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Opinionated - On how to DELETE Israel


If the jews were as large a military force as the christians or the muslims of that time---they would have left these two religion behind in atrocities committed.
Purely theoretical. Jews had no desire to expand outside of Israel's borders.
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Someone overestimates the power of conventional rockets lmao

You think Israel is gonna sit there and let rockets fall down on it? Israel's squadrons of F-15s and F-16s can deliver in 15 minutes what rockets could deliver in one month.
Someone is grossly underestimating the barrage of thermobaric MLRS and overestimating load out of their fighter jet.


Program the grid coordinates and a single TOS 2 will flatten your Airbase, from across the border. Add 6 more and they will flatten your whole city. They are shoot and scoot.

Your jets will not have enough time to takeoff, those already in the air, will not have airbase to land on.

Israel is so small that a Theater commander can easily overload AD system and airspace over airfield by dissect area of interest, than calculating number of cheap autonomous drones required to swarm the area. This is before any other offensive capability the opposing side will bring into combat.
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More like how easy to DELETE Pakistan NOW
This is silly question to ask How to Delete Isreal when they are solid firm in unity.
This talk should be done after you’ve passed puberty

Not to get into that debate but if you replace Christianity with Islam in that narrative - but keep the return of christ it is the muslim eschatology view of end of times.

I always laugh when Christians ask me “Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior “ and I tell them , “Probably not my lord but definitely as my savior messiah - I am awaiting his return more than you are.
I'm just replying to him.

Anyway,such threads are ridiculous. A Pakistani from New Zealand,talks about how Pakistan and other Muslim countries should destroy Israel.

If the jews were as large a military force as the christians or the muslims of that time---they would have left these two religion behind in atrocities committed.
I can say something similar with communist and socialism political ideas.

See Israel Kibbutzim, and you wont see cruelty. They even lack of the worst aspect of communist societies: it's not mandatory, you dont like then you can leave.
Compare socialism in Israel Kibbutzim to socialism in USSR stalin and gulags.

Gentiles lost their minds under the influence of religion and ideologies ideas.

Let me show you something:

These are the little-known words of the Ever-Memorable Seraphim, Archbishop of Chicago and Detroit, writing in 1959 in The Destinies of Russia:

"Recently during my first pilgrimage to Palestine, the Lord made me, a sinner, worthy to discover new and hitherto unknown prophecies which cast new light on the destiny of Russia. These prophecies were revealed 'by chance' to the learned Russian monk Fr Antony of St Sabbas monastery, near Jerusalem. He discovered them in ancient Greek manuscripts. They are written by unknown Fathers of the eighth and ninth centuries i.e. contemporaries of St John Damascene, and these prophecies are couched in the following terms:

'After the chosen people of the Jews gave up their Messiah and Redeemer to torment and a shameful death, they were no longer counted a chosen people and this honour passed to the Greeks, a second chosen people.

The searching and inquisitive mind of the Ancient Greeks was enlightened by Christianity and penetrated to the very depths of knowledge. The great Eastern Church Fathers defined the Christian dogmas and created the harmonious system of Christian teaching. This is the great merit of the Greek people. However, the Roman State (Byzantium) is not creative or strong enough to build up a harmonious political and social life on a solid Christian foundation. The sceptre of the Orthodox Empire will fall from the weak hands of the Emperors of Constantinople who are unable to achieve symphony and concord between Church and State.

For this reason the Lord through His Providence shall send a third chosen people to succeed the spiritually weakened Greeks. This people will appear in the North within 100-200 years (these prophecies were set down in Palestine 150-200 years before the Baptism of the Russian people), and will become Christian wholeheartedly. They will strive to live according to the commandments of Christ and will seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, as Christ Our Saviour showed us. The Lord God will love this people for their zeal and will add unto them all other things - huge territories, riches, a mighty and glorious State.

At various times this great people will fall into sin and for this will be chastised through considerable trials. In about a thousand years this people, chosen by God, will falter in its Faith and its standing for the Truth of Christ. It will become proud of its earthly might and glory, will cease to seek the Kingdom and will want paradise not in Heaven but on this sinful Earth.

However not all this people will tread this broad and pernicious path, though a substantial majority will, especially its governing class. On account of this great fall, a terrible fiery trial will be sent from on high to this people which will despise the ways of God. Rivers of blood shall flow across their land, brother shall slay brother, more than once famine shall visit the land and gather its dread harvest, nearly all the churches and other holy places shall be destroyed or suffer sacrilege, many shall perish.

A part of this people, rejecting iniquity and untruth, will pass over the borders of their homeland and will be dispersed like unto the people of the Jews all over the world. 4 Nevertheless the Lord will not show His wrath on them to the uttermost. The blood of thousands of martyrs will cry to the heavens for mercy. A spirit of sobriety will grow among this chosen people and they will return to God. At last this period of cleansing trial, appointed by the Righteous Judge, will come to an end, and once more Holy Orthodoxy will shine forth and those northern lands will be resplendent with the brightness of a faith reborn.

