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Opposing Permanent seat for India

And they are founding members/ and reason for formation of UN.

2. Indian human rights violations is only one aspect.

Of course you would say that...

3. There are many pressing reasons why India should not given permanent seat

A. India has been patronising terrorism at state level i.e Indian State terrorism in East Pakistan.

And the US and Pakistan created the Mujahideen/Taliban to fight the soviets.....glaring example of state terrorism

B. India had partonised the most dangerous terrorist outfit LTTE in Sri Lanka.

And the US and Pakistan patronized the Mujahideen that have now taken a monstrous form as the Taliban.....probably a bigger headache for the world than LTTE ever was....

And coming from a Pakistani sounds even funnier....your country has nurtured Kashmiri terrorism for the past 2 decades....lets not even get into the support for the Taliban and shelter to the current Terrorist hotbed...

C. India is patronising BLA terrorists.

Baseless and PROVE IT or lose it!

The bottom line is UNSC meant to stop any such activity by using its veto power along with acting on many other critical issues.

And India will do so rightfully...

4. India has border disputes with almost all of its neighbours hence India in UNSC will never bring peace to this region.

So does/did China....what of it?

US is currently fighting 2 wars....

A country that is part many pressing issues with regards to peace and stability of this vital region can NEVER be made judge for giving a fair verdict on its own role.

Pakistan should put forth its weak and baseless arguments to the world (Im sure they will) and let the world decide...
It will probably be a wakeup call for your kind, but you should enjoy the dreams for now...

5. Any issue pertaining to vital interests of main powers i.e US, China and Russia put in UNSC with veto power in hands of India will further jeopardised the world peace

How so....?
these countries have recognized India's role in the power dynamics....
India is the second most populous nation, has a formidable economy, the third largest standing force in the world capable of projecting power beyond its borders, a responsible nuclear power with an impeccable record not to forget a non aggressive no first use policy....and most importantly,India has never been an aggressor...PERIOD!

Whatever happens, the point is that sooner or later, the UNSC will have to make room for India...its inevitable....you can say its destiny.....

If India vote or even abstain it will imbalance the equilibrium

I dont think you have a clue.....your lame reasoning is laughable at best
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And they are founding members/ and reason for formation of UN.

Of course you would say that...

And the US and Pakistan created the Mujahideen/Taliban to fight the soviets.....glaring example of state terrorism

And the US and Pakistan patronized the Mujahideen that have now taken a monstrous form as the Taliban.....probably a bigger headache for the world than LTTE ever was....

And coming from a Pakistani sounds even funnier....your country has nurtured Kashmiri terrorism for the past 2 decades....lets not even get into the support for the Taliban and shelter to the current Terrorist hotbed...

Baseless and PROVE IT or lose it!

And India will do so rightfully...

So does/did China....what of it?

US is currently fighting 2 wars....

Pakistan should put forth its weak and baseless arguments to the world (Im sure they will) and let the world decide...
It will probably be a wakeup call for your kind, but you should enjoy the dreams for now...


How so....?
these countries have recognized India's role in the power dynamics....
India is the second most populous nation, has a formidable economy, the third largest standing force in the world capable of projecting power beyond its borders, a responsible nuclear power with an impeccable record not to forget a non aggressive no first use policy....and most importantly,India has never been an aggressor...PERIOD!

Whatever happens, the point is that sooner or later, the UNSC will have to make room for India...its inevitable....you can say its destiny.....and remember "history repeats itself"

I dont think you have a clue.....your lame reasoning is laughable at best

Most of the world (in fact almost the entire world) knows what you are saying, and agrees with it. It is only Pakistan which keeps making these silly arguments. No one's listening to them.
Human rights in India are far better in India when compared to Pakistan ..
What ever you or that Gilani may do Kashmir is and will remain a part of Integrated India and India will definitely get a permanent seat in 2012 reforms because by then India will in Top 5 economies and a major contributer to the UN
India has earlier got the support of UK France and Russia now both US and China has supported India for the UNSC (when all the five members have supported no one can stop India..)
:agree::agree: atleast they know all is true.

Whether they close their eyes to it for the timebeing is another thing.

i will come up with other factors too why US, China, Russia will be at loss if India given peppermint seat

Peppermint seat, eh? I'm loving the way Pakistanis are fretting and wringing their hands at the very real prospect of India getting in.
Well, what can Pakistan do by opposing, It is the P5 countries views which matters, 4 are already supporting us, only China is having problem and hope, China will be also ready in coming years.
And the US and Pakistan created the Mujahideen/Taliban to fight the soviets.....glaring example of state terrorism

And the US and Pakistan patronized the Mujahideen that have now taken a monstrous form as the Taliban.....probably a bigger headache for the world than LTTE ever was....

Big difference between Indian state terrorism in East Pakistan and Indian formation of terrorist LTTE and US/Pakistan nurturing Mujahidee/Taliban BECAUSE

1. The Mujahideen/Taliban created by US and Pakistan were fighting against Soviet Invasion whereas

LTTE created by India uptill now was fighting against innocent Sri Lankans not any outsider.

And coming from a Pakistani sounds even funnier....your country has nurtured Kashmiri terrorism for the past 2 decades....lets not even get into the support for the Taliban and shelter to the current Terrorist hotbed...

Kashmiris have every right to fight against Indian invasion and there is no question of terrorism there because like Soviets in Afghanistan, like Americans/Nato in Afghanistan are invaders similarly Indians in country of Kashmiris are invaders.

US is currently fighting 2 wars....

US is currently waging 2 wars not fighting

Pakistan should put forth its weak and baseless arguments to the world (Im sure they will) and let the world decide...
It will probably be a wakeup call for your kind, but you should enjoy the dreams for now...

Whatever happens, the point is that sooner or later, the UNSC will have to make room for India...its inevitable....you can say its destiny.....and remember "history repeats itself"

We are talking about facts and the fact is that India has been an aggressor and terrorism fomenting country at state level.

Rest the world (read US) has also vetoed criticism resolutions against terrorist state of Israel so it wont be surprise if they accommodate another country with track record of atrocities and state terrorism

most importantly,India has never been an aggressor..

:no: Indian State terrorism in Pakistan in 71 you have scant memory.
dil jalta hai toh jalne de...aasu na baha fariyaad na ker...dil jalta hai toh jalne de.....

from : radio pakistan, delhi

Human rights in India are far better in India when compared to Pakistan ..

Forget about the human rights thats another aspect not pressing one viz a viz UNSC.

The more important thing is the the role of India in making this entire region a nuclear flash point with Indian Army chiefs threatening a nuclear attack.

India has earlier got the support of UK France and Russia now both US and China has supported India for the UNSC (when all the five members have supported no one can stop India..)

Russia, US, China with veto power are already facing the axe viz a viz vetoing different issues in UNSC. Its unlikely that either China or US or Russia will like India vetoing or siding with their rival country.
:what: I Think Its Pakistan ARMY CHIEF who always threaten India of nuclear attack in case of war...

None of Our Army Chiefs ever said that on the other hand you need to check your chief for insane comments
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