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Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

The above sentence is the mother of all screw ups in Pakistan.

Leadership is a quality which is not present in every single human being. CJP or AQ Khan are very popular and respected in Pakistan but they are NOT leaders.

If you criteria is popularity then I would suggest Edhi's name instead. :)

I pray that our Parliament force Zardari to resign and bring Gen. Musharraf back in.

Isn't Zardari continuing Mush's policies... I don't see any difference in a major way.
-WOT is there on same old policies
-NRO is still there
-17th amendment is still there
Isn't Zardari continuing Mush's policies... I don't see any difference in a major way.
-WOT is there on same old policies
-NRO is still there
-17th amendment is still there

My biggest concern is safety of Pakistan, Gen. Musharraf would never allow the KL Bill language.

Other concerns are in regards with the whole local govt. set up.

IMF is back again which was thrown out of Pakistan.
My biggest concern is safety of Pakistan, Gen. Musharraf would never allow the KL Bill language.

Other concerns are in regards with the whole local govt. set up.

IMF is back again which was thrown out of Pakistan.

No bro... NRO and 17th Amendment are two major reasons why Zardari is able to do all decision out of parliament. These must be eliminated. Mush brought first get out of country safely and 2nd to grab as much power as he could.
In my honest opinion the only real solution is to install Justice Inftikhar Chaudry, Dr A Q Khan or someone with similar moral authority as the Head of the State. That’s the only way to crawl out of this abyss.

now really !!!
AQ Khan and moral authority !!! - let me see isnt he the reason why pakistan cannot get a civil nuclear deal from the western world !!! - pls wait while i stop laughing.
AQ Khan and moral authority !!! - let me see isnt he the reason why pakistan cannot get a civil nuclear deal from the western world !!! - pls wait while i stop laughing.

Sir, having served in the army & knowing all the procedures & your experience with life, do you really believe he was involved in this all alone ?? Don't you think govt was in it too ?? The top nuclear scientist going abroad & the govt does not knows where he is or who he is meeting ?? Equipment being taken out of nuclear facilities in govt vehicles & no one knows ?? PAF aircraft being used & no one has any idea that where is the aircraft going ??

We have a security apparatus which can control the political structure of our country from A to Z & they could not knew about one person who is the most recognizable person in Pakistan having access to the most secret nuclear information & our nuclear secrets ??

He has been just made a scapegoat to neglect the involvement of the govt in all the activities.
Sir, having served in the army & knowing all the procedures & your experience with life, do you really believe he was involved in this all alone ?? Don't you think govt was in it too ?? The top nuclear scientist going abroad & the govt does not knows where he is or who he is meeting ?? Equipment being taken out of nuclear facilities in govt vehicles & no one knows ?? PAF aircraft being used & no one has any idea that where is the aircraft going ??

We have a security apparatus which can control the political structure of our country from A to Z & they could not knew about one person who is the most recognizable person in Pakistan having access to the most secret nuclear information & our nuclear secrets ??

He has been just made a scapegoat to neglect the involvement of the govt in all the activities.

fair enough!
but the point being made by Javed3 is that AQ Khan has moral authority!!! - how so when he was the "ring leader" of the proliferation business! - giving away state secrets for a handful of $$$!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

18 Taliban killed in SWA operation

* ISPR says two soldiers martyred, 12 injured
* Troops mass on outskirts of ‘suicide bomber mentor’ Qari Hussain’s hometown

By Irfan Ghauri

ISLAMABAD: Eighteen Taliban were killed in the last 24 hours, while two soldiers were martyred and another 12 injured, Inter-Services Public Relations Director General Major General Athar Abbas said on Monday.

He told journalists at a press conference that security forces were advancing from three fronts: on the Jandola–Sararogha axis, on the Shakai-Ladha axis and from the south and southwest of Razmak. He said security forces had surrounded Kotkai, the hometown of Qari Hussain - widely regarded as the “mentor of suicide bombers” - and secured Tor Ghundai (east of Kotkai) and Shishwarm (northeast of Kotkai). He said the forces were consolidating positions after securing Sherwangi despite stiff resistance. He said several terrorists were killed in heavy fighting.

Abbas said security forces were also consolidating their positions in the south and southwest of Razmak despite rocket fire from Makeen.
fair enough!
but the point being made by Javed3 is that AQ Khan has moral authority!!! - how so when he was the "ring leader" of the proliferation business! - giving away state secrets for a handful of $$$!

