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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Both of these worked to shoot down UAV's. Dunno if they would work in real life, pretty neat that they used this kind of stuff in a video game.

They even used a map based on Pakistan!

FreekiN, I don't know if you realize it but the US drones take off from bases in Pakistan. So, if Pakistan wanted to take one out it could do it by one PA guy standing on the runway and firing an assault rifle at it as it taxied by. It is "available" to be destroyed on the ground in Pakistan. So, yes, an ATGM could take it out at that height (~ 2 meters).
No 10/2010-ISPR Dated: January 7, 2010

South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat. Details of the operations of last 24 hours are as follows:

a. Jandola Sector

Security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Chaghmalal and cleared 25 compounds.

b. Shakai Sector

Security forces conducted search operation and cleared Ghani Khel, Ane Zhawar, Yargha Khel, Ghundaka Mamei Khel near Kaniguram and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

c. Razmak Sector

(1) Security forces conducted search operation near Pash Ziarat, Qalandar, Makeen, Dashkai Algad, Pir Khel near Mir Khoni near Makeen, cleared 82 compounds and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

(2) Terrorists fired with small arms at Lita Sar Post near Makeen which was effectively responded by the security forces.

(3) Security forces conducted search operation at Khajuri and apprehended 4 terrorists along with arms and ammunition.

d. Relief Activities

28,356 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan

:: ISPR :: Inter Services Public Relations - PAKISTAN

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analysis: Drone attacks: challenging some fabrications —Farhat Taj

One of the most hair-brained articles I have ever come across.

Our sence of honor as a soveriegn nation has been desensitized to a level that paid comunists of Farhat Taj elk find an eager audiance amongst our people.

Its back to the ARVN days of Vietnam circa 1970, when South Vietnamese Army was "cooridnating" bombing of its own people and territory with the Americans. It is shameful that PAF while entrusted with the Defense of our sovereign air space cannot shoot down slow moving drones operating in its territory.

yes the truth does hurt!
14 terrorists killed in Swat, Orakzai Agency

* Army personnel arrest 27 terrorists

LAHORE/ISLAMABAD: At least 14 terrorists were killed by army personnel in Swat, Malakand and Orakzai Agency on Thursday.

According to a private TV channel, at least 10 terrorists were killed and several were injured as gunship helicopters bombed terrorists’ hideouts in Orakzai Agency. The terrorists’ were killed in Mamonzai, Ghaljo and Dabori areas of Orakzai Agency. Three vehicles were also destroyed in the operation. Security forces also arrested 23 terrorists from Akakhel area of Bara Tehsil.

Separately, four terrorists were killed and four more arrested by security forces from different parts of Swat and Malakand during Operation Rah-e-Rast on Thursday.

According to an Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) press release, security forces conducted search operations in Pul Bela near Bahrain, Kuz Bama Khela, Mera Mai, Muz Durshkhela, Langar, Mashkomai and Chiakolai and arrested 3 terrorists and seized arms and ammunition. Four terrorists were also killed in the gunbattle. The security forces also conducted search operations at Panr, Allahabad, Titawali, Dakorak, Chbaghand Fazagat and arrested a terrorist.

Operation Rah-e-Nijat: During Operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan, security forces conducted search operations at Chaghmalal and Jandola sector.

In Shakai sector, army personnel conducted a search operation and cleared Ghani Khel, Ane Zhawar, Yargha Khel, Ghundaka Mamei Khel near Kaniguram and recovered a large number of weapons.

In Razmak sector, security forces conducted search operations near Pash Ziarat, Qalandar, Makeen, Dashkai Algad and Mir Khoni near Makeen and cleared 82 compounds and recovered weapons. Army personnel faced some resistance from terrorists at Lita Sar Post near Makeen.

app/daily times monitor
FGM-148 Javelin, its an Anti Tank guided Missile.
I'm not really sure if it can reach altitudes to shoot down a drone flying at 30,000 ft.

SAM missile has 8KM range , I dont know PA have these missiles? then tune of our leadership will be different with US .

Its mean Musharaf had no options lolz
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January 07, 2010

ISLAMABAD, (APP): In operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan, security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Chaghmalal and cleared 25 compounds, in Jandola Sector.

In Shakai Sector, security forces conducted search operation and cleared Ghani Khel, Ane Zhawar, Yargha Khel, Ghundaka Mamei Khel near Kaniguram and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

In Razmak Sector, security forces conducted search operation near Pash Ziarat, Qalandar, Makeen, Dashkai Algad, Pir Khel near Mir Khoni near Makeen, cleared 82 compounds and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

Terrorists fired with small arms at Lita Sar Post near Makeen which was effectively responded by the security forces.

Security forces conducted search operation at Khajuri and apprehended four terrorists along with arms and ammunition.

