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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Is there anywhere the citizens of Afghanistan and those in other countries may complain against the murderers Pakistan sends forth daily from its lands?

We will bomb targets in Pakistan necessary to protect ourselves in the absence of Pakistan controlling its lands and the people on them.

If you can't prevent attacks from your lands, we will do the best we can ourselves. If you can't provide us with good intelligence, we'll use the best we have and let YOU worry about the consequences.

Stop providing sanctuary from which the afghan taliban murder Afghans and prevent the U.N. mandate from being implemented. PREDATOR will cease flying when that happens. Not before.

"...steps should be taken to address this situation as enough is enough."

taimikhan, what steps would you like to take?


Same usual whining and ranting, war mongering attitude.

Feel sorry for your attitude and state of mind.

Had no idea such strong is the brain washing techniques employed in US upon its citizens.

Hope you guys one day come into the open and see the ground reality instead of making hue and cry, war mongering attitude, which InshaAllah will destroy you guys one day.

Is there anywhere the citizens of Afghanistan and those in other countries may complain against the murderers Pakistan sends forth daily from its lands?

Wish there was one which could assert its authority over the impudent State that is intoxicated by power, the people of Japan, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine would have certainly filed cases against the biggest murdered in the history of mankind.

We will bomb targets in Pakistan necessary to protect ourselves in the absence of Pakistan controlling its lands and the people on them.

How much land have you been able to control in Afghanistan with the greatest War machinery the world has ever witnessed?

If you can't prevent attacks from your lands, we will do the best we can ourselves. If you can't provide us with good intelligence, we'll use the best we have and let YOU worry about the consequences.

First the attacks were from Afghanistan on your holy land thousands of miles away and now its from Pakistan, how many more countries will you invade in the name of peace.

Stop providing sanctuary from which the afghan taliban murder Afghans and prevent the U.N. mandate from being implemented. PREDATOR will cease flying when that happens. Not before.

Lets honor all the U.N resolutions starting from Israel and then moving on to India.:azn:

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Is there anywhere the citizens of Afghanistan and those in other countries may complain against the murderers Pakistan sends forth daily from its lands?

Wish there was one which could assert its authority over the impudent State that is intoxicated by power, the people of Japan, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine would have certainly filed cases against the biggest murdered in the history of mankind.

We will bomb targets in Pakistan necessary to protect ourselves in the absence of Pakistan controlling its lands and the people on them.

How much of land have you been able to control in Afghanistan with the greatest War machinery the world has ever witnessed?

If you can't prevent attacks from your lands, we will do the best we can ourselves. If you can't provide us with good intelligence, we'll use the best we have and let YOU worry about the consequences.

First the attacks were from Afghanistan on your holy land thousands of miles away and now its from Pakistan, how many more countries will you invade in the name of peace.

Stop providing sanctuary from which the afghan taliban murder Afghans and prevent the U.N. mandate from being implemented. PREDATOR will cease flying when that happens. Not before.

Lets honor all the U.N resolutions starting from Israel and then moving on to India.:azn:

Ops you are asking too much lol ;) :pakistan::usflag::china:
"...steps should be taken to address this situation as enough is enough."

taimikhan, what steps would you like to take?

Nothing. They can do nothing. Just vain chest thumping. They know pretty well what they need to do for the predator attacks to stop. But for some reason they have decided to sit in the fence. Its costing them alright..... costing in blood, money, stunted economic development by not bringing a swift closure to the afghan taliban in their lands.

But the pak military believes the cost is worth it .... worth the influence that afghan taliban may give pak in the future. I do wonder whether the middle-class pakistanis will accept this policy of ambivalence to the afghan taliban if they come to know the actual cost that pak pays in not completely purging the radical strain from its society including giving up taliban card ..... the "assets" would look lot less attractive if they are told the toll terrorism has on those gdp figures & told right in terms of their own policy rather than just America ..... meanwhile the indians are laughing their way to prosperity.......

Their land. their policy and the consequences are theirs alone to face in magnitude ............... relatively speaking.
"Same ... one day."


You didn't answer my question. I'll ask you again-taimikhan, what steps would you like to take?

Hope your state of mind and attitude are such that you can forthrightly tell me what steps you'd like to take. I'm genuinely interested to know.

"Same ... one day."

You didn't answer my question. I'll ask you again-taimikhan, what steps would you like to take?

Hope your state of mind and attitude are such that you can forthrightly tell me what steps you'd like to take. I'm genuinely interested to know.


Would it matter ?? Talking with people like you and Indian members is like :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:, end result NOTHING.

