly irrelevant.

It is a good day as a lot of innocents have been avenged.
This particular action could not have happened without cooperation between Pakistan and USA which have been operating kill teams particularly for this purpose, so let us all leave it at that.
It is the result that matters.

It maybe that the seemingly deteriorating relationship between Pakistan and USA may have caught Osama off guard.
At least i also thought that all cooperation may have been on hold between our agencies and no more kill teams would have been operating.

We may not see eye to eye on many issues but killing Osama and Al Qaeda is certainly not one of them.
If Americans hate Osama, Pakistanis and Afghans are certainly not behind.
His death may result in a lot of leverage on the leadership of militant groups and may facilitate a more agreeable way forward for Pakistan, Afghanistan and USA, now that most of Al Qaeda leadership is dead.
Just when i thought things were at their worst, we are given a glimmer of hope.

The death of Osama shall be a huge blow for the Terrorists who operate in Pakistan and Afghanistan, a very symbol and rally point of the terrorists campaign has been eradicated.
Their idol who terrorized the world is now dead.
The terrorist who lived on and on despite killing thousands of innocents and bragging about it, is finally dead.

The decentralized nature of the terror network means that Osama's death will not make a huge impact immediately, however there is no denying that when such big ones are bagged and tagged...there is a slow but sure trickle down effect and it augers well for the countries in this meat grinder of a war.

We killed a symbol of terror, The symbol of terror....a day of justice for the families whose innocents this monster killed and gloated about!

Let us pray and hope that this changes the situation in terms of way forward as well.
Abbotabad is only 50km from Islamabad. Google Earth tells me.
Let's see how Pakistan tackles the after math of this incident. Hopefully Pakistan would be able to make the best out of this situation for itself. Let's hope both Army, ISI and foreign ministry do the job well. :)
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