Well that's my point, we all know Pakistan got its major nuclear equipment through black market & for that a network had to be setup & once a setup is made they start doing business with other buyers too. Iraq got a lot of its nuclear, biological & chemical weapons equipment & raw materials from European countries through European or other western firms & agents, meaning western countries have themselves black market businesses or westerner guys doing such business as to them money matters, not whom it goes.

Also, if the govt knew what he was doing, what is the assurance that the money went into his pocket not the govt guys who knew what was happening or to the nuclear program itself ?? How can we belief the Musharraf govt version or the American govt version that he got the money for himself. If he had, where is the money, his accounts should have been blocked by now or details told. The govt already blamed him for everything to be running this network all by himself, definitely they gonna say he got all the money too. Most of that money may have gone into buying new equipment or pumped into the nuclear infrastructure.

If we look at history, whenever governments or organizations have been behind such kind of illegal activities, like drugs or things like that, they get their cut too or use that money for other activities.

We just know the govt version of the activities, not the real secret. Govt would do anything to save its arse.
COAS raises border posts issue with Petraeus

RAWALPINDI: NATO forces vacating checkposts in Afghanistan allow Afghan Taliban to cross the Pak-Afghan border and join the Pakistani Taliban in South Waziristan, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Ashfaq Kayani said on Monday.

During a meeting with US Central Command (CENTCOM) chief General David Petraeus, he discussed the US providing state-of-the-art weapons to Pakistani forces to help them combat terrorists in the Tribal Areas. The two generals also exchanged views on increasing cooperation in the war on terror and sharing intelligence to combat terrorists of the region. In a brief press release, the Inter-Services Public Relations stated the visiting dignitary and the COAS had also discussed matters of professional interest.

Separately, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani met the CENTCOM chief and urged him to expedite the supply of vital equipment to buttress Pakistan’s armed forces’ ability to combat terrorists. He said the US and NATO forces should check the illegal crossing of terrorists from Afghanistan to Pakistan.

The US general assured the premier the remaining balance of the Coalition Support Fund and the Foreign Military Funds owed to Pakistan would be released as soon as possible. He said the ongoing defence cooperation between the US and Pakistan would be strengthened.

staff report
Well that's my point, we all know Pakistan got its major nuclear equipment through black market & for that a network had to be setup & once a setup is made they start doing business with other buyers too. Iraq got a lot of its nuclear, biological & chemical weapons equipment & raw materials from European countries through European or other western firms & agents, meaning western countries have themselves black market businesses or westerner guys doing such business as to them money matters, not whom it goes.

Also, if the govt knew what he was doing, what is the assurance that the money went into his pocket not the govt guys who knew what was happening or to the nuclear program itself ?? How can we belief the Musharraf govt version or the American govt version that he got the money for himself. If he had, where is the money, his accounts should have been blocked by now or details told. The govt already blamed him for everything to be running this network all by himself, definitely they gonna say he got all the money too. Most of that money may have gone into buying new equipment or pumped into the nuclear infrastructure.

If we look at history, whenever governments or organizations have been behind such kind of illegal activities, like drugs or things like that, they get their cut too or use that money for other activities.

We just know the govt version of the activities, not the real secret. Govt would do anything to save its arse.

you set your own network to help our country (Pakistan) but you cannot use the same network to "sell" your state secrets - sorry friend, i dont buy this one!
We just know the govt version of the activities, not the real secret. Govt would do anything to save its arse

TK - many books written on this issue - we know all versions, govt, AQKhan and western.
West welcomes long-awaited action in South Waziristan

LAHORE: The operation to rid South Waziristan of the Taliban is welcome news for the US, Britain and their NATO allies, who have been urging Pakistan to strike the Taliban and Al Qaeda stronghold for some time, The Times has reported. Terming Operation Rah-e-Nijat the most important military campaign for Pakistan since 2001, the report questions whether the Pakistan Army will take on only the terrorists it considers a threat to Islamabad, or others who target foreign troops in Afghanistan. The report stated that Pakistan seemed to have learnt lessons from its previous operations in Waziristan, noting the army had improved its counter-insurgency capability and amassed a bigger attack force than previous campaigns. However, military commanders fear the troops could be outnumbered if others in the region come to the assistance of Hakimullah Mehsud, chief of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). They have negotiated truces with militant and tribal leaders in the area. Western officials hope the army would attack its new allies as soon as it has dealt with the TTP.

daily times monitor
British general says Afghan war is winnable

* Public opinion should not determine United kingdom’s policy in Afghanistan[/B](what is he smoking!!!)