So you and others like you keep living in the dreams created by your govt's brain washed patriotic propaganda.

And save us the :blah::blah::blah::blah: coming out from you guys.

As we are ready & do accept our mistakes in this whole **** created by American policies, but same attitude lacks on your side, thus you guys reap the rewards of your policies and we will reap ours.

Future will tell who survives & who doesn't.

Would it matter ?? Talking with people like you and Indian members is like :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:, end result NOTHING.

So you and others like you keep living in the dreams created by your govt's brain washed patriotic propaganda.

And save us the :blah::blah::blah::blah: coming out from you guys.

As we are ready & do accept our mistakes in this whole **** created by American policies, but same attitude lacks on your side, thus you guys reap the rewards of your policies and we will reap ours.

Future will tell who survives & who doesn't.


The future seems to be pretty clear..
The way the situation worsens in this Afganistan-Pakistan region it may take the form of a civil war in no time.The fighting between Taliban forces and Pakistani army with a super-power like America playing active rolw in it has already rendered many homeless.Now America can pull out any time if the situation gets too much sloppy.Surrounded by two oceans on two sides and two friendly nations on two sidea,America is in a safe geographical position.It ll be a pain-in-the-*** for India.There was a war in 1971 resulting in 10 million refugees from East-Pakistan coming to India,and with this civil war kinda scenerio in Pakistan its not long before half of their present population stand as refugees at wagah border gates.

By the way,the sensible people in Pakistan should be aware of the situation that their previous leaders have created for them.They created militants as a part of their state policy(Go and read Musharraf's autobiography if u dont believe me),created the Frankenstein's monster and now the creation is turning against the creator.
The people who still support terrorism of any kind should not complain if tomorrow they get caught up in this turmoil.They should remember that they r just getting a dosage of their own medicine.

I do feel for the innocent people in Pakistan.Its hard times for them.They should try to wipe out terrorism and radicalism of any form from Pakistan.Else more and more events like that of the Marriott hotel and Red mosque will occur.
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The future seems to be pretty clear..

@ S-2 The way the situation worsens in this Afganistan-Pakistan region it may take the form of a civil war in no time.The fighting between Taliban forces and Pakistani army with a super-power like America playing active rolw in it has already rendered many homeless.Now America can pull out any time if the situation gets too much sloppy.Surrounded by two oceans on two sides and two friendly nations on two sidea,America is in a safe geographical position.It ll be a pain-in-the-*** for India.There was a war in 1971 resulting in 10 million refugees from East-Pakistan coming to India,and with this civil war kinda scenerio in Pakistan its not long before half of their present population stand as refugees at wagah border gates.

By the way,the sensible people in Pakistan should be aware of the situation that their previous leaders have created for them.They created militants as a part of their state policy(Go and read Musharraf's autobiography if u dont believe me),created the Frankenstein's monster and now the creation is turning against the creator.
The people who still support terrorism of any kind should not complain if tomorrow they get caught up in this turmoil.They should remember that they r just getting a dosage of their own medicine.

I do feel for the innocent people in Pakistan.Its hard times for them.They should try to wipe out terrorism and radicalism of any form from Pakistan.Else more and more events like that of the Marriott hotel and Red mosque will occur.

Yet another genius with a master piece. :cheers:

The future seems to be pretty clear..
The way the situation worsens in this Afganistan-Pakistan region it may take the form of a civil war in no time.The fighting between Taliban forces and Pakistani army with a super-power like America playing active rolw in it has already rendered many homeless.Now America can pull out any time if the situation gets too much sloppy.Surrounded by two oceans on two sides and two friendly nations on two sidea,America is in a safe geographical position.It ll be a pain-in-the-*** for India.There was a war in 1971 resulting in 10 million refugees from East-Pakistan coming to India,and with this civil war kinda scenerio in Pakistan its not long before half of their present population stand as refugees at wagah border gates.

By the way,the sensible people in Pakistan should be aware of the situation that their previous leaders have created for them.They created militants as a part of their state policy(Go and read Musharraf's autobiography if u dont believe me),created the Frankenstein's monster and now the creation is turning against the creator.
The people who still support terrorism of any kind should not complain if tomorrow they get caught up in this turmoil.They should remember that they r just getting a dosage of their own medicine.

I do feel for the innocent people in Pakistan.Its hard times for them.They should try to wipe out terrorism and radicalism of any form from Pakistan.Else more and more events like that of the Marriott hotel and Red mosque will occur.

Who is behind of big game terrorism in Iraq,Afghanistan and Pakistan is not difficult to understand.

