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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Why do reporters have to take the word of a minister rather than traveling to S.W. and seeing for themselves? It's not like they need a passport, right?

coz reporters are not allowed in the warzone, unless given permission to travel alongside units

for their own safety, and for the safety of our troops!

and please don't refer to them as "ministers"........we (or at least I) find it insulting.
Why do reporters have to take the word of a minister rather than traveling to S.W. and seeing for themselves? It's not like they need a passport, right?

For tribal areas, they may well need a passport. And this is not a new thing.
Al Jazeera English had a very balanced and objective report during Rah e Rast days.

as i said, reporters need to be given security clearance and permission. This is an issue of national interests and security.

this is war...!

and i would also like to take the time to declare this, even though I am nobody that important.

You are either WITH Pakistan
Or you are AGAINST Pakistan.

No in-betweens. No exceptions. No negotiations.
In next phase ,PA should construct road for servalliance at boarder , which will be most difficult task but no other option to control insurgency from Afghanistan side.
US and NATO should help us it will be in benefit for them also.

We are also losing more than billion rupees per year due to smuggling between FATA and Afghanistan.

US & NATO will never help us for better policing of the Pak-Afghan Border. It does not help them let's make this clear. They are not interested in Afghanistan they never have been. If they help pakistan seal the border a couple of things will happen

No more Indian Weapons coming into Pakistan.

The Balochistan separatist movement will get effected directly.

The funding, recruitment and training of the Anti-State elements like TTP will come to an halt.

The Pakistan Army will not be engaged on multiple fronts.

Last but not least one thing that most people tend to overlook, the Afghan Drug trade, only last years UNODC report estimates the trade to be 3.4 $ billion and approximately 70% goes through Pakistan.
We all know who is benefiting from that money.
I believe we have raised strong protest over indian "consullates" in Afghanistan, not too mention the fact that on the Afghan side of the border, the security arrangements are half-assed and mediocre (at best!)

This is why i am a huge proponent for limited Air strikes on Afghan territory, where foreign-backed militants are trying to infiltrate (too often for comfort, they are suceeding)

we are the ones who should be sending UAVs to Afghanstan. And we need to establish stronger intelligence/counter-intelligence against the indian "missions" in Afghanistan.

and we shouldnt be quiet about it either. What have we got to lose?
Not sure if this has been posted yet:
PESHAWAR: Militant sources on Saturday claimed the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leadership ordered preparation of 25 vehicles and motorcycles packed with explosives for carrying out suicide bombings just before the launching of the military operation in South Waziristan on October 17.

The sources among the militant circles in Hangu, Orakzai, Kohat and Darra Adamkhel said six motorcycles and 19 vehicles were to be stuffed with explosives and used in suicide bombings against security and law-enforcement forces and other targets.

This piece of information couldn’t be confirmed from independent sources or government officials.

The recent spurt in the number of suicide and car-bombings could be due to the militants’ plans to implement the decision of the TTP leadership for retaliating against security forces’ action in South Waziristan.

The sources claimed 150 to 200 kilos of explosives were to be put into each vehicle used for bombings. Fertilisers were bought and transferred in large quantities to make the explosives.
TTP steps up bombings due to SWA operation

This may be a very painful and long few months if we cannot preempt these.
"not too mention the fact that on the Afghan side of the border, the security arrangements are half-assed and mediocre (at best!)..."

May I ask what sort of security arrangements on the Pakistani side of the border have reached a point where you need major military operations in Buner, SWAT, Bajaur, and now S. Waziristan in order to rectify matters? May I ask how Hekmatyar and Haqqani in N. Waziristan constitute an acceptable security arrangement for the last seven to eight years?

May I ask the think tank and other astute observers why it must be I to point this oddity out to A.Z.?

"where foreign-backed militants are trying to infiltrate (too often for comfort, they are suceeding)..."

I wonder if this is true to any great extent? What is certain, though, is that Maulvi Nazir and Hafez Gul Bahadur have been sending their Pakistani tribal citizen militias across that border for years to make war on the afghan people. What's equally clear is that the Haqqani network and Hekmatyar have done the same from Miram Shah area...

...for years. It is interesting that those matters haven't concerned you one bit in your comments here.

What's finally clear, Abu Zolfiqar, is that you've an oddly-placed double standard about this war and seemingly understand little about the ease with which men have moved back and forth along this border for centuries.

You also seem to not fully aware that all of these men with all of these groups are ultimately threats to all of us, including Pakistan.

I thought you were from Kurram or Orakzai?

"This is why i am a huge proponent for limited Air strikes on Afghan territory..."

It's also likely why you've no chance of sitting in a position of influence on these matters.
A.M., do you haved a link to this news?

"This may be a very painful and long few months if we cannot preempt these."

Afghanistan has evidently banned the use of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. Those farmers now in possession of such may continue to use it but there shall be no more authorized. It appears that maybe the same compounds are being employed in Pakistan as well.

