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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

Troops enter Makeen amid little resistance
November 07, 2009

By Irfan Burki & Daud Khattak

PESHAWAR: Security forces entered the Taliban stronghold of Makeen where clashes and search operation resulted in the killing of 13 militants on Friday, the 21st day of the operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan Agency.

Three more militants were killed in a separate clash in Srarogha, another key bastion of the Taliban where security forces are busy consolidating their positions and conducting search operations.

Security officials said the troops did not face resistance as expected while entering Makeen. Sources said the troops had now secured almost all the key locations in their three-pronged advance on the Taliban positions from Razmak, Wana and Jandola. Only eight-kilometre area was not in the control of security forces while all other important roads from Srarogha and Wana to Makeen were now held by the military.

The political administration officials said security forces had reached Ladha from Wana and the road links on that direction had been blocked to stop the supplies and plug escape routes of the Taliban.

Security forces were conducting search operations in the villages of Gadwai, Shamerai, Maidan, Siga, Kot Langarkhel and Patwelai. From the Razmak side, the troops successfully entered Makeen besides blocking the junction of roads coming from Ladha and Srarogha. The step had been taken to get complete control over the movement of vehicles in the area, the sources added.

“This will jam the traffic system of the militants and they can only use mountainous and uninhabited routes to escape the area or get fresh supplies,” said a security official, who did not want to be named.

Officials said the troops would move towards Makeen after completing search operations in Ladha, while those already in Makeen after advancing from the Razmak side would move forward towards Ladha to ensure their presence in the area.

In Srarogha area, the troops would advance to Janta and Piazha after clearing Srarogha, which is located around 30 kilometres from Makeen. The troops will be in control of 80 per cent area of South Waziristan once they spread into all the areas between Makeen and Srarogha.

A statement from the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said the troops had cleared a large part of the town of Makeen where the house of slain Taliban commander Baitullah Mehsud was also destroyed. Mehsud died in a drone attack along with some of his family members on August 5 this year.

The military statement said the key junctions of roads had been blocked. It said fighting was also taking place but militants were fleeing the area, leaving behind arms and ammunition. A search and clearance operation was under way in Srarogha, where three militants were killed during a clash, said the statement. The fighting erupted after the militants fired four rockets on security forces in Srarogha.

From the Shakai side, security forces continued consolidating their positions in and around Ladha. Search operation was also under way in the area, said the official statement. According to the Army claims, around 450 militants had been killed so far. However, the Taliban dispute the claim, admitting the death of only 11 of their men.

- The News

Difference of +/- 20% is understandable , but 98% difference in figures is unblieveable.:pop:
20 terrorists killed, eight soldiers injured in Waziristan operation: ISPR

PESHAWAR, Nov 8 (APP): As many as 20 terrorists have been killed and eight soldiers including an officer were injured in operation Rah-e-Rast during last 24 hours in South Waziristan Agency, said an ISPR update here Sunday.

On Jandola-Sararogha Axis, security forces consolidated their positions around Sararogha, Raghzai, Sagar Langer Gel and recovered huge cache of arms and ammunition. During encounter, three terrorists were killed.

On Shakai-Kaniguram Axis, security forces fully dominate and control the entire axis and conducted search operation around the axis. Search and clearance operation was conducted at Totai, Langar Khel, Tapparghai, Gutsurai, Gadowai, Bangal Khel and Kund Mela.

During search and clearance operation, huge quantity of arms, ammunition and explosives found, which are 19 x ammunition boxes of 12.7 mm machine gun, 1 x Suicidal jacket, 27 x RPG-7 Rockets, 2085 x rounds of Heavy Machine Gun, 15 x Grenades, 5 x IEDs, 12 x Rockets of 75 mm Rocket Launcher and 15 x sacks of Potassium Chloride.

During encounter, eight soldiers injured including an officer and 12 terrorists were killed. A factory for making electrical devices for IEDs (circuits, remote control) was found at Gadawai and huge quantity of circuits and remote controls were recovered.

On Razmak-Makeen Axis, Security forces conducted clearance and
search operation at Bhadur Khel, Manza Kai and Wuchoba. Terrorists fired with small arms and rockets at Blanki Sar, Lagar Manza, Kund Mela and Makeen and five terrorists were killed during encounter.

Regarding update of Swat-Malakand’s operation Rah-e-Rast, security forces discovered a cave used by terrorists in area Nakhtar near Shah Dhari and recovered cache of arms. Security forces conducted search operation at Roria near Gulibagh, Shalpin, Walahai and Mingora and apprehended 18 terrorists.

