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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

The Army operations in FATA are essentially "Carrot and Stick" Affairs.

US helping Pakistan in new, vigorous ways: Hillary
DAWN Monday, 14 Dec, 2009

In other words the US will help Pakistan kill more of its citizens on its own soil..

Pakistan must pressurise Afghan Taliban: Petraeus
DAWN Sunday, 13 Dec, 2009

In simple words, Pakistan must earn its keep, or the Reimbursable Invoices for fuel, ammunition and logistics will not be paid. Since the US cannot save its rear end in Afghanistan, Pakistan should “DO MORE”!

oh stfu about pakistan killing citizens on it's own soil more than 3500+ pakistani civillians have been killed by terror attacks in the last few years if we add army/security forces it would be much higher still what about killing of them mostly by taliban why u don't talk when they die ?
ZTBL writes off small farmer loans in FATA

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
ISLAMABAD: The Zarai Traqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL) has written off small farmers’ agricultural loans (farm & non-farm) in Malakand Division and Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

The decision to this effect was taken in pursuance of the announcement of Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani for a relief package for small farmers of Malakand Division and FATA.

STBL President Chaudhry Zaka Ashraf has issued directives for the implementation of the said package to facilitate the farmers of the war-hit areas in letter and in spirit.

According to a statement issued by the bank on Monday, under the relief package, all agri loans of small farmers of regular loan ledgers having outstanding balance as of June 30, 2009 of the Malakand Division, Swat, Buner, Shangla, Lower Dir, Upper Dir, Malakand, Chitral and FATA (Bajour Agency, Kurram agency and Khyber agency) shall be written off.

The package will be admissible on loans outstanding on June 30, 2009 only and the criteria stipulated for small farmers will be that in case of farm loans farmers having subsistence up to 12.5 acres. While in case of non-farm sector farmers with cows, buffaloes up to 50 heads, for goats/sheep up to 150 heads, for poultry up to 5,000 nbirds/broilers and 1,000 birds for layers and for fisheries 1 boat for marine and up to 2 acres pond for inland fisheries.

It said that further any part of loan disbursed thereafter the said date shall not be considered for this relief package.

ZTBL writes off small farmer loans in FATA
Five terrorists killed, two soldiers injured in operation Rah e Nijat

ISLAMABAD, Dec 14 (APP): Five terrorists were killed while two soldiers got injured in Operation Rah e Nijat in South Waziristan during the last 24 hours. According to ISPR, In Shakai Sector security forces killed four terrorists including Abdul Ghafoor at Mola Khan Sarai while one soldier was injured during the encounter.

Security forces carried domination operation at village Tanga Patai near China, destroyed 9 IEDs and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition. During the encounter one terrorist was killed, while 1 soldier got injured.

In Jandola Sector security forces carried out sanitization and clearance operation at Malik Shahi near Kotkai and Stara Gharlamai and recovered cache of arms and ammunition.

Search operation at Warzi Oba and Khuni Ridge near Sarwakai is also under process and notables of the area have assured complete support to the military operations.

In Razmak Sector terrorists fired rockets at Nawazkot which was effectively responded.

Meanwhile, a free medical camp was established at Lattaka near Makeen which provided free medical treatment and medicines to the patients.

Establishment of medical camp was highly appreciated by the locals, who demanded frequent establishment of such camps.

In Swat during Operation Rah e Rast security forces conducted search operation at Najigram and killed four terrorists.

Security forces conducted search operation at Malukabad, Maniari, Gumbad Mera and apprehended three terrorists.

One terrorist voluntarily surrendered himself to security forces at Bhai Kalle.

In relief activities about 23,366 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families in Waziristan.
Rawalpindi - December 15, 2009:

South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat Details of the operations of last 24 hours are as follows:-

a.   Jandola Sector.

(1) Security forces recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition during the process of link up at Dwatoi.

(2) Security forces cleared Aqhzar near Pezu, Tauda Uba near Dogar, Jani Kot near Sultani Adda and apprehended 2 suspects.

b.   Shakai Sector.

Security forces carried out sanitization and consolidated their positions in Shakai Sector.

b.   Razmak Sector

(1) Security forces conducted search operation near Tara Tiza and destroyed 22 compounds including 2 tunnels (35 feet long).

(2) Security forces successfully established link up at village Zawar near Ghariom.

