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Osama Dead. Obama Confirms.

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WTF, the website keeps dropping connection and I loose my long written replies to members. :hitwall:

Who is messing around with this website?
Hmm.. another twist.

Rift with Zawahiri led to Bin Laden killing: Saudi paper – The Express Tribune

US troops were led to al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden by his own deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, because of a simmering internal power struggle, a Saudi newspaper reported on Thursday.

Al-Watan newspaper, quoting an unnamed “regional source,” said the top two al Qaeda men had differences and that a courier who led US forces to bin Laden was working for Zawahiri.

The courier was a Pakistan national and not a Kuwaiti as the US suspected, Al-Watan said. The man knew he was being followed by the US military but disguised the fact.

“The Egyptian faction of al Qaeda is defacto running the organisation now and since he was taken ill in 2004 they have been trying to take full control,” according to the paper.

It said Zawahiri’s faction had persuaded Bin Laden to leave tribal areas along the Afghan-Pakistan border and take shelter instead in Abbottabad near Islamabad where he was finally killed by US commandos on Monday.

With the return of an Egyptian figure in al Qaeda, Saif al-Adel, last autumn from Iran, the Egyptian faction had hatched a plan to dispose of Saudi-born bin Laden, according to Al-Watan.

Never listen to these cowards called Saudi's, these hypocrites are just spinning things for their own liking.

Global Islamic extremism will only be solved when this horrid hell hole called Saudi Arabia will bite the dust, its Saudi which exports its venomous and violent ideology to other nations.

They will get what is coming to them.

That bandit/robber Saud family will suffer the way they have made other suffers.
Our biggest upcoming test is going to be what happens to Bin Ladins wife.

She's currently in hospital right now and no doubt the US will ask for her extradition and subsequent interrogation in Baghram or Guantanamo.

We should adopt a non-compliance approach as a direct response to their non-compliance and unilateral action and hopefully look to move her to a neutral islamic country like Indonesia which is willing to give her a place of refuge. Not her country of origin Yemen, as it is swarming with more CIA officers than Pakistan and is just a volatile.

This has the potential to turn in another $hit storm for us. I think what will happen will be the same Raymond Davis situation stand-off all over again and our weak and coward Generals will probably let in-house CIA agents interrogate her inside pakistan, but it will be like Aafia Siddiqui case again once her plight is realized.

Pakistan should act quick before it escalates, this is the type of quick thinking that is needed. Not reactive but pro-active or else we will be caught sleeping again.

This will be probably the one and ONLY chance the Army will have to redeem itself.

I really hope one of them acts quickly before I loose all faith.
Or maybe Osama felt he didnt need any weapons with adequate "protection" that allowed him to live in luxury at the mansion for 5+ years....He was living in a military contonment, far away from the presence of any US/NATO ground forces or the range of drone strikes which obviously would not be unleashed on a Pakistani military base....

But I agree with you on the "odd" part....though not wrt his weapons collection...; )

If that were the case, why did ISI via courier lead the US to the compound?

Surely Osama wouldnt trust anyone and would be moving with his band of Uzbeks armed with heavy weapons. At least a machine gun.

Perhaps he forgot to bring his.
China slams US bin Laden operation

Thu May 5, 2011 4:58PM

China has criticized the United States for violating' Pakistan's sovereignty by carrying out a military operation to kill al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

“China holds that the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of any country should be respected,”
Xinhua news agency quoted Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu as saying at a regular news briefing in the capital Beijing on Thursday.
Jiang noted that the global anti-terrorism situation is still "grim and complex," calling for more international cooperation to fight the threat.

"The international community should boost their cooperation and make more efforts to counter the threat of international terrorism," she said.

The Chinese official added that Pakistan is a country at the front-line of anti-terrorism and that the international community should "give more understanding and support" to the country.

"We will continue to support Pakistan in instituting their own anti-terrorism strategies and carrying them out based on their domestic situation, and we appreciate Pakistan's active participation in the international anti-terrorism cooperation," Jiang said.

US President Barack Obama claimed that Osama bin Laden was killed by US forces on May 1 in a hiding compound in Pakistan, resisting while unarmed.

He added that the military mission was conducted without the knowledge of Pakistani authorities due to US mistrust of their purported South Asia ally.

A US official later announced that bin Laden's body was abruptly buried at sea, falsely boasting that his hasty burial was in accordance with the Islamic law, requiring burial within 24 hours of death.

However, burial at sea is not an Islamic practice and Islam does not have a decree on a burial timeframe.

US officials also claimed their decision of the sea burial was made because no country would accept bin Laden's remains, without elaborating on which countries were actually contacted on the matter.

Analysts, however, have raised serious questions as to why US officials did not allow for the application of a DNA test to officially confirm the identity of the corpse before the quick sea burial.
Osama dead. War on Terror over. Now what forward for Pakistan? Will our Army chief order to shot down any more drones come inside Pakistan? Can he stop American illegal invasion? Can he do that rather than ordering inquiry and condemnations. :hitwall:

As soon as news of Osama bin Laden’s death was announced, the world media began asking tough questions about the extent of cooperation that Pakistan’s intelligence agencies and armed forces provided for this operation. If Pakistani forces did not know about the operation and had only been informed about it immediately prior to its execution, as is the prevalent view among analysts notwithstanding the diplomatic-speak of high level western government officials, then this raises very serious concerns, not just about sovereignty domestically, but about the lack of trust and credibility accorded to our armed forces internationally.