This wonderful light of Christ will shine forth from there and enlighten all the peoples of the earth. This will be helped by that part of the people providentially sent ahead into the diaspora, who will create centres of Orthodoxy - churches of God all over the world.

Christianity will then be revealed in all its heavenly beauty and fullness. Most of the peoples of the world will become Christian. And for a time a period of peace, prosperity and Christian living will come to the whole world ...

And then? Then, when the fullness of time has come, a great decline in faith will begin and everything foretold in the Holy Scriptures will occur, Antichrist will appear and the world will end.'

These prophecies are set forth in various manuscripts with variants, but basically they all agree.

I would remind readers that these prophecies were found in authentic Greek manuscripts of the eighth and ninth centuries when nobody had ever heard of Russia as a State and the Russian plains were settled by more or less savage, warring Slavic tribes and other peoples.
But those writings are not sacred by any religious christian group.

Bible is sacred book and consider as God inspired by all christian groups.

In the Bible, Jerusalem and Paradise are synonymous, and all the ancient Jewish books are part of Christian sacred books.

And the most important obvious thing for Christian people: Jesuchrist is Jewish.
In the Bible, Jerusalem and Paradise are synonymous
What I recently learn, Jews don’t believe in heaven or hell. They think everything will be on this earth. Their heaven and hell is on this earth. Afterlife for bad people mean just tough life on earth or something. Their theory is to make the best out in this world, i.e in monetary sense.
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And the most important obvious thing for Christian people: Jesuchrist is Jewish.
If Jesus is god and Jesus and god in heaven is one entity , according to Christians beliefs . Than god is Jew. If god is Jew then Jews are god. It just keep getting worse. Christianity just doesn’t make sense.
But those writings are not sacred by any religious christian group.
In Orthodoxy,Patristic tradition is also important. Only American protestants focus solely on the Bible.

If Jesus is god and Jesus and god in heaven is one entity , according to Christians beliefs . Than god is Jew. If god is Jew then Jews are god. It just keep getting worse. Christianity just doesn’t make sense.
What are you even saying man? God has no nationality. And it doesn't mean that Jews are "god",just because the Messiah was born among them. Christianity makes sense,you just drew a lot of weird and false conclusions.
Someone is grossly underestimating the barrage of thermobaric MLRS and overestimating load out of their fighter jet.

View attachment 906251

Program the grid coordinates and a single TOS 2 will flatten your Airbase, from across the border. Add 6 more and they will flatten your whole city. They are shoot and scoot.

Your jets will not have enough time to takeoff, those already in the air, will not have airbase to land on.

Israel is so small that a Theater commander can easily overload AD system and airspace over airfield by dissect area of interest, than calculating number of cheap autonomous drones required to swarm the area. This is before any other offensive capability the opposing side will bring into combat.
Yeah dude, try launching TOS-2 missiles with 10km range into our airbases, I'll tell our airforce leaders to bring the airbases right to the Syrian and Lebanese border lmfao

10km is within range of Israeli Spike missiles, hell 50km is within range of Spike NLOS, I'll tell you what's going to happen:

Retarded terrorists will launch missiles, all will be intercepted by Iron Dome and Iron Beam, counter-battery radar will send coordinates to Spike NLOS missile launchers, within 10 minutes the artillery vehicles will be blown up by the TV guided Spikes.

Arab armies had more artillery capability during the 60s and 70s and that didn't work out for them
Yeah dude, try launching TOS-2 missiles with 10km range into our airbases, I'll tell our airforce leaders to bring the airbases right to the Syrian and Lebanese border lmfao
View attachment 906379
10km is within range of Israeli Spike missiles, hell 50km is within range of Spike NLOS, I'll tell you what's going to happen:

Retarded terrorists will launch missiles, all will be intercepted by Iron Dome and Iron Beam, counter-battery radar will send coordinates to Spike NLOS missile launchers, within 10 minutes the artillery vehicles will be blown up by the TV guided Spikes.

Arab armies had more artillery capability during the 60s and 70s and that didn't work out for them
True. SPIKE NLOS and F-16s will destroy them as soon as they come close.
If Jesus is god and Jesus and god in heaven is one entity , according to Christians beliefs . Than god is Jew. If god is Jew then Jews are god. It just keep getting worse. Christianity just doesn’t make sense.
Be careful there. With two legs of the stool broken, you are dangerously close to becoming a Rationalist.
I'm just replying to him.

Anyway,such threads are ridiculous. A Pakistani from New Zealand,talks about how Pakistan and other Muslim countries should destroy Israel.
Just a combination of poor cultural narratives that have no ground in proven links via scripture. And raging hormones that aren’t doing anything other than wanting to encourage violence because at the end they really cannot do anything about it.
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