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Origin/Meaning of Name: Christian/Muslim/Hindi/Pashtun/Urdu/Arabic/Panjabi???

Ur wrong buddy..
Sikhs and hindus have similiar names spelled differently and with a different acsent for example:
For females :
Tan vi not tanveer
for men:
In Muslims:
In Turkish its a name Emrah and in urdu its Imran, there is a name Suat and in urdu its Saad etc etc, in Christianity its David and in Islam its Dawood and Micheal is Mikaal and so on
Frank...all abrahamic religions have similarities with eachother but nothing with hinduism.
So the reasons doesnt apply here,
Same names are changed based on region over 100-200 years etc

Khan - Chan - Can etc

Jesus - Esa

Ishmael - Ismail

Alaxander - Sikandar etc

As humans migrate over , the take their name with them but its changes in pronounciation ... and so new names are created ...
Actually there are many names that are common among the Abrahamaic religions especially Islam and Christianity :

Ibrahim - Abraham,
Yakub - Jacob,
Musa - Moses,
Dawood - David etc etc.

nd in the same way there are many common names among Sikhs and Hindus,(both are dharmic religions)

Jitender - Jitendra,
Inderjit - Indrajit
Harvinder - Harender
and the surnames of sikhs like Arora,Saini,Gill are also very commonly used among Hindus.
you will find many persian words similar to Sanskrit words, the reason being Vedic Sanskrit is similar to Avestan, the forefather of persian.

For one, Zoroaster's persian name is ' Zarathustrah' which is defines as " Owner of Old camels" . anyone here with a basic knowledge of sanskrit will attest that Jara in sanskrit means old age/old
and Ushtrah (plural of ushtra) is the word for " camel " . You may also notice that the sanskrit word for camel (ushtra) is onomatopoeic and derived from the sound the camel makes.Hindi/urdu ' unt' is derived from ancient name 'ushtr'
Ok some more research has thrown up very interesting things

baghdad is an old persian word bhag+data "god" +" gift" .."gifted by god"

baksheesh from old perisan bakshi+daan compare with bikhsha+daan

shariyar="king" from old avestan: xshatra compare with kshatriya

Bumi persian compare with bhumi

qand, meaning "sugar." ultimately derived from Sanskrit khanda, possibly dravidian

muhr/mohur : seal, coin. compare with the semantically equivalen mudra: coin,seal

haft: seven, compare with sapta: seven

Iran derivative from the Proto-Iranian term Aryānā,, meaning "Land of the Aryans",

Persian shaghāl from sanskrit word " shrugal" , jackal..' jackal ' is a descendant of the persian name.

Kamboh : a punjabi agricultural community, from the word " Kamboja" .interestingly the word Cambodia is also related.

Lakh: one hundred thousand from sanskrit laksha

namaz: old avestan " to prostrate" cognate of the Sanskrit " namah"

Istan : place Old Avestan, Sanskrit ' sthana'

narangi: orange, from sanskrit " naranj" orange

Pashto: ancient tribe, Sanskrit word for the Pashtos, " Parthava"

Zenana : women old persian, compare with sanskrit janani : mother
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