So far 28,356 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.
SAM missile has 8KM range , I dont know PA have these missiles? then tune of our leadership will be different with US .

Its mean Musharaf had no options lolz

The Medium Range HQ-2B we have is very much capable of shooting down drones. Infact PA and PAF can shoot them down like sitting ducks. But capability and willingness are two completely different things
Pakistan Security Brief - January 8, 2010

At least 8 suspected militants are killed in an accidental explosion in Karachi; two militants are arrested and one soldier is killed in Tank; Senator John McCain visits President Asif Ali Zardari and says that drone strikes in Pakistan will continue; new information released about the motivations behind the January 1 bombing in Shah Hassan Khel; Swat offensive commander highlights operation’s successes; Interior Minister Rehman Malik mandates that all illegal immigrants leave Karachi within 15 days; suicide bombing in Khyber Agency injures 12;

An explosion at a home in Karachi has killed at least 8 suspected militants. The blast is believed to have been set accidentally set off by a suicide vest. While the identities and affiliations of the victims are still unknown, Interior Minister Rehman Malik made a statement that the individuals killed were from Swat. Authorities have found weapons, explosives, and militant literature among the rubble and two additional suspects have been arrested at the scene.[1]

One soldier has been killed by small arms fire and two militants have been arrested during operations in Tank district and South Waziristan Agency. Security forces reported that they have cleared 20 militant compounds and have also seized an arms and ammunition cache.[2]

On Friday, Senator John McCain headed a U.S. congressional delegation in a visit with President Asif Ali Zardari to discuss matters of U.S.-Pakistani cooperation in the fight against the Taliban. McCain had earlier stated that drone attacks against the Taliban in Pakistan have been successful and will continue but the U.S. has no intention of a military incursion into Pakistan.[3]

The January 1 suicide bombing at a volleyball match in the village of Lakki Marwat in Shah Hassan Khel is now believed to have been an act of reprisal against local villagers for cooperation with the Pakistani government and opposition to the Taliban’s presence. Taliban militants were expelled from the area in June 2009 following several raids by security forces. The suicide bomber who perpetrated the attack was identified by villagers as the disowned son of a member of the local anti-Taliban committee.[4]

Major-General Sajad Ghani has made a statement to the media highlighting the successes of Operation Rah-e-Nijat in Swat and also announced that the nighttime curfew in the region has been permanently lifted. Ghani, who was in charge of the offensive, claimed that the military has killed around 2000 militants and captured an additional 800. Ghani also highlighted the military’s contribution to the rebuilding of local schools, hospitals, roads, and bridges destroyed during the operation.[5]

On Friday, Interior Minister Rehman Malik issued a statement that all illegal immigrants in Karachi must leave the city within 15 days. Malik has also promised to expand the police force in response to Karachi’s increasing violence and says the government will have a zero-tolerance policy for attacks targeting civilians.[6]

Twelve people have been injured by a suicide bombing in Khyber agency. The explosion occurred at the front gate to the headquarters of Ansar-ul-Islam, a banned group which has had known factional differences with Lashkar-e-Islam, another local militant group.[8]
The Medium Range HQ-2B we have is very much capable of shooting down drones. Infact PA and PAF can shoot them down like sitting ducks. But capability and willingness are two completely different things

US Drones are killing 94% civilians and also US forces many times attacked inside our boarder , but PA guns are silent ?

60 drone hits kill 14 al-Qaeda men, 687 civilians
US Drones are killing 94% civilians and also US forces many times attacked inside our boarder , but PA guns are silent ?

60 drone hits kill 14 al-Qaeda men, 687 civilians

The civilian figure is not purely correct.

these 687 civilians have hundreds of militants included too.

But exaggeration is the primary concern for some people instead to report the truth.

And even death of one civilian is regrettable and those who do it should be held accountable.
The civilian figure is not purely correct.

these 687 civilians have hundreds of militants included too.

But exaggeration is the primary concern for some people instead to report the truth.

And even death of one civilian is regrettable and those who do it should be held accountable.

CIA and their Spy agents are ignorant about Afghanistan also mentioned by US Miltery intelligence Chief
BACKGROUND: McChrystal's intelligence chief says spy agencies 'ignorant' about Afghanistan

They are also providing information for US drones attackes inside Pakistan ,now you can judge who is accountable?

Is their any court available in the world where relative of these innocient citizen killed due to drone attackes can submit their appeal for justice?

Where is human right watch organisations?
Why CJ of Pakistan not taking any action?
Where is OIC?
Where is UNO?
The report, from April, is disingenuous in that it completely ignores many mid-tier commanders of A.Q. as well as taliban associates.

This from a taliban logistician less than one month later-

"The one thing that impressed him were the missile strikes by drones — virtually the only American military presence felt inside Pakistan.

'The drones are very effective,'

he said, acknowledging that they had thinned the top leadership of Al Qaeda and the Taliban in the area. He said 29 of his friends had been killed in the strikes."