(3) Area domination operation was carried near Pash Ziarat and 15 compounds were cleared and huge cache of arms and ammunition were recovered.

(4) Few rockets were fired by terrorists near Spinkai Narai which were effectively responded.

2.    Relief Activities.

23,973 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.


KIT Over n Out :victory::pakistan::sniper::guns:
PESHAWAR: Pakistani troops backed by helicopter gunships have pounded suspected Taliban hideouts in the northwest tribal belt, killing at least 43 militants, officials said Wednesday.

The armed forces targeted Orakzai and Kurram districts, strongholds of militants linked to Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

‘At least 18 militants were killed when helicopters pounded Toorikhel town of Orakzai when militants were holding an important meeting Tuesday,’ paramilitary spokesman Major Fazlur Rehman said.

The meeting, chaired by local Taliban commander Qari Ismail, was held to arrange reconciliation between two feuding groups of militants, he said. It was not immediately clear if Ismail was among the dead.

Local administration official Riaz Khan confirmed the toll, and said four more people were killed in airstrikes in Orkazai’s Sultanzai town. Seven militant hideouts and five vehicles were also destroyed, he added.

The military also mounted a ground and air operation in Dagar town of Kurram region on Tuesday, killing 21 militants, Rehman said, adding that the operations continued on Wednesday.

(Fleeing the fighting, more than 1200 resident families have migrated to safer areas of Kurram Agency and Hangu district, DawnNews adds.)

Such death tolls supplied by the military are impossible to confirm independently, with the region out of bounds to media and most aid groups. —AFP
The Waziristan operation has also been a success after the success of the Swat operation, NWFP Information Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain said. - AFP
No 533/2009-ISPR Dated: December 16, 2009
Rawalpindi - December 16, 2009:

1. South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat. Security forces engaged and destroyed a vehicle at Dosali near Miranshah, resultantly terrorists commander Gulbadeen Mehsud was killed. During last 24 hours, 6 terrorists have been killed while 1 soldier embraced shahadat and 6 were injured. Terrorists fired at Mana Camp and damaged Mosque. Details of the operations are as follows:-

1. Jandola Sector.

1. Terrorists fired with small arms at security forces check post at Sararogha and Shuza Defile which was effectively responded, resultantly 2 terrorists were killed.

2. Security forces conducted search operation at Shuza, Aghzar Khel and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition.

2. Shakai Sector

1. Security forces engaged and destroyed a vehicle at Dosali near Miranshah, resultantly terrorists commander Gulbadeen Mehsud was killed.

2. Security forces carried out sanitization around Khassadar Ridge.

3. Security forces conducted search operation in area Sultano near Ladha and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition.

3. Razmak Sector

1. Security forces carried search operation along with Razmak-Ghariom Axis at Umarzai Zhawar near Janata and cleared 18 compounds.

2. Security forces conducted clearance operation at China, Makeen and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition.

3. Terrorist fired rockets at Golden top, Lowara Punga and Mana camp, resultantly 1 soldier embraced shahadat and 6 injured while mosque was damaged.

4. Security forces killed 3 terrorists at Ghundakai near Mirkhoni during an encounter.

2. Swat – Malakand – Operation Rah-e-Rast

1. 2 suspects voluntarily surrendered themselves to security forces at Madyan.

2. Security forces conducted search operation at Tangai near Matta and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition.

3. Relief Activities. 24,550 Cash Cards have been issued to displaced families of Waziristan.
Editorial: Unresolved inconsistencies

The New York Times has carried a story that claims Pakistan has rebuffed repeated US requests for a crackdown on the Haqqani network in North Waziristan. Washington dislikes Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son Siraj because they are accused of harbouring al Qaeda, control large swathes of territory in eastern Afghanistan, and are arguably one of the most effective insurgent groups battling the US and Nato forces inside Afghanistan.

The Pakistani establishment on the other hand, views the Haqqani network as an asset that is critical to the regional realignments and repositioning in a post-US withdrawal Afghanistan, a withdrawal scheduled to begin from mid-2011. While juggling for turf and influence in Afghanistan after the foreign forces have departed might draw in Iran, China and Russia, it is the increasing influence of India in Afghanistan that has our military establishment really worried. India has managed its comfortable position in Afghanistan partly at least because of the $ 1.2 billion aid it is pumping into the country. The Pakistani military strategists’ worst nightmare is being squeezed in the ‘nutcracker’ of an Indian presence on its eastern as well as western border.

