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Operations in Dir and Buner

The deals have worked very well. They have placated a lot of people who were rebelling. There is a core of people who will never be placated by any deal. In those cases, there's a case for the Pakistan Army to target them, even though if they could be brought in line by the locals who did the deals, that would be better.

I see a lot of foreign interests trying to wreck these deals.

i agree with u that this deal was important. the main aim of this deal was to take ppl (locals) into confidence and make them stop supportin talibans. now that has been done and in few days qazis will be appointed no matter wat. but in the end we will have to use fire power against talibans. talibans are not really interested in any deal. they used this peace deal to take their hold to other parts of pakistan.
60 militants including few foreigners killed, 18 vehicles destroyed in Buner Operation :pakistan:
ISLAMABAD, May 1 (APP): Around 60 miscreants including few foreigners were killed while 18 explosive-laden vehicles were destroyed during the last 24 hours in Buner operation, said Director General ISPR, Major General Athar Abbas on Friday. Addressing a media briefing at ISPR, Major Gen. Athar Abbas said that 10 security personnel were kidnapped from a post in Upper Dir by the militants. Now the situation in Dir is stabilizing fast and life is returning to normalcy as curfew was relaxed from 8 am to 1 pm, he added.

Principal Information Officer Shabbir Anwar and Joint Secretary Ministry of Interior Mr Mazari were also present in the briefing.

He said suspected movement of militants in area Munda Sumar Bagh trough the entry point from Bajur to Dir, was engaged by fire.

On Buner operation, he said, “it is progressing smoothly as the security forces have successfully managed to link up with own forces at Daggar after clearing a tough opposition on Malandir axis

Fierce fighting took place at northern part of Ambela Pass and the security forces are now just short of link up with the forces, he said adding the security forces also came across lot of IEDs, prepared suicide vehicles, suicide motorcycles, individual suicide bombers and a group of 70-8 militants on the way to recapture heights.

He said two suicide vehicles were destroyed by FC troops while five other suicide vehicles were hit by Army troops and two others by helicopters. Six other vehicles of fleeing militants were also destroyed by the helicopters while three motorcycles were eliminated by advancing forces enroute on small tracks, he said.

He said one big explosive-laden house along the route was exploded by a suicide bomber as a result of which two Frontier Corps Jawans embraced Shahadat and eight others injured.

“Ambela town has been surrounded and search and cordon operation is being conducted while house of Commander Ghazi was destroyed at Pir Baba alongwith 4 vehicles. Reportedly few foreign militants inside the house have also been killed,” he said.

Headquarter of militants at Bagra, south of Gokand has also been destroyed while a suicide bomber has been arrested who tried to blow himself up but due to malfunction of device, he could not succeed and got seriously injured.

He said on Thursday, the militants demolished two vacant police check posts at Changley Baba Kando, Buner with explosive material while around 130 militants occupied Jawar Frontier Constabulary Fort and abducted 40 individuals who were later unarmed and released.

He said on Thursday afternoon, a militant’s check post at Chakdara was targeted where 8-10 militants were killed.

Answering a question, he said some notables of Buner have contacted Headquarters Frontier Corps Peshawar assuring them their full support and offered organising a Lashkar against militants to get their area cleared of the intruding militants.

He said that the people of Daggar expressed their joy by raising slogans in support of security forces after the area has been cleared of militants. They are helping security forces in identifying militants and their hideouts, he added.

Director General ISPR Major General Athar Abbas said the resistance security forces have encountered during Buner operation and type of weapons being used by the militants clearly negate militant’s earlier claims that militants had left Buner. “They are well equipped, organized and present in the area in good numbers. Since entry on all four passes from Swat was closed during the first day of the operation, this indicates that all militants were present in Buner,” he said.

Regarding the situation in Swat, he said in violation of peace accord during the last four days militants have established checkposts at Shahai, Walialead, Babu Killi, Khawazakhela, Bahrain, Chinar Baba Hotel, Ghalagai and occupied a police post at Karakar.