Three terrorists voluntarily surrendered to security forces at Roria and Kabbal. Regarding relief activities, it said 8,836 cash cards have been issued amongst the displaced families of Waziristan.
There are rumors that US and UN forces have abandoned seven posts along the Afghan-Pakistan border. Can anyone verify this?
You should check into the new members thread at the top of this board. That way we can learn a bit about you.

So the thugs have ran away. This cannot be good.

Could just be a coincidence but this is exactly the scenario I was reading about with a lazy Sunday morning coffee yesterday ..... and I must admit that it made sense to me.

Winter is around the corner, and it is unlikely that the fighting will be done by then. These guys (TTP) have the option of not only melting/merging into the Afghan side, with NO one being the wiser, but now apparently there is also another serious possibility.

And herein lies the successful implementation of the Strategic Depth doctrine ..... by the pupil and not the master.

The TTP who have magically disappeared are likely going to ghost their way into Balochistan over the winter where ties are already being forged with the Baloch freedom fighters to regroup and re-open a new front once the Waziristan operation is done and dusted (though the more probable reality seems to be continuing low-level conflict with cross border incursions across what is always going to be a porous soft "border").

Herein lies Pakistan's biggest challenge ..... SWAT, FATA, NWFP, Waziristan, Balochistan ...... all with less-than-friendly Afghanistan (and here is where India will play a big role ..... the current lack of the 106 km long chicken neck notwithstanding) next door, and sandwiched by India waiting patiently on the East.

Someone said it right ..... The pakistan army is not trained for such a fight ..... no open plains, no tanks, no "MAD" nuke deterrent.

And most importantly ..... NO MOBILITY.

Add to that, no long-time US ally support anymore, no money, and encircled by hostile forces ..... both Hindu and Muslim.

Slowly but inexorably, Pakistan is running out of space to maneuver.

From here, India needs to carefully weigh its options and decide on where its best bet lies ..... on a balkanized Pakistan at its doorstep ..... or a chastened one which has been forced violently to look within for the first time in its 62 year history ..... and find and forge an identity for itself which is truly Pakistani as opposed to simply reactionary Anti-Indian.

Cheers, Doc
Obama settles on Afghan troop increase

* Final options include roughly 30,000-troop rise

WASHINGTON: US President Barack Obama is wrapping up deliberations on war strategy in Afghanistan and is considering final Pentagon options that include sending about 30,000 more troops, officials said on Saturday.

A deployment of that size would be less than the 40,000-troop increase recommended by Gen Stanley McChrystal, the commander of US and NATO forces in Afghanistan, but more than many of Obama’s Democratic allies may support.

Record combat deaths have eroded US public support for the war, and a decision to expand troop levels could become a political liability for the president ahead of congressional elections next year.

Currently, there are about 67,000 US troops and 40,000 allied forces in Afghanistan.

Under one of the final Pentagon options presented to the White House, three additional combat brigades would be deployed and a division headquarters set up near Kandahar in southern Afghanistan, a Taliban stronghold, as part of a 30,000-troop increase.

US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Obama has settled on a troop increase but has yet to make up his mind about its size.

Brigades generally include 3,500 to 4,000 troops, though they can swell to over 5,000 troops if other units are attached. Marine brigades can be larger.

Obama, who will visit Asia from November 12-19, is expected to announce his decision within a few weeks, possibly after Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s inauguration. Karzai was re-elected in a controversial poll tainted by fraud.

Could just be a coincidence but this is exactly the scenario I was reading about with a lazy Sunday morning coffee yesterday ..... and I must admit that it made sense to me.

Winter is around the corner, and it is unlikely that the fighting will be done by then. These guys (TTP) have the option of not only melting/merging into the Afghan side, with NO one being the wiser, but now apparently there is also another serious possibility.

And herein lies the successful implementation of the Strategic Depth doctrine ..... by the pupil and not the master.

The TTP who have magically disappeared are likely going to ghost their way into Balochistan over the winter where ties are already being forged with the Baloch freedom fighters to regroup and re-open a new front once the Waziristan operation is done and dusted (though the more probable reality seems to be continuing low-level conflict with cross border incursions across what is always going to be a porous soft "border").

Herein lies Pakistan's biggest challenge ..... SWAT, FATA, NWFP, Waziristan, Balochistan ...... all with less-than-friendly Afghanistan (and here is where India will play a big role ..... the current lack of the 106 km long chicken neck notwithstanding) next door, and sandwiched by India waiting patiently on the East.

Someone said it right ..... The pakistan army is not trained for such a fight ..... no open plains, no tanks, no "MAD" nuke deterrent.

