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using special forces for conventional ground operation is not good option.use army with tanks is more practical approach,no use of Special forces is there in this kind of situation.Special Force is used for stealth and surprise element.when they loose this elements,they are nothing more than good trained regular forces.RIP..

Tanks cant be used in mountaineous region of tirah.

so now all the terrorists have to do is cross over into afghanistan and regroup......how convenient.....

Pak-afghan border along tirah is tightly gaurded and controlled by Pak army, infact tirah-wals are telling me that the pak army is making use of currunt chaos and is moving large number of talibans to afghanistan to battle NATO
12 are from SSG, rest are from normal infantry units & may be some FC guys too.

In one incident, after killing the soldiers, they collected their bodies, sprayed them with bullets and then blew them up with explosives, that is why some of the troops bodies were in a very bad shape.

Anyway, it was a really sad day yesterday at CMH as nearly for 2 days i saw ambulances being loaded up with the martyred soldiers and dispatched to their native home towns.
Pak-afghan border along tirah is tightly gaurded and controlled by Pak army, infact tirah-wals are telling me that the pak army is making use of currunt chaos and is moving large number of talibans to afghanistan to battle NATO

There is no tightly controlled border. And especially the mountainous areas are the safest places for the militants to take refuge and cross over.

And also refrain from conspiracy style allegations, reason being if someone want to transfer militants over the border, they don't need to make chaos for that and use just this one area along the hundreds of kilometers of border, there are hundreds of crossing areas and militants cross to areas which are best suited for their objectives. If some militants want to fight NATO guys in Kandahar, he won't cross over in Tirrah or Bajaur, rather he will use Baluchistan border or SWA border to do so.

Thus kindly refrain from allegations based on the comments on people who themselves know nothing rather supported these militant outfits while they were in their homes and now they will come over here and make chaos for us.
A decade into this and hasn't PA learned this by now, this is not a new TTP tactic. NATO knows the enemies tactics and they have Recon troops and drones patrolling before they send into infantry to a potentially hostile territory. This is why you also send attack helicopter assisting the troops.

These kinds of ambushes can be averted with proper countermeasures what is PA doing? Poor command? Low money? Lack of brains?

Many of these like incidents happen due to non following of SOPs by the unit level officers. They either take things non seriously based on intel reports and make judgements based on whatever intel they have, and get their men killed.
A decade into this and hasn't PA learned this by now, this is not a new TTP tactic. NATO knows the enemies tactics and they have Recon troops and drones patrolling before they send into infantry to a potentially hostile territory. This is why you also send attack helicopter assisting the troops.

These kinds of ambushes can be averted with proper countermeasures what is PA doing? Poor command? Low money? Lack of brains?

NATO does not send troops into the mountains. Push comes to shove they send a few overseers along with the ANA. It sends gunships and high hovering drones, satellites and pay good money for Human intel. Since we do no have these toys. We always have to suffer more. Tirah is a lynch pin in any further operations in the area and hopefully will be cleared by month end.
It seems the terrorist knew they were coming....why recon units were not used ???

I dont know the ground situation, might be wrong.

Also are the terrorist sitting on higher grounds ?
Seriously...the number of death that is happening due to militancy is so severe that even it will drarft the casualities from militancy from Khalistan and Kashmir millitancy....Can some senior member provide any informtion about what step the GOV of Pakistan is taking into to stop it?

Kashmir Militancy/Khalistanis were a joke. Even L.A police would've cut those rag-tag, unsophisticated, untrained, punny fighters to three.

Taliban/Al Qaeda are THE BESTEST elite asymmetric insurgent group on the planet! They have fought Western Coalition under U.S for ten years. They dispersed and came back again! These are hardcore fighters that are very well trained, well-dugged in, resilient, brutal, cruel, motivated, dedicated, and very organized.

Also, as someone said, Tehrah Valley is their main strong hold..They'll fight very hard. The terrain in those regions is such that no conventional military can fight there easily. Its called 'black hole of the world' because of networks of caves, mountains, water-passes etc. Taliban fighters know the terrain very well.

I hope Allah grant success to Pakistan Army and may these bloody khawarijes of TTP burn in hell for ever.
12 are from SSG, rest are from normal infantry units & may be some FC guys too.

In one incident, after killing the soldiers, they collected their bodies, sprayed them with bullets and then blew them up with explosives, that is why some of the troops bodies were in a very bad shape.

Anyway, it was a really sad day yesterday at CMH as nearly for 2 days i saw ambulances being loaded up with the martyred soldiers and dispatched to their native home towns.

These people are worst than animals, RIP brave soldiers
Kashmir Militancy/Khalistanis were a joke. Even L.A police would've cut those rag-tag, unsophisticated, untrained, punny fighters to three.

Taliban/Al Qaeda are THE BESTEST elite asymmetric insurgent group on the planet! They have fought Western Coalition under U.S for ten years. They dispersed and came back again! These are hardcore fighters that are very well trained, well-dugged in, resilient, brutal, cruel, motivated, dedicated, and very organized.

Also, as someone said, Tehrah Valley is their main strong hold..They'll fight very hard. The terrain in those regions is such that no conventional military can fight there easily. Its called 'black hole of the world' because of networks of caves, mountains, water-passes etc. Taliban fighters know the terrain very well.

I hope Allah grant success to Pakistan Army and may these bloody khawarijes of TTP burn in hell for ever.

Asymmetrical?or complete symmetrical and organized?Thanks to C.I.A who trained them against Russian war!
Special service soldiers are suppose to inflict heavy damage and come back home alive-
Seems like they are falling like regular soldiers- shows the intensity of fighting and very bad planning-

SSG has shown extremely bad track record through out the conflict-
Even in Lal Masjid the SSG casualties should hv been minimal-

RIP soldiers- fcuk the terrorists-
We should CRUSH them all at any cost,Its (TTP) who is trained and heavily Weaponized Army of US and Afghanistan and Funded by SAUDI ARABIA who is fighting against Pakistan.Anyways terrorists can not exists infront of PAK ARMY,Casualties occurs,but these are the hardest places to conduct an offensive operations.Salute to PAKISTAN ARMY.:pakistan:

Special service soldiers are suppose to inflict heavy damage and come back home alive-
Seems like they are falling like regular soldiers- shows the intensity of fighting and very bad planning-

SSG has shown extremely bad track record through out the conflict-
Even in Lal Masjid the SSG casualties should hv been minimal-

RIP soldiers- fcuk the terrorists-

Yaara even the best fall when the enemy is entrenched and the one dictating the momentum, your forces have certain SOPs and restrictions while they none- they can spray while your operators need to be judicious about it lest they cause collateral damage. This is the age old story man- spec ops always face attrition when all the odds are stacked against them, the difference is that they achieve their objective regardless where others may not.
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