These recent bombs have all been powerful. The IEDs we've hit in Afghanistan have also been immensely powerful. I hope that others here now understand that it doesn't take a hidden hand to create this sort of hell and that what you see before you are indeed your enemies.

Your Pakistani brothers are killing you. They've just said so right out loud. Nobody else.

My guess is that most ears and eyes here will remain shut to the obvious.
The Pakistani army says over 500 militants and around 50 soldiers have been killed since the offensive began on October 17th. The operation has displaced more than 250,000 people and the UN has asked Pakistan to ensure the safety of civilians during the offensive.

In 2009, 1,780 citizens and 780 security officials have been killed, while the number of the terrorists claimed to have been killed in counter-terrorism operations has reached 5,972.

17 troops, 22 militants killed in Pakistan
I wonder why these Tribals traveling back and forth for centuries never attacked Pakistani people before the invasion of Afghanistan
I wonder where the sophisticated weapons are coming from.
I wonder who is funding them, or they found a gold mine in Kurram or Orakza or miraN shah.
I wonder why these tribals who never attacked women and children are now blowing up schools and markets.
I wonder why aren't they attacking the real enemy in Afghanistan so frequently.
I wonder why the Afghan taliban have disowned them time and again.
I wonder why the Tribals who sign peace deals with the Pakistani Gov are killed by Drone attacks.
I wonder why the FBI couldn't link Osama Bin Ladin to the 9/11 attacks.
Most Wanted Terrorist - Usama Bin Laden

I wonder why ......
S-2. Yes Kurram Agency

and i can guarantee you that I know more about NWFP + FATA than you will ever know.

thanks for registering your concerns.

I'm for peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the region. My personal belief is that there can only be peace once the foreign forces withdraw. Their presence is radicalizing people. And amidst the chaos, anti-Pakistan forces (whom we, or at least I believe are foreign funded by enemies of Pakistani State) called "Pakistan taleban" are causing sabotage and destruction. It has gotten to the point that even Mullah Omar openly berates TTP. The Ulema are against them, so are the people. They have mostly killed civilians; so we are not people who support these types --- and if you opened your eyes maybe you would not sound so preposterous.

This war in Afghanistan (which has direct effects on what happens in Pakistan, Iran, and other countries in the region) cannot only be won militarily. Proper governance and development are the key. And with foreign militaries in the country, the environment is just not conducive for such to occur.

what changes (for the better) have taken place from 2001 onwards to date?????
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I wonder why these Tribals traveling back and forth for centuries never attacked Pakistani people before the invasion of Afghanistan
I wonder where the sophisticated weapons are coming from.
I wonder who is funding them, or they found a gold mine in Kurram or Orakza or miraN shah.
I wonder why these tribals who never attacked women and children are now blowing up schools and markets.
I wonder why aren't they attacking the real enemy in Afghanistan so frequently.
I wonder why the Afghan taliban have disowned them time and again.
I wonder why the Tribals who sign peace deals with the Pakistani Gov are killed by Drone attacks.
I wonder why the FBI couldn't link Osama Bin Ladin to the 9/11 attacks.
Most Wanted Terrorist - Usama Bin Laden

I wonder why ......

seems almost like a...... poem..... :woot:
zabardast :D

9/11 is a touchy subject though......and as Pakistanis, we hope that victims of that attack would also get justice. Same way we hope for justice for all the damage and lost lives being caused in the general Central/South Asian subcontinent.
Rawalpindi - November 16, 2009:

South Waziristan - Operation Rah-e-Nijat.

Security forces are consolidating their positions on all three axes. Details of the operations are as follows:-

a. On Jandola – Sararogha Axis

(1) Security forces advancing further have secured important heights south and west of village Janata.

(2) Sanitization of Khazhikai and Adira Meal is under process.

b. On Shakai – Kaniguram Axis

(1) Terrorists fired with 4 rockets and small arms fire at Lundai Nur and point 6954 near Kaniguram which was effectively responded.

(2) Security forces cleared road Ladha to Takrai Sar and conducted search operation at Tikrai Sar, Totai Langar Khel and Sultano.

(3) Training centre near Tikarai Sar, a complex of basement and a tunnel at village Sultano were found and destroyed.

c. On Razmak- Makeen Axis

(1) Security forces conducted search operation and cleared village Spina Mela near Razmak. Adjacent heights have also been occupied and visual contact with forces at Ladha near Spina Mela was established.

(2) Village Kum Narakai near Makeen has been cleared and house to house search is in progress. During clearance operation 8 IEDs were defused and large quantity of arms and ammunitions recovered.

(3) Consolidation around Ghariom and Dossali is under way.

3. Relief Activities.

11,794 Cash Cards have issued to displaced families of Waziristan.


KIT Over n Out :victory::pakistan::sniper::guns:
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