And most importantly ..... NO MOBILITY.

Add to that, no long-time US ally support anymore, no money, and encircled by hostile forces ..... both Hindu and Muslim.

Slowly but inexorably, Pakistan is running out of space to maneuver.

From here, India needs to carefully weigh its options and decide on where its best bet lies ..... on a balkanized Pakistan at its doorstep ..... or a chastened one which has been forced violently to look within for the first time in its 62 year history ..... and find and forge an identity for itself which is truly Pakistani as opposed to simply reactionary Anti-Indian.

Cheers, Doc

yes some will run to baluchistan, to afghanistan - but what is happening here - they are not in control of swat/malakand, the army is - yes hit & run tactics will continue....but for how long....their resources are being depleted.

.....the militants are being denied space, their infrastructure is being destroyed, their arms & ammo depots and hideouts are being destroyed, they are leaving behind their heavy weapons, running way with the side-arms......Deny, Deter is in progress and eventually DEFEAT....the army will make sure.

vsdoc, as for your other comments....the less said the better!
Taliban defeat in SW was a 4-5 days project to start with, which extended to almost 3-4 weeks.

FATA is a very easy area to capture for the regular forces. The Army has full control over the towns and the salient in general.

The visible objective of capturing SW has been achieved. “Crushing” TTP though is an elusive goal. Time will tell.
^^^ I agree with you .... the numbers, both in the media and here on this thread, simply DO NOT add up.

Shades of Baghdad falling and the much anticipated final showdown with the elite Republican Guard never materialising.

Yet we all know whats going down in Iraq today, since that day when the end was purportedly nigh.

Cheers, Doc
Taliban defeat in SW was a 4-5 days project to start with, which extended to almost 3-4 weeks.

FATA is a very easy area to capture for the regular forces. The Army has full control over the towns and the salient in general.

The visible objective of capturing SW has been achieved. “Crushing” TTP though is an elusive goal. Time will tell.

If TTP is part of grand Jehad Alliance under control of Mullah Omer , then we have to examin whole senario again because US wanted to give 8 provinces to Talaban near Pakistan boarder (Nooristan,Khoust,Paktia,Helamand,Ghazni etc), which talaban already rejected .Any how let see what are new propsals on tables from US:coffee:
yes some will run to baluchistan, to afghanistan - but what is happening here - they are not in control of swat/malakand, the army is - yes hit & run tactics will continue....but for how long....their resources are being depleted.

While we are asking this question, equally pertinent would be the question about how long would the PA forces deployed there currently, remain there? Indefinitely? Forever? Speaking of depleting resources, PA's are stretched pretty thin as we speak, engaged as it is on multiple fronts. Its a balancing game sir, and the TTP and your other friends in the region know it ..... question is who is going to call whose bluff.

.....the militants are being denied space, their infrastructure is being destroyed, their arms & ammo depots and hideouts are being destroyed, they are leaving behind their heavy weapons, running way with the side-arms......Deny, Deter is in progress and eventually DEFEAT....the army will make sure.

Given sir! This round belongs to the PA ..... what now (refer above)? Where all is the PA going to be concentrated?

Kashmir/Punjab/Rajasthan border?

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir?





How many? And for how long?

Do you have the numbers?

If not, can you raise and train the shortfall?

If so, how long will it take? Do you have the lead time available?

Do you have the money (as opposed to US funding where your goals are congruent)?

These are supposed to be the BEST guerilla fighters in the world .... with a track record of outlasting THREE world superpowers.

Are you somehow better?

Infrastructure, weapons, hideouts ..... these are not one time activities. Yes, sure PA has dealt them a blow. But are you sure its a body blow? That they cannot recoup?

I have already told you where they can easily retreat to get refuge.

Arms can always be replaced ..... from the same sources or from different ones (depending on the complex ever-changing political dynamics of the region and who is the current bed-fellow).

As for hideouts, PA is in THEIR territory, and not the other way around. These fighters are known for their mastery over the layout of their land ..... and for their MOBILITY ..... at an instant's notice.

How soon does a traditional Army take to deploy sir?

Cheers, Doc
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Eight terrorists killed, four soldiers martyred in Waziristan: ISPR

PESHAWAR Nov 9 (APP): During the last 24 hours, eight terrorists have been killed and four soldiers embraced shahadat and one injured during operation Rah-e-Nijat in South Waziristan Agency, an ISPR statement said on Monday. On Jandola-Sararogha Axis, security forces consolidated and strengthened their positions.

