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Operation Peace Spring in Northern Syria : The Turkish initiative to create safe zone

Come on , i have no stakes in this.

But there is no escaping the fact that the Kurds in Syria have been getting the bad side of the deal for years now.

First they where persecuted by the Assad"s regimes to the level they where not allowed to use their own language or give their children Kurdish names.

Than they had to fight ISIS ( and don't tell us they did not shed blood for that )

And after a long time they thought finely breeze a little free air , they are now attacked by you.

Have you seen the captured weapon by TSK? Dont tell me those were to be used against barely existent isis, Turkey has no other option than to act now or it will have another KRG next door with a much longer border.

Im surprised that you were expecting any other outcome than a Turkish invasion, maybe you understimated how serious Turkey is when its about territorial integrity.
I see the girl @sammuel in her periods now and throwing her gibberish around lol

This goofy doesn't get the fact that comedy exists in every society.


Trevor Noa in the daily show take on the matter .

Watch from minute 1:50


This is how TV shows reports news in a democracy.
How many members here can say the same about their press and media.


agent orange must have done serious brain damage to some chinese guys on the forum :D

I see the girl @sammuel in her periods now and throwing her gibberish around lol

This goofy doesn't get the fact that comedy exists in every society.

He is confused LOL Doesn't want to sound like someone who is in full opposition to Turkey, but at the same time confused how to respond in favor of the Kurds.

Remember that the Kurds are an ally of the Zionists and West. The PKK has been nurtured and groomed for chaos and anarchy. Turkey is smart and took this opportunity to dismantle the threat.
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This goofy doesn't get the fact that comedy exists in every society.

Care to elaborate on how many satirical TV shows are there In Iran or Saudi ?

How many on TV in Turkey speak like this about their leader Erduagn ?

How many in the land of the Somali pirate ?

ha you will smile and give nice poses.. and down goes your friends :)

I never seen such a video in my life. Why would the guy share the video after that happened? He probably realised that he wasn't get paid enough so by sharing the video he might get a pay rise. Shocking. Changed the guys mood straight away. Reality check for the PKK. You can retreat and leave the area but we prefer you to stay here til the end.
every would understand which country he is talking about because he did not mentioned any name, Putin said the country which captured oil tankers and attack oil field

Russia west Asia (middle east) policy of President Putin : Syria
I never seen such a video in my life. Why would the guy share the video after that happened? He probably realised that he wasn't get paid enough so by sharing the video he might get a pay rise. Shocking. Changed the guys mood straight away. Reality check for the PKK. You can retreat and leave the area but we prefer you to stay here til the end.
Bro, when you look from above, here's how it looks.

Armed UCAVs and ISTAR UAVs are start to create huge results on the conflict fields. Old asymmetric warfare strategies are gradually losing their sudden attack advantage and surprise factor.
Most of the western media is blasting Erdogan for the operation. The same people didnt care when Syria was invaded by terrorists from all over the region and was supported by certain nations with weapons and trainings.
Care to elaborate on how many satirical TV shows are there In Iran or Saudi ?

How many on TV in Turkey speak like this about their leader Erduagn ?

How many in the land of the Somali pirate ?

If you are against turkey then I am with turkey. I don't know the feud between Kurds and turkey but whoever is supported by Israelis I am against those.
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