Muslim Ummah is sleeping because they are not performing leadership role for which Allah SA have chosen them and they dont have idea how to revive their Golden Era of Omar RA , Muslim Ummah could again attain with the help of fundamental principles of Islam and devine power .

Their is no other solution for their servival to start Dawah(Amar bil marouf nahi munkir) gain lestest technology and unity .These are weapons with which they can protect them self from Terrorism imposed on them by zoinists and neo cons.

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Action likely in N. Waziristan, say US senators
By Anwar Iqbal
Monday, 11 Jan, 2010

WASHINGTON: There’s a possibility that Pakistan may take some action in North Waziristan in the near future, two US senators who visited Islamabad last week told a television channel on Sunday.

Senator Joe Lieberman, chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, and Senator John McCain, a former Republican presidential candidate, also said that they left Islamabad convinced that Pakistan was fully committed to the war against terrorists.

In an interview to CNN, the two US lawmakers were asked to define US-Pakistan relations – particularly addressing two issues: Islamabad’s complaint that there were too many strings attached to US aid and their concerns over the escalating number of drone attacks inside Fata.

“Pakistan is a full partner in the war on terrorism. And I think John and I both felt that we have seen a really significant change in Pakistan on this visit,” said Senator Lieberman.

“I think they clearly understood that they, the Pakistani people, are the targets of terrorism. They have suffered terribly, including, for instance, attacks at mosques, terrorist attacks at mosques.”

Senator Lieberman said that during the visit they also felt that the Pakistanis were beginning to understand the US position that the Pakistani and Afghan Taliban were interlinked and to defeat one, it was also important to combat the other.

“I think they are also beginning to understand that there is not a clear separation between the Taliban that’s fighting in Afghanistan and the Taliban fighting in Pakistan. There is an overlap,” he said.

Describing Pakistanis as “good partners” in the war against terrorists, Senator Lieberman said that Senator McCain and he were particularly impressed with the commitment of the Pakistani military to the fight against terrorists.

“We met with General Kayani, the chief of the army. The Pakistani army is on the move. It pushed the Taliban out of the Swat area. It pretty much cleared South Waziristan,” he said.

“I think there is a possibility that we’ll see some movement in North Waziristan.”

Without naming the dispute over the drone attacks, Senator Lieberman said that there were “issues that we disagree on” because it was “a complicated relationship” but “fundamentally, Pakistan is our ally today in the war on terrorism, and a very critical ally”.

At a briefing in Islamabad last week, both the Senators defended the drone attacks, saying that they were “a critical element of our effort, our campaign, our strategy to deny the terrorists who are terrorising the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan a safe haven from which to strike them and us in the United States”.

On Thursday, President Asif Ali Zardari asked the two senators to seek a halt to the drone attacks, saying that they were undermining domestic support for the war against the militants.

The drones often kill civilians as well as the targeted militants, causing a hostile reaction among the people both Pakistan and the US are trying to win over.

Further explaining the US-Pakistan relationship to his American audience, Senator Lieberman said this alliance was based on the understanding that both had a common enemy and “together we’re going to beat it”.

Senator McCain, while reviewing the situation in the Pak-Afghan region, warned that President Barack Obama’s Dec 1 statement that the United States might start pulling back some of its troops by mid 2011 had “reverberated throughout the region and bred uncertainty”.

He urged the Obama administration to assure its allies and friends in Pakistan and Afghanistan that the US was there to win.

Senator McCain also said he believed there were no plans to build the Afghan army to the size that’s necessary to take over the responsibilities that the US wanted to hand over to them.

DAWN.COM | Front Page | Action likely in N. Waziristan, say US senators
Is there anywhere the citizens of Afghanistan and those in other countries may complain against the murderers Pakistan sends forth daily from its lands?

We will bomb targets in Pakistan necessary to protect ourselves in the absence of Pakistan controlling its lands and the people on them.

If you can't prevent attacks from your lands, we will do the best we can ourselves. If you can't provide us with good intelligence, we'll use the best we have and let YOU worry about the consequences.

Stop providing sanctuary from which the afghan taliban murder Afghans and prevent the U.N. mandate from being implemented. PREDATOR will cease flying when that happens. Not before.
Isnt it a bit late?

Why were they 'allowed' to enter our 'land' at the first place?

What went wrong with your grand strategy?

What the heck happened to the Hammer and Anvil? May you just want us to hammer the terrorists and when it comes to you, you prefer to hide the anvil!