LONDON: Britain and its international partners have the “strategy and resolve” to win the military campaign in Afghanistan even if it may take a number of years, British Chief of General Staff Gen David Richards said on Monday.

Gen Richards, who took over as the army commander in August, wrote in a letter to the Telegraph newspaper that military success would be reached when Afghanistan could take on the Taliban without international help. Richards also wrote that Britain had to do better to convince its public about the need for a military presence as the death toll rose. “We will have achieved military success when the Afghans can sustain the fight without our help,” he wrote. “Although it will take a few years to reach that point, the campaign is winnable and we, and our Afghan and international partners, have the strategy and resolve to see it through,” he added.

Public opinion: Richards, a former NATO commander in Afghanistan, warned that public opinion should not determine policy because the risk of failure was too dangerous. “It has been a struggle to persuade the British public about this and we need to do better. But we should not allow our security policy to be driven by opinion polls,” he added.

Richards courted controversy in August when he said Britain could be involved in Afghanistan for another “30 to 40 years”. He did not go beyond his reference of a “few years” in his letter, but added, “Even when adequate security levels have been achieved, Afghanistan, one of the poorest and least developed countries in the world, is likely to need some form of international help for far longer.”

British public opinion is increasingly turning against the campaign as the number of British casualties rises and the government and military commanders appear to be at loggerheads over equipment and troop number levels. More than 220 British soldiers have died in the eight-year US-led war against the Taliban, with the past four months among the bloodiest as the insurgents have increased attacks on international forces.

Afghan fraud probe seen cutting Hamid Karzai’s majority

* Votes from 210 polling stations discarded
* ECC says it found ‘clear and convincing evidence’ of fraud

KABUL: A UN-backed watchdog overseeing Afghanistan’s elections ordered votes from 210 polling stations thrown out on Monday in a move that observers said deprived President Hamid Karzai of an outright majority.

Findings from the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) over the August 20 vote raise the prospect that Karzai will be forced into a second round or intense diplomacy is needed to stitch together a national unity government.

Evidence: The ECC said it found “clear and convincing evidence” of fraud, including entire ballot boxes with papers filled in with the same pen or same mark.

An independent US monitor said neither candidate had won outright, meaning Afghanistan could face a second round between Karzai and main rival Abdullah Abdullah, although the two are expected to come to a political settlement. The ECC said it ordered the Independent Election Commission (IEC) – the final arbiter of the election results – “to invalidate a certain percentage of each candidates’ votes” and results from 210 polling stations.

The ECC findings, which it said were “final and binding”, could see the IEC forced to call a run-off between Karzai and former foreign minister Abdullah. Karzai, against whom most of the ballot-stuffing allegations were made, leads preliminary results with about 55 percent of the vote, with Abdullah on around 28 percent.

The ECC refused to reveal corrected results, but one Western diplomat and a respected election monitor said Karzai’s share of the vote had now fallen to about 48 percent – not enough for outright victory. US-based Democracy International said around one million votes cast for Karzai had been deemed invalid and adjusted figures that gave the president 48.29 percent of the overall vote, with Abdullah now on 31.5 percent.

“This should necessitate a run-off election between Hamid Karzai and the second-place candidate Dr Abdullah Abdullah,” Democracy International said in a statement. A total of 1.3 million votes cast were invalid, it added, based on the ECC figures, or around a quarter of the total 5.6 million votes cast.

Faced with fears that the IEC – which Abdullah and others have accused of being pro-Karzai – may not accept the ECC findings, there were calls for quick action to end the political deadlock. The UN spokesman in Kabul, Aleem Siddique, said the watchdog’s orders should be implemented “with haste” and called on the IEC to “move swiftly to announce either a final certified result or the requirement for a second round”.

In a statement, the US embassy said, “We call on the IEC to implement these orders with all due speed and look forward to the final certified results.” Karzai’s survival depends on the continued support of the international community, which has poured billions of dollars in aid into the country since 2001. Abdullah supporters have said they will not accept a Karzai victory because of the vote-rigging claims, raising fears about the next administration’s legitimacy at a time of rising violence.


good luck USA! your horse is about to bite the dust!
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