He said on 27 April the militants planted 7-8 IEDs on Khawazakhela-Shangla road near Chinar Baba Hotel which were defused by the security forces. Since April 28, 8 policemen, retired policeman, Naib Nazim, Tehsildar and 3 persons of a local NGO have been slaughtered in different areas of Swat.

He said armed patrolling on the streets of Swat and incidents of kidnapping continue unabated - in clear violation of the peace agreement.

Answering a question, he said the provincial government was in contact with Maulana Sufi Muhammad and parleys are continuing.

In reply to a question, he said the performance of Pakistan Army and Frontier Corps could be adjudged through the sizeable number of killings and arrests of Alqaeda. Pakistan Army is an disciplined force of the country and well organized and everybody in it follows the system and obeys orders accordingly, he said.

“Our performance could be matched with the forces operating across the border and the figures of killing and arrests will speak themselves.” He said the country’s armed forces are fully capable to meet any untoward situation and so far have successfully carried out their responsibility of safeguarding the motherland and those speaking contrary to it have different agenda for fulfillment.

He said the criticism of western media in this regard is baseless and unfounded. “We strongly condemn such baseless and malicious campaign,” he said in a firm tone.

When his attention was drawn towards a report terming Pakistan as epicenter of Alqaeda, he said it also is the part of the malicious campaign being run against the country. “It has no material substance as Alqaeda was on the run - they are not open they are in hiding,” he said

Answering yet another question, he said that militants have been using arms and ammunition of various types including 87 MM recoilless Rifle, 12.7 Anti Aircraft Machine Guns, 14.5 Machine Guns mounted on vehicles and 82 mm mortars.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency )
gud going Pakistan army...
Allah ho Akbar.....
kill these germs
IG FC visits Buner
Updated at: 2247 PST, Friday, May 01, 2009
BUNER: Inspector General Frontier Corps Major General Tariq Khan Friday visited Buner where he was briefed about the ongoing operation against Taliban militants.

In Buner, he met with operation commanders, security forces and the civil administration.

On this occasion, local commanders gave briefing to the IG Frontier Corps about progress made in the offensive. The IG FC expressed his satisfaction over full support of local population in the operation and resolved to flush out the militants from Buner.

He also praised the civil administration and locals for their role.
IG FC visits Buner - GEO.tv
i agree with u that this deal was important. the main aim of this deal was to take ppl (locals) into confidence and make them stop supportin talibans. now that has been done and in few days qazis will be appointed no matter wat. but in the end we will have to use fire power against talibans. talibans are not really interested in any deal. they used this peace deal to take their hold to other parts of pakistan.

Little firepower. A last resort.

The only solution to this is to re-educate people, and develop their areas.

That will eliminate the ideology.

Firepower will not solve this. It should be used on immediate threats only.
Over 100 Taliban killed in Pakistan's northwest, peace talks underway
Karachi News.Net
Friday 1st May, 2009 (IANS)

Over 100 Taliban fighters have been killed in six days of operations in Pakistan's restive North West Frontier Province (NWFP), the military said Friday, even as the provincial government opened peace talks with a radical cleric and a top US commander served notice that Islamabad had just two weeks left to deal with the militants.

'Some 55-60 militants have been killed in the last 24 hours during the offensive against the Taliban in Dir and Buner,' chief military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas said at a media briefing here Friday afternoon.

A similar number have been killed since the operation began in Lower Dir Sunday and in Buner Tuesday.

'The operation is continuing successfully', Abbas said, adding the security forces were facing 'stiff resistance' but the people of the two districts were 'fully supporting' the operation.

Meanwhile, the first round of talks between the NWFP government and Taliban-backed radical cleric Sufi Mohammad on restoring peace in the area ended Friday on what was described as a positive note.

'The (military) operation will be halted if peace is restored in the area,' NWFP Information Minister Iftikhar Hussain said after the talks, during which 'all the issues' had been discussed 'in detail'.

Hussain represented the provincial government at the talks, which were held in the Teemargarha headquarters of Lower Dir district.