May be you think we are fool, right?
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WASHINGTON: There’s a possibility that Pakistan may take some action in North Waziristan in the near future, two US senators who visited Islamabad last week told a television channel on Sunday

yup, expect more violence, terrorist attacks on innocents in Pakistan. The stability of Afghanistan will cost Pakistan and Pakistanis their blood.
"Why were they 'allowed' to enter our 'land' at the first place?"

Because your brave taliban retreated faster to Pakistan in the midst of war than 100 SF operators on horseback could attack. What's the world's seventh largest army's excuse since then?

"What went wrong with your grand strategy?"

They didn't surrender in Afghanistan and we didn't count on an "ally" harboring an enemy insurgent leadership on its lands. Silly us. End your sanctuaries. Until then we'll defend ourselves with PREDATOR or anything else we construe as necessary for our defense.

"...expect more violence, terrorist attacks on innocents in Pakistan."

But your afghan taliban killing civilians in Afghanistan is perfectly acceptable to Pakistanis? Too bad Pakistan hasn't forthrightly told its citizens that these are bad men and won't be tolerated ruling Pakistanis nor Afghans.

You do KNOW that the taliban have been responsible for the vast majority of those killed in Afghanistan according to UNAMA, correct? If not, let me help educate you-

Afghanistan Mid-Year Bulletin On The Protection Of Civilians In Armed Conflict-July 2009

4...."UNAMA Human Right figures indicate that more civilians are being killed by AGEs [Anti-Government Elements] than by PGF [Pro-Government Forces]. In the first six months of 2009, 59% of civilians were killed by AGEs and 30.5% by PGF.

9. A continuing trend seen through 2008 and into the first six months of 2009 is that AGE [Anti-Government Elements] tactics have shifted, from frontal or ambush attacks on PGF [Pro-Government Forces], to insurgent or guerrilla type activities, including asymmetric attacks such as IEDs, VBIEDs, BBIEDs, (that remain responsible for the largest number of civilian deaths), and targeted assassinations.

10. Between January and June 2009, 595 civilian deaths were attributed to AGE activities; 400 of those deaths were the result of indiscriminate IED and suicide attacks. This represents 67% of all deaths attributable to AGEs, or 39.5% of the total 1013 civilians killed in the first half of 2009. AGE operations are frequently undertaken regardless of the impact on civilians in terms of deaths and injuries or destruction of civilian infrastructure. Based on investigation of specific incidents conducted by UNAMA Human Rights, information suggests that AGEs are basing themselves in civilian areas so as to deliberately blur the distinction between combatants and civilians, and as part of what appears to be an active policy aimed at drawing a military response to areas where there is a high likelihood that civilians will be killed or injured. Also of great concern to UNAMA Human Rights, is the frequency by which AGEs conduct attacks in, or against, civilian locations. UNAMA Human Rights continues to document IED attacks carried out on roads used by civilian traffic, residential compounds, and market places. In some areas, UNAMA Human Rights has also noted targeted assassinations of civilians through the use of IEDs, particularly in the South-East.

So afghan civilians die at a rate of 2:1 at the hands of their protectors-the Afghan taliban. Worse, they do so as intentional targets all too often. When that isn't happening, the afghan taliban are documented as using afghan civilians as human shields.

There's no functional difference in the intent of the afghan taliban from the Pakistani taliban. Both intend to rule by fiat and muslim sharia law in a manifestly cruel and onerous fashion. We've PLENTY of evidence already of what that means for Afghanistan and Pakistan has had its own taste in SWAT and Buner.

Oddly enough, that which you decisively reject for yourselves would be happily foisted onto the Afghans if Pakistanis were to have your way.

Just can't seem to break the need to enslave the afghans to your ambitions?

Dear S-2:

You conveniently forget that the US fields an Army of occupation in Afghanistan. It is the legitimate right of the Afghans to resist the occupation. Afghan Taliban have the legitimacy and the moral capital that invokes respect from all those with a semblance of conscience.

The US is trying to prop up a Soviet style illigitimate Karzai regime; its like trying to inflate a punctured baloon. The US stage managed a fake election to bring a semblance of respectability to the game; even Peter Galbraith could not take the insult to his intelligence.

About the only thing going right for the US is the rapacioulsy corrupt Zardari regime in Pakistan, and Pakistan Army steeped in a colonial "loyalist" mind set.

But the US administration lacks the basic sence of proportion; over leveraging its hold, relentlessly expanding the envelop and subjecting Pakistani nation to continued humiliation.

You can add 50,000 troops or 500,000; it just does not matter any more; classic beginning of the end game.
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