Porous Pakistani Border Could Hinder U.S.-NYT May 4, 2009

Then, of course, there's the accidental killing of Baitullah Mehsud by a U.S. drone last August.:lol:

Drones have a clear operational effect upon A.Q. and the Haqqani operatives on your lands.
CIA and their Spy agents are ignorant about Afghanistan also mentioned by US Miltery intelligence Chief
BACKGROUND: McChrystal's intelligence chief says spy agencies 'ignorant' about Afghanistan

They are also providing information for US drones attackes inside Pakistan ,now you can judge who is accountable?

Is their any court available in the world where relative of these innocient citizen killed due to drone attackes can submit their appeal for justice?

Where is human right watch organisations?
Why CJ of Pakistan not taking any action?
Where is OIC?
Where is UNO?

They are ignorant as well as arrogant just like their handlers, same can be said about the US too, no doubt in that.

And as for your other questions, i fully agree with you, steps should be taken to address this situation as enough is enough.
The report, from April, is disingenuous in that it completely ignores many mid-tier commanders of A.Q. as well as taliban associates.

This from a taliban logistician less than one month later-

"The one thing that impressed him were the missile strikes by drones — virtually the only American military presence felt inside Pakistan.

'The drones are very effective,'

he said, acknowledging that they had thinned the top leadership of Al Qaeda and the Taliban in the area. He said 29 of his friends had been killed in the strikes."

Porous Pakistani Border Could Hinder U.S.-NYT May 4, 2009

Then, of course, there's the accidental killing of Baitullah Mehsud by a U.S. drone last August.:lol:

Drones have a clear operational effect upon A.Q. and the Haqqani operatives on your lands.

Drones Hardly Ever Kill Bad Guys

By Greg Grant Monday, May 11th, 2009 10:52 am
Posted in Air, International, Policy
The foreign policy community’s favorite counterinsurgency adviser, or at least their favorite Australian one, David Kilcullen, told lawmakers last week that the drone strikes targeting Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters in Pakistan are creating enemies at a far faster rate than its killing them. According to statistics he provided, the success rate of the drone bombing campaign is extremely low: just 2 percent of bombs dropped have hit targeted militants. The other 98 percent? Those killed noncombatant Pakistani civilians, he said.

Since the drone strikes began in earnest in 2006, the U.S. has killed 14 mid-level Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders. In the same time frame, the strikes have killed 700 Pakistani civilians, Kilcullen said May 7, speaking before the House Armed Services Committee, Subcommittee on Terrorism and Unconventional Threats. The strikes themselves are not particularly unpopular in the tribal areas, the FATA, that border Afghanistan, as many of the people there are weary of the militants operating in their midst. Where the strikes are extremely unpopular, he said, is in the more populated areas of Punjab and Sind, areas where there has been a big jump in militancy since the bombing campaign began.

“Right now our biggest problem is not the [extremist] networks in the FATA, but the fact that Pakistan may collapse if this political instability continues.” The U.S. should stop the bombing campaign against the Pakistani Taliban and instead return to a narrower target set aimed only at Al Qaeda operatives, Kilcullen said, as the bombing campaign has simply become too counterproductive. The Taliban run a very effective “information operations” that broadcasts the death toll from U.S. strikes to feed a rising tide of popular anger against the U.S. and western involvement in Pakistan, he said.

The issue of civilian casualties caused by U.S. bombing is not simply a humanitarian matter, but is a major factor influencing the political and ideological battles being waged in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, says CSIS’s Anthony Cordesman in an email. “Civilian casualty estimates have effectively become an extension of war by other means,” he says. “Tactics that physically defeat elements of the enemy and lose the population lose the war.”

Cordesman says the U.S. can’t bomb its way to victory in Pakistan. The U.S. is also too unpopular to put significant numbers of troops there. He says Pakistan will either succeed or fail against the Taliban based on whether it can adopt some version of the “clear, hold and build” counterinsurgency strategy the U.S. applied in Iraq, and is trying to apply in Afghanistan, versus “having the Pakistani Army smash its way into Swat and leave, which has been the high point of Pakistani warfighting to date.”

Is there anywhere the citizens of Afghanistan and those in other countries may complain against the murderers Pakistan sends forth daily from its lands?

We will bomb targets in Pakistan necessary to protect ourselves in the absence of Pakistan controlling its lands and the people on them.

If you can't prevent attacks from your lands, we will do the best we can ourselves. If you can't provide us with good intelligence, we'll use the best we have and let YOU worry about the consequences.

Stop providing sanctuary from which the afghan taliban murder Afghans and prevent the U.N. mandate from being implemented. PREDATOR will cease flying when that happens. Not before.

"...steps should be taken to address this situation as enough is enough."

taimikhan, what steps would you like to take?

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