Sufi Mohammad's spokesman Izzat Khan said the talks were positive and that 'efforts would continue to establish peace in the troubled areas'.

Speaking to Geo TV, the cleric's son Maulana Rizwanullah described the meeting as 'successful' and said that people would soon hear 'good news'.

Sufi Mohammad had brokered the controversial Feb 16 peace deal with the NWFP government under which Sharia laws were to be imposed in Swat, Buner, Lower Dir and four other districts of the province in return for the Taliban laying down their arms.

The accord had come into force April 15 but the Taliban did not live up to their end of the bargain and moved out of their Swat headquarters to take control of Buner, which lies just 100 km from Islamabad.

On his part, General David Petraeus, who heads the US Central Command, has told US officials that the coming two weeks would be 'critical to determining whether the Pakistani government will survive', Fox News reported.

'The Pakistanis have run out of excuses' and are 'finally getting serious' about combating the threat from Taliban and Al Qaeda extremists operating out of the country's northwest, the general said.

Criticising Pakistan's attitude towards fighting the insurgents, Petraeus said 'we have heard it all before' that Pakistan was doing its best to eliminate the Taliban threat.

He said that he is looking forward to seeing concrete action by Islamabad in the next two weeks before determining the US' next course of action, which is presently set on propping up the Pakistani government and military with counter-insurgency training and aid.

Petraeus made these assessment in talks with lawmakers and Obama administration officials this week, the news channel reported, citing people familiar with the discussions.

The sources also told the channel that no one in Washington has an 'understanding of Taliban's true objective'.

It remains unclear to policymakers here whether the Taliban wants to overthrow the Zardari government or merely to carve out territory within Pakistan in which it can establish safe haven, impose Sharia law, and plot attacks against external targets

Beating about the bush again!

no am not. I dont even take the statement to be credible .... it was purely a comment, if you can appreciate it as such ....... it was my liner to get the thing dealt with and debunked which was done so thanks to Imran Khan.

First i know which para were you referring to.

I know. That is why said you are as enigmatic as ever ....

Second, please keep your guess work harnessed until you can support it with something, or you'll embarrass yourself dear.

told you not guessing, merely commenting. didnt find it credible .... but since once some FC had surrendered was unsure ..... it was clarified as being BS. I was online at the time of post being made by Imran Khan. So it was spontaneous.

Now if you want people not to even post anything ..... say so .... or better still ban them ;)

Third, there was no logic in your 'comment' that you made on that para, i'll just call it hoax!

There is no effing logic at all I agree ..... that is why posted so. The damn thing is impossible until and unless all the troops involved decided to surrender enmasse and then what debunks that logic is they would not be in the area in first place only to surrender. These are troops for CI grid and they have specific tasks which are allotted to them and they know what they have to do so as such the probability is non-existent that they surrendered. Hence my statement that the operation to take them hostage was a farce ( as Muslim Khans claims). Next time request please read the post and any clarifications, seek them, dont look for confrontation.
It woudl be pretty surprising for the TTP to take 150 SF's hostage and then release them, given the ongoing hostilities.

However, AFAIK, the GoP is sticking with the ceasefire and peace deal in Swat valley (I am assuming Jor falls in Swat). So if Muslim Khan's comments are true, then taking any security forces or LEA's hostage would be another violation of the peace deal, which would explain the claim that they were captured and released.

On the SF side, so long as the GoP holds to the peace deal, the SF's would be ordered not to engage unless attacked, and if MK's claims are true, the alleged 'surrender' may have been done in order to not inflame the situation and maintain perceptions that the government was still holding to the deal on its end.


I agree.

I dont think that there was any such thing in the first place. I was surprised at a claim like this for its only possible for such large numbers to be taken if they surrendered out of own wish which I dont think will be the mindset of the troops engaged there today.

They know what happened last time round. These men are now conditioned to ensure the supremacy of Pakistani State and imposition of its lawful and legal writ within its own territories. Whether there is a political solution (via peace deal) or a military one, that is a political decision. For these men IMO the orders are straight. Dont fire until fired upon, and then dont spare the perpetrators and to ensure that peace and security are maintained at all costs.