On Shakai-Kaniguram Axis, security forces conducted search and clearance operation at Bangal Khel, Totai Langar Khel and Kanigurm and demolished terrorist commander Mumtaz Burki’s hideout.
On Razmak- Makeen Axis, security forces cleared Tauda China Khola and established checkpost near Makeen. Terrorists fired rockets at security forces checkpost at Makeen, resultantly four soldiers embraced shahadat and one was injured while eight terrorists were killed.

In operation Rah-e-Rast in Swat and Malakand, during routine search operation, Security forces apprehended 2 terrorists from Batkhela Bazaar and Usmanabad near Mingora. A terrorist voluntarily surrendered to the security forces at Charbagh.

In relief activities as many as 9,343 cash cards have issued to displaced families of Waziristan. Army Field Hospital has treated over 4,845 patients at Dera Ismail Khan.
While we are asking this question, equally pertinent would be the question about how long would the PA forces deployed there currently, remain there? Indefinitely? Forever? Speaking of depleting resources, PA's are stretched pretty thin as we speak, engaged as it is on multiple fronts. Its a balancing game sir, and the TTP and your other friends in the region know it ..... question is who is going to call whose bluff.

Even if they do go to Balochistan, it will be very hard for them to get settled due to some factors, Balochistan is not a very ideal place for a guerrilla war, its more barren then Waziristan, plus they can't mix with the locals due to different ethnicity and clash of objectives. As for the Pushtun on the Balochistan side, they are more inclined towards the Afghan Taliban and recent non support by them does shows that they won't be welcomed with open hands. Again, the ethnicity plays a role here too as the Pushtun in Balochistan have a totally different dialect of Pushto compared to the one spoken on the Waziristan side and even difference in traditions are there too. So for such a large number of militants to get adjusted in Balochistan is no easy task specially when they have no tribal relations nor they have lived there ever, noticing them and identifying them won't be a difficult task. As for stretching of the Army, it has already raised many new units due to this exact thing, numbers are not known but for sure they are enough to plug the gap created by the current operations as army knows its a long haul, and this has been happening for last many years. I believe up till now the bluff of militants has been called each time, they talked so much in Swat, we will do this and that, but look whats happening there, each day they are getting killed, captured, voluntarily surrendering, their many top commanders killed or captured, the dreaded spokesman Muslim Khan who used to bluff so much is in custody with all his bluffs being called. In SW, the TTP guys used to talk a lot, we will do this and that to the PA if it did come in, by the way they were fully prepared too but PA has taken then by complete surprise, they weren't expecting such kind of strategy and tactics by PA. The recent message of its leader on the run to its fighters is a very good example to show what kind of disarray they are in. In Swat as what fatman17 Sir said, once they were denied the space to do their things, their attacks have been finished too. Do we hear of any such hit & run attacks in Swat/Malakand, don't think so. Even in three weeks of SW operation, haven't heard one, doesn't that shows something. And yesterday was talking to someone involved in the SW operation, the movement of militants has been restricted at night a lot, any movement seen during the night has been hit with artillery or air strikes and they had suffered a lot of casualties too but those have not been reported in the media, the drones are playing a very important role in this fight. Even if they run to NW they won't be able to launch attacks as its Wazir tribe area and they won't allow it as they know the consequences, plus in 3 weeks we haven't seen any attack on the NW side too. Orakzai agency is the tiniest of all the tribal agencies and its also very non hospitable for guerrilla war. Kurram agency will also not be good for them as one area is with the shia tribes who are giving no space to the taliban in their area of domain, so they have again very limited space available in an area which they have not been able to live or make a safe heaven as they did in SW.

Given sir! This round belongs to the PA ..... what now (refer above)? Where all is the PA going to be concentrated?

Kashmir/Punjab/Rajasthan border?
Pakistan Occupied Kashmir?
How many? And for how long?
Do you have the numbers?
If not, can you raise and train the shortfall?
If so, how long will it take? Do you have the lead time available?
Do you have the money (as opposed to US funding where your goals are congruent)?

Kashmir/Punjab/Rajasthan border?
These are the permanent locations where army is available at this moment too, in the numbers sufficient to deter any Indian misadventure.

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir?
To add to your knowledge, its not like the Indian Occupied Kashmir where hundred thousands of troops are to be kept to brutalize, rape and crush the voice of freedom of the people of kasmir, the AJ&K has sufficient troops to counter the Indians, we don't have an insurgency as the one happening in IOK.