US Vice President Joe Biden, in a television interview, has reiterated the view widely held in the west that much of the terrorist threat emanates in Pakistan. Washington is redoubling its efforts to get increased Pakistani cooperation (mainly from the military), but in his words: “There is still a long way to go.” In answer to a question why, if the main threat emanates in Pakistan, the US is spending more resources on Afghanistan, Biden said the troops surge in Afghanistan is part of efforts to prevent a Karzai government failure, which the US cannot afford.

The Times characterises the Pakistani military’s temper at the repeated suggestions to ‘do more’ as “public silence, private anger”. COAS General Parvez Ashfaq Kayani has told the US that the Pakistani military ha s its hands full with the offensive in South Waziristan and elsewhere, and cannot open another front against the Afghan Taliban. Clearly, even when its hands were relatively ‘free’, the Pakistani military establishment, because of its concerns about the shape of the future in Afghanistan, remained unwilling to deny the Afghan Taliban the safe havens they enjoy in Pakistan.

Whereas the US has exercised restraint so far and tried to cajole the Pakistani military to take on the Afghan Taliban on its soil, it now appears that Washington’s patience may be running out. The Afghan Taliban are giving the US and Nato forces in Afghanistan a tough time, allegedly, in US eyes, because of the safe rear base areas they can launch from, retreat to, regroup, etc, inside Pakistan.

Reports in the American media are reflecting this increasing impatience. One manifestation or indication of this is the not-so-veiled threat that if Pakistan refuses to move against the Haqqani network and Mullah Omar’s shura in Quetta, the US will widen its drone attacks to hit the Afghan insurgents inside Pakistan. Such a development would naturally give rise to new frictions between the US and Pakistan in an already uneasy alliance, and may even harden resentment against perceived US ‘bullying’. The US and Pakistan are both impaled on the horns of their respective dilemmas. The US cannot hope for progress in the struggle in Afghanistan, let alone ‘victory’, without taking out the rear base areas of the insurgents inside Pakistan. To do so risks alienating its uneasy ally, not to act risks defeat in Afghanistan in the long run. Pakistan, on the other hand, seems wedded so far to militarily wiping out any threat from local Taliban while preserving its covert alliance with the Afghan Taliban to be able, at a minimum, to have its slice of the cake in a post-US withdrawal Afghanistan. The two positions are so far irreconcilable, and if they remain unresolved, could cause a breakdown in the two allies’ relations and cooperation in the war on terror.

Security forces kill 49 Taliban in FATA

* 18 terrorists killed in Orakzai, 21 in Kurram and six in South Waziristan

ISLAMABAD: Security forces killed 49 Taliban in separate attacks in Federally Administered Tribal Areas on Wednesday.

“At least 18 militants were killed when helicopters pounded Toori Khel town of Orakzai when they were holding an important meeting,” paramilitary spokesman Major Fazlur Rehman said.

Local administration official Riaz Khan confirmed the toll and said four more were killed in air strikes in the town of Sultanzai in Orakzai.

The military also mounted a ground and air offensive on Tuesday in Dagar, a town in the Kurram Agency, killing 21 Taliban, Rehman said.

Such death tolls supplied by the military are impossible to confirm independently, with the region out of bounds to media and most aid groups.

While a full-scale military onslaught is under way in South Waziristan, targeted air strikes and limited paramilitary operations are used in other areas of the tribal belt.

In its daily briefing on the South Waziristan operation, the army said six Taliban and one soldier had been killed in the last 24 hours in raids and clashes in the region.

The Afghan Taliban are giving the US and Nato forces in Afghanistan a tough time, allegedly, in US eyes, because of the safe rear base areas they can launch from, retreat to, regroup, etc, inside Pakistan.

i wonder why they only give 'though time' to the US forces (inside Afghanistan) while they are sit in safe heaven here in Pakistan, why dont they pose a threat/give a though time to their immediate rivals-the Pakistan Army?!

The simplest answer could be; as the Pakistan Army is not teasing them, they dont reciprocate, but what about the 'real' answer?
Reports in the American media are reflecting this increasing impatience. One manifestation or indication of this is the not-so-veiled threat that if Pakistan refuses to move against the Haqqani network and Mullah Omar’s shura in Quetta, the US will widen its drone attacks to hit the Afghan insurgents inside Pakistan. Such a development would naturally give rise to new frictions between the US and Pakistan in an already uneasy alliance, and may even harden resentment against perceived US ‘bullying’. The US and Pakistan are both impaled on the horns of their respective dilemmas.