Muslim Khans claim IMO is BS and more of Infowar. Imran Khan had already clarified the same to me on my earlier comment where I had pointed out that such can only occur on mass surrender and as such IMO the same was farcial operation.

IMO GoP is correct in trying a last chance at amicable solution, but its an uphill task. These people only understand a boot, not a rose.
The deals have worked very well. They have placated a lot of people who were rebelling. There is a core of people who will never be placated by any deal. In those cases, there's a case for the Pakistan Army to target them, even though if they could be brought in line by the locals who did the deals, that would be better.

I see a lot of foreign interests trying to wreck these deals.


in my limited exposure to CI environs, I know if given a chance to live or die, a 20+ year old who is an insurgent would rather live than die.

give them the peace but be prepared for war. whatever foreign power works to undermine you, can be defeated if you are willing to back your proposals of peace with an ability to wage total war on them if refused.

That is what I think I see PA doing right now. Am not going to argue about India being involved or US or even Martians for that matter.

Its Pakistani territory, its their legal posession and it rightfully belongs to them. No group/individual has the right to revolt/wage war on the rightful government. What PA does in its best interest, receives my admiration only. I may however criticise GoP, we have a lot in common in that bunch of retards trust me .
i agree with u that this deal was important. the main aim of this deal was to take ppl (locals) into confidence and make them stop supportin talibans. now that has been done and in few days qazis will be appointed no matter wat. but in the end we will have to use fire power against talibans. talibans are not really interested in any deal. they used this peace deal to take their hold to other parts of pakistan.

totally agree with you sir :tup:
Little firepower. A last resort.

The only solution to this is to re-educate people, and develop their areas.

That will eliminate the ideology.

Firepower will not solve this. It should be used on immediate threats only.


To fight insurgency, you have to have education and development you are absolutely right. But military component is primarily of import as without an adequately secure environ, it shall be very difficult to bring about the grassroot changes that you have so rightly pointed out.

If I may deviate, I shall like to give you the example of Manipur. As you know we have insurgencies in those areas. Its a state with more than 97% literacy and that is quite good. However, to break the insurgency (which had more to do with lack of economic opportunities in this era of globalisation) a massive influx of troops was done and overwhelming force employed to deter any terror acts and under this thick protection, economic development is taking place. As a result slowly seen a decline in the number of cadres there as also of violent incidents.

This I merely posted to highlight that you have to show a willingness to employ overwhelming force to both Talibs and locals (to deter those who might secretly side with Talibs) and under the protection of tis secuirty apparatus, launch schemes to bring about the changes you pointed out. Today Talibs have banned girls from schools, under PA protection that can be reversed and education given to every individual which shall be in sync with your suggestions.


What works in Manipur in India will not work in Pakistan or Afghanistan.

If the Soviets invaded India at the height of their power, they would not meet any resistance.

Don't compare the two. They're very different regions.

in my limited exposure to CI environs, I know if given a chance to live or die, a 20+ year old who is an insurgent would rather live than die.

give them the peace but be prepared for war. whatever foreign power works to undermine you, can be defeated if you are willing to back your proposals of peace with an ability to wage total war on them if refused.

That is what I think I see PA doing right now. Am not going to argue about India being involved or US or even Martians for that matter.

Its Pakistani territory, its their legal posession and it rightfully belongs to them. No group/individual has the right to revolt/wage war on the rightful government. What PA does in its best interest, receives my admiration only. I may however criticise GoP, we have a lot in common in that bunch of retards trust me .

For the highlighted part if i may ask, was your experience in Kashmir or in other areas of India?
For the highlighted part if i may ask, was your experience in Kashmir or in other areas of India?

actually both ...... have seen up close front the workings of RR in J&K and AR (in both J&K and NE states)
Well i guess 'Hell' has broken lose here..;)

So 'Hellish' you are a soldier...on your feet soldier!!:wave:
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