Many troops have already left, there was a surge before the launch of operations, once the objectives were achieved, civil administration is back on its job, army has moved out of the places were there is normalcy and few are left who are doing the clearing operations and spreading to areas not searched before. And InshAllah in a year or so major number of troops would have left, even the decision to establish an army cantonment has been put on hold for this same reason that the permanent need of troops may not be needed as the Swat TTP can and have been eliminated to a large extend.

Whats happening in NWFP that PA is deployed there ?? Plz enlighted to the need of more troops in NWFP ??

Temporary surge, once major portion is eliminated, troops will move out, FC & civil administration will take over.

Army is no more doing the operations and they are back in their peacetime locations, FC is now looking at the things as per past practice.

And all the troops have been taken out from the reserve formations, not damaging the posture at eastern borders and the troops have been taken from places where they can be redeployed in a matter of days if need arises. If needed reserve troops can also be activated, more troops can be trained too as its now that much of difficult, we are fighting this war for the last many years, by now we do know how much needed where and how to fulfill it.

As for money, if need arose we can fight this war from our own resources too, its not a full fledged war with India, but personally US should give and we should take as much money as we can as this BS has been created thanks to US and its policies. But if they do stop the money, we can fight on our own too, shown it in the past too, to have survived with sanctions and economic problems.

These are supposed to be the BEST guerilla fighters in the world .... with a track record of outlasting THREE world superpowers.

Are you somehow better?

A guerrilla forces becomes the best when they have secure safe heavens, peoples support, someone to back them up with money and weapons and the motivation. Plus past does not always mean it will remain the same. Times change, tactics change, weapons change, strategies change and the ground realities change. Before militants could roam around freely at night, now they can't, there was no precision strikes by air power, now its there, no air mobility now it is, plus the super powers came to occupy these lands and its people, whereas we don't have that objective in our mind. If they were such fearsome fighters, they should have given at least a token fight not running away leaving behind their huge cache of weapons, their commanders leaving the area and in some cases crossing the border, and their head issuing begging kind requests to his fighters to fight or they will go to hell, we should have been seeing dozens of hit and run attacks against the army by now, killing dozen of soldiers but none of that, how much they want the PA to come in more and attack them ?? When PA gets settled down & dug in well and starts moving to their new locations of hiding ??

And the recent operations and success does has shown that if we have the will we can be much better then these militants fighting caliber.

Infrastructure, weapons, hideouts ..... these are not one time activities. Yes, sure PA has dealt them a blow. But are you sure its a body blow? That they cannot recoup?

I have already told you where they can easily retreat to get refuge.

Arms can always be replaced ..... from the same sources or from different ones (depending on the complex ever-changing political dynamics of the region and who is the current bed-fellow).

If its not a body blow then what else would you call it ?? Their safe heaven for years, where it was their rule, a state within a state, where else they can enjoy such independence except for their own land. Do you suggest they will make another safe heaven in someone else backyard ?? Will the other tribe make them do such a safe heaven?? Uzbeks tried that in Wazir tribe area, what happened, uzbeks got kicked out. Will the wazir tribe let mehsud do such thing in their area having a centuries old animosity and then as usual face the wrath of the PA ?? Is it so much easy to make a safe heaven of the magnitude as we saw in SW mehsud tribe area, which had taken years to be made ?? See the number of arms recovered so far, its hundreds and thousands which they had stuffed over the years, still much to be dug out once army settles down, can it so easily be procured again??

As for hideouts, PA is in THEIR territory, and not the other way around. These fighters are known for their mastery over the layout of their land ..... and for their MOBILITY ..... at an instant's notice.

How soon does a traditional Army take to deploy sir?

Cheers, Doc

Well if its their territory how come they so easily let it go into PAs hand such a huge territory, villages and towns with years of infrastructure made to defend it with just costing about 2 and a half dozen soldiers ?? If they are so good why in three weeks of operations we haven't seen ambushes costing the PA ?? It was their tactic in past too, whenever PA used to go in, they had so many ambushes, costing PA many dead, why nothing this time with 3 weeks gone by and PA right into the middle of their heartland ??

Sometimes looking at present things by comparing it to past happenings can give us a message too and sometimes we can infer wrong conclusions too from it.
^^^ I agree with you .... the numbers, both in the media and here on this thread, simply DO NOT add up.

Shades of Baghdad falling and the much anticipated final showdown with the elite Republican Guard never materialising.

Yet we all know whats going down in Iraq today, since that day when the end was purportedly nigh.

Cheers, Doc

Comparing Iraq and situation in Waziristan is not the best way of analyzing things. Dynamics in both theaters are different, so the outcomes, strategies would also be different.
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