5 drones had already hit the terrorists today.

The deadliest attack so far.
it killed 16 suspected militants in NWA.....hits in Baluchistan will not be permitted.

If it is, it will be very counter-productive --for us, and for U.S.

As it is, anti-American sentiment is rising to levels that we saw in 1979
16 Taliban killed in Orakzai

HANGU/ISLAMABAD: Security forces backed by fighter jets killed 16 terrorists and injured another 22 when they targeted terrorists’ hideouts in various areas of Orakzai Agency on Friday, sources said.

Sources said the jets destroyed four hideouts in Dabori, Ghalju, Mamuzai and Malpati areas of Upper Orakzai.

Meanwhile in South Waziristan, the security forces cleared 30 bunkers and compounds, which were previously being used by the Taliban.

According to an update issued on Friday, the forces carried out clearance operations around Serwakai and recovered a large cache of arms f.rom the Shakai sector.

The forces conducted a search operation in Song Khula near Asman Manza and destroyed a watchtower that was used by the Taliban. The Taliban fired with small arms at a security forces checkpost near Razmak, injuring a soldier. However, the attack was effectively responded to. In Swat, troops conducted search operations in Bala Sur near Chuprial, as well as Hamwarai, Roria, Kontangat, Kotkai, Kamargai and apprehended 30 suspects. A terrorist surrendered at Kharary near Matta.

saboor khan/app
$850m under Kerry-Lugar Act, CSF to be received by 31st

* Pakistan, United States finalise list of projects to be implemented using $500 million Kerry-Lugar aid

By Sajid Chaudhry

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan is likely to receive a total of $850 million from the US by December 31 – $500 million as the first tranche under the Kerry-Lugar Act and Rs 350 million f.rom the Coalition Support Fund (CSF), Economic Affairs Division sources said on Friday.

The sources said the government and the US authorities had finalised the projects to be financed under the Kerry-Lugar Act, and the first disbursement under this head would be made next week. The Finance Ministry finalised the list of projects in consultation with various departments, and the details of the projects were approved jointly with the US authorities.

Allocations: The government has decided that $200 million would be invested in a trust fund and $174 million would be allocated to the project fund, $200 million to the health and education reforms and $200 million to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Swat and Malakand.

Also, $50 million would be spent under the Kerry-Lugar Act for development in FATA, while $200 million would be utilised to alleviate poverty.

Economic Affairs Division officials said $200 million in the trust fund – which was set up by the Friends of Pakistan forum under the supervision of World Bank – would be used for development activities in conflict-hit areas – NWFP, Balochistan and FATA. About the $174 allocated to the project fund, the official said this fund would cater to the needs of sector-specific development projects. “The projects in this fund would be aimed at improving selected sectors of the economy that have significant impact on generating employment.”

The officials said the $200 million for the health and education reforms would also be used to transfer both departments to the provinces after the finalisation of the concurrent list. The sources said the $200 million allocated to rehabilitation and reconstruction of Malakand and Swat would be used to resettle internally displaced persons. “It has been acknowledged that urban centres, agriculture and small industries of Swat, Malakand and adjoining areas have been severely damaged amid efforts to eliminate the Taliban,” said the official, adding that a similar package of $50 million had been approved for FATA.

Six terrorists killed in search operation in S. Waziristan

As the military offensive continues in South Waziristan, six suspected militants were killed during a search operation in Lawara Punga area near Mana in South Waziristan, an ISPR spokesman informed.

Authorities have also arrested a suspected militant commander, Zahidur Rehman, from the Peshawar airport while he was trying to escape to Dubai.
Terrorists fired rockets and arms at security forces patrolling the area, which they effectively responded to.

According to the Inter-Services Public relations spokesman, security forces have so far secured SAIN Tanga and Malik Shahi areas.

Meanwhile, six suspected militants were also arrested in a clearance operation near Pezu while huge cache of arms and ammunitions were recovered in the Shakai Sector.

A search operation is also underway in MiramShah. –DawnNews

DAWN.COM | Pakistan | Six terrorists killed in search operation in S. Waziristan
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