If, on the other hand, Pakistani intelligence and military played a key role in luring Osama to Abbottabad so that this operation could be conducted, as proposed in a Telegraph piece titled “Bin Laden killed: Whose side was Pakistan on in this shoot-out?” (May 2), then it would have been far better to take ownership of a job well done. Remaining silent for fear of extremist backlash is a no-win policy. Not only is it unwise to play both sides in this deadly war, but equally importantly, it will continue to confuse the nation about the extent of sovereignty violated, and can create doubts about the ability of the armed forces and intelligence agencies, give rise to unwieldy conspiracy theories and provide justifications to the Americans to increase solo operations within our territory.

If, for instance, those analysts that claim Pakistan was not told about the operation because it is not to be trusted are correct, then Pakistan will have very little sympathy if it protests the use of drones or the presence of boots on the ground in the form of Blackwater or otherwise, regardless of Pakistani domestic opinion on this issue. Globally, Osama and his al Qaeda ilk are considered the most wanted terrorists of our time and cooperating in hunting them down is looked upon favourably around the world. On the other hand, sheltering terrorists leads to bad press and negative ramifications for all Pakistanis, whether in the form of visa restrictions for students or calls for summoning our senior military command for questioning abroad, calls that historic adversaries like India support through their lobbies.

So the issue is not, as some aspiring politicians or media gurus in Pakistan have confused people into thinking, that our military is fighting America’s war for dollars. Instead, the question that is being asked internationally is: Has our military taken the money and yet played both sides? Has it tried to assist America at times and, at other times, assisted the terrorists who are fighting America? OBL’s presence so close to Kakul has brought all these festering issues to the fore and nobody can clarify them better than the powers that be.

To be fair, it must not have been easy for the establishment to cut ties from the Taliban that it helped create. The Russian invasion of Afghanistan was very destabilising for our region and the ensuing relationship between the American and Pakistani forces that joined together to use jihadi ideology to fight the invading Russians created severe long-term problems, not the least of which were evidenced by the gradual radicalisation of both Pakistan and its military, a phenomenon that helped General Ziaul Haq maintain his undemocratic hold on power and resulted in a draconian force taking hold in Afghanistan after the defeat of the Russians. Although we cannot rewrite history, we can make choices that serve our national interest and that interest does not lie in supporting draconian forces that are frowned upon the world over and have neither the ideas nor the funds to better the lives of ordinary people.

Pakistan’s strategic depth in Afghanistan will have to rely on the hospitality that was provided to Afghan refugees by our people for a very long period of time. The sooner we take a clear stand, aligned with the prevailing world opinion, and come clean with our people, the better it will be for Pakistan. Otherwise, if this duplicity continues, not only will Pakistan’s armed forces be maligned internationally, but our own people will begin to look upon them as incompetent or, at worst, insincere.
They don't ponder the consequences of harbouring Osama Bin Laden...They dismiss comments from Senators & congressmen/woman as coming from Indian agents...Osama wasn't involved in 9/11...he really wasn't killed, if he was killed then the Pakistani forces did it...if the Americans did it on their own then Pakistan shot down the helicopter....etc.
The constant being that Pakistanis' national and sectarian pride must always escape unscathed.
BREAKING NEWS....BREAKING NEWS....Osama has been greeted with chhappals, shoes and stones by all suicide bombers at the gates Jahnnum (hell) for falsely promising Jannat (heaven) to them for blasting themselves senselessly in the name of Jihad...

equally greeted by american criminals who were sent to afghanistan to kill innocents, just because of him, osama is also waiting for ramsfeld, bush
BREAKING NEWS....BREAKING NEWS....Osama has been greeted with chhappals, shoes and stones by all suicide bombers at the gates Jahnnum (hell) for falsely promising Jannat (heaven) to them for blasting themselves senselessly in the name of Jihad...

equally greeted by american criminals who were sent to afghanistan to kill innocents, just because of him, osama is also waiting for ramsfeld, bush
one thing i didnt understand is, why the death of osama didnt started london bombings, newyork bombings, not even an attempt like faisal shahzad guy, no attacks in germany etc??, where are all the suicide bombers(warning of sarcasm for faint hearted)

maybe talibans and al quaida were upset from osama??

---------- Post added at 11:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 PM ----------

one thing i didnt understand is, why the death of osama didnt started london bombings, newyork bombings, not even an attempt like faisal shahzad guy, no attacks in germany etc??, where are all the suicide bombers(warning of sarcasm for faint hearted)

maybe talibans and al quaida were upset from osama??

No offensive but
you are also living in fools paradise exactly people like you are a big shame. I never observed a frightened, courage less, hopeless poster in this forum, why?

First you have to change word KHAN from your forum user name because your posts are not deserved this word, KHANs usually didn't show attitudes like in your posts.
I remember that we had talk in RD thread and i wrote you very suitable word for you, "Chronic fera". I think you remember it.


You feel better now----you may have felt that you had a talk with me---I did not have a talk with you---. I might have responded----I wrote what I wrote----you may talk about any fear/chronic fear/ or whatever----but the bottomline is that you and your kind are just talk-----there is never a substance behind your stand----all rhetoric---steam and rage----.

Now---what you are writing to me----send it to one of the generals----tell him to get on the tv----american tv----and blast it out----blast out the american response----take it out on the american media---on american tv---in front of the american public----tell them how it is----tel them right on their face what they have done---what america has done----.

Now is the time for the pak millitary to speak out-----or forever hold your breath----. They need to talk about step by step participation of pak millitary----how and what happened----.

If not----today----pakistan is completely and openly vulnerable to indian strikes at any time any place----cold start has been re-opened----the indians would have the israelis working with them to map out the points of interest-----and the areas it can fly through without detection.

Once you have opened the flanks----or the enemy understands that your flanks are vulnerable----then you are the mercy of the enemy strike force----of a time and a place of their chosing----when that happens----you are at a total and complete loss------because you can only fight against the enemy---you xcannot fight against the time and a place of their chosing.

Bashing me ain't gonna get you anything----you need to yell at the mil. establishment----.
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