A convergence of development strategies has offered rare opportunities for China and Turkey to build an all-round and deeper relationship, Chinese Ambassador to Turkey Yu Hongyang said here on Friday.
Addressing a forum on China's "Belt and Road initiative," Yu noted that since it was first broached by Chinese President
Xi Jinping more than two years before, the initiative has produced initial momentum and effect by garnering a positive response and broad participation from more than 60 countries along the way.
The "Belt and Road initiative," also known as the
Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road initiative, promotes connectivity and cooperation among countries involved.
Turkey, a country linking Asia and Europe, has launched its own Middle Corridor Initiative seeking a modern revival of the ancient Silk Road, which started from China and ended in Turkey.
"With so high a convergence of development strategies by both sides, rare opportunities have arisen for the two countries to build an all-round and deeper relationship," said Yu.
The forum, which brought together Turkish and Chinese business people as well as renowned academicians, focused on ways to understand and do business with China.
Iraz Turhan Alvaran, representative to Beijing for the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen Association, highlighted infrastructure, finance, automobile, textile, tourism, e-commerce and agriculture as potential areas for investment as the trade between Turkey and China is growing.
Opportunities for China, Turkey to build all-round relationship: Chinese envoy - Global Times
Well as I've said before, Asian nations are not in a position to act against eachother, because development should be number one priority. There should be nothing but cooperation between China and Turkey and those news are the good news.
However with any right leaning party(except for secular center-right parties) in the government of Turkey, there will be deep seated trust issues between China and Turkey. That's why Chinese investment to Turkey is very critical. Like to all countries, investment means influence.
At the end of the day, China should have a deeper influence in Turkey. Like
@Baybars Han says, China is a great power now and has a lot of potential to become a super power in a very close future. China is not in a position to passively wait and criticize what 3rd party countries are doing. China should be much more proactive about what 3rd party countries are doing and should influence the policy making process.
In every single country there is a political movement/group that are friendly to US, aligns their political agenda according to US policies, and leans towards anglo-saxon school of thought. It's in every country without an exception, even in China and Russia. That's why in every country US has a friend, weak or strong. Such influence comes from a mixture of cultural power and economic power. Military power has very little role in such matters.
All in all, a great power should not be reluctant to invest in times when there are problems with bilateral relations. Instead a great power should be more eager to make friends in times of crisis to influence the matters in it's core of the 3rd party country.
What I think is China has enemies in Turkey, but has very few friends. No one really knows anything about China. China should have more friends in Turkey to have a more established relationship based on deep seated trust.
An example of China's friends in Turkey;
Translation of the news below:
"Leader of CHP Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu met high ranking CPC official Li Yuanchao. Kılıçdaroğlu told that he explained policies of CHP regarding the situation in Syria. In the meeting Kılıçdaroğlu told Li Yuanchao that "
there shouldn't be any external intervention to Syria. Syrian territorial integrity should be preserved. Any decision regarding Syria should be taken in UN by all parties. Turkey should organize a conference for the attendence of China, Russia and US in Syrian matter. This would improve the hope for the peace. With or without Assad the problem is formation of peace as soon as possible."
Kılıçdaroğlu told the news that CPC officials were positive about the policies of CHP in Syrian problem. Vice President of CHP Faruk Loğoğlu told that the relations between CHP and CPC should be improved in party level.
He added that CPC agreed with this. The relationship between women branches and youth organizations of both parties will be improved substantially.
Kılıçdaroğlu brought marzipan and nuts as a gift to CPC officials. "
---original text---
CHP lideri Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Pekin’de Çin Komünist Partisi üst düzey yetkilileri ile bir araya geldi. Çin Komünist Partisi Merkez Komitesi Siyasi Büro Üyesi Li Yuencao ile görüşen Kılıçdaroğlu, Suriye konusunda CHP’nin politikasını aktardığını ifade etti.
Kılıçdaroğlu, Li Yuencao’ya partisinin duruşunu şöyle özetlediğini aktardı: “Suriye’nin içişlerine karışılmamalı. Dışarıdan müdahale edilmemelidir. Suriye’nin toprak bütünlüğü korunmalıdır. BM’nin alacağı uluslararası kararlara uyulmalıdır. Rusya, Çin ve
ABD’nin de katılacağı Türkiye’de toplanacak bir konferans yararlı olur, barış umudunu artırır.”
Kılıçdaroğlu’nun, “Esad ve Esad’sız bizim için önemli olan Suriye’de barışın hakim olmasıdır” sözleri üzerine gazeteciler, “Esad bombalarını sürdürüyor. Bugün de çocukların öldüğü bombalamalar yapıldı. Esad’lı seçenekten söz ederken bunları nasıl değerlendiriyorsunuz” sorusuna, “Dediğim gibi biz genel politikamızı aktardık. Barış sağlanmasına yönelik önerilerimizi söyledik” yanıtını verdi.
Kılıçdaroğlu’na gezide eşlik eden ve görüşmelere katılan Genel Başkan Yardımcısı Faruk Loğoğlu da, Çin Komünist Partisi yetkililerinin CHP’nin Suriye konusundaki politikasını olumlu karşıladıklarını belirtti.
Kılıçdaroğlu, sorularımızı yanıtlarken, CHP’nin barışçı bir dış politikadan yana olduğunu ve Atatürk’ün, “yurtta sulh, cihanda sulh” ilkesini esas alarak hareket ettiklerini, muhataplarına aktardığını söyledi.
Loğoğlu, temaslarda Çin Komünist Partisi ve CHP arasındaki ilişkilerin geliştirilmesi kararı verildiğini, özellikle gençlik ve kadın kolları arasındaki ilişkilerin yoğunlaştırılmasının karşılıklı olarak kabul edildiğini aktardı.
Badem ve fındık
Kılıçdaroğlu’nun, görüştüğü Çin Komünist Partisi yetkililerine Edirne’nin badem ezmesi ile fındık hediye ettiğini belirten Loğoğlu, bu hediye tercihinin Türkiye’nin tanıtılmasına dönük olduğunu vurguladı.
Source :
Kılıçdaroğlu Aygün’e disiplini hatırlattı | Fikret Bila | Milliyet.com.tr