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Moron, it is not in the book. The author in his recent interviews has said it. Go and check it out. The book was like thousands of discredited books rather I would say drivel that gets published on Iran each year funded by likes George Soros and such. It is not an academic or authoritative stuff. You want to read something academic and authoritative written by a real CIA spook, and not by a fraud? Read: "The devil we know". It is about Iran and written by an actual CIA spook who used to spy on Iranians for two decades.

Moron, it is not in the book. The author in his recent interviews has said it. Go and check it out. The book was like thousands of discredited books rather I would say drivel that gets published on Iran each year funded by likes George Soros and such. It is not an academic or authoritative stuff. You want to read something academic and authoritative written by a real CIA spook, and not by a fraud? Read: "The devil we know". It is about Iran and written by an actual CIA spook who used to spy on Iranians for two decades.


An echo? Starts in the cranial cavity, I think.
So where are you gone??

I am waiting to see how we are decades behind.

Go ahead and show us how we are decades behind.

come one man, your letting your zionists buddies down, they are watching.

Just look around you. If you want others to give clues to the clueless, you have a long wait ahead.
Iran succesfully launched sattelits into space and it got confirmed by NORAD (NASA) and the US government. Now, what is your next lie, sorry i mean question

You call TV antenas sattelites? I guess it is a new trend in Iran...
Iran did not made any nuclear reactor too... Their nuclear reactor is the sameone shah bought from US... Does it considred NATO toy too?

Building a rocket that could reach space is not aa very diffucult task, what is diffucult is to improve on that with mission succsess rate and capacity...

Are you compering Iran's tech and industury with Turkey? Dude, are ou high or something? Turkey is considred most advenced muslim majority nation for a reason... Just because Turkey does have a Press TV to brainwash does not make her less advanced...

I guess T-129, Altay, Milgem, ANKA and many many more systems are NATO toys too... What a ridiculus statement...

And yes I am proud of Israeli massacere of my kin? Are you sure you are not drunk?

Actually Iran does build its own research reactors like the ones at Isfehan. And they have almost completed a larger one in Arak as per IAEA and are working on a 360 MW in Darkhovin. Turkey can not even run a reactor today. Iran is way ahead of you. If Turkish were brought in to even operate a reactor, they would probably blow it since they have never seen one, let alone operate, let alone design and build all by themselves under sanctions.

Launching satellites is one of the most challenging engineering jobs out there. It does not matter if payload is small or big. And all nations started with small payload and built their way up. Iran is no exception. But Turkey can not do that. It is an undisputed international truth. So you have no say in the matter. Do not compare yourself, since you would look like a fool.

As for technology. Do not even start. A nation that can build nuclear reactors and SLV can not be compared with one that makes a petty tank with imported components. It is even funny to compare.
The author in his recent interviews has said it. Go and check it out.
Nobody is stopping you from posting a link here to back up your statements. Until you can demonstrate some credibility I won't bother.
Iran tries to launch TV antenas to space and fails while India launchs satellites... Is that enough?


I though you respected us but It's good you shown your true face.
these people get help from Russian and abroad in their space program.

we are talking about military missile and you change the subject lol, why do you try and make a stupid point if you can't back it up? your zionists audience are booing at you right now.
Actually Iran does build its own research reactors like the ones at Isfehan. And they have almost completed a larger one in Arak as per IAEA and are working on a 360 MW in Darkhovin. Turkey can not even run a reactor today. Iran is way ahead of you. If Turkish were brought in to even operate a reactor, they would probably blow it since they have never seen one, let alone operate, let alone design and build all by themselves under sanctions.

Launching satellites is one of the most challenging engineering jobs out there. It does not matter if payload is small or big. And all nations started with small payload and built their way up. Iran is no exception. But Turkey can not do that. It is an undisputed international truth. So you have no say in the matter. Do not compare yourself, since you would look like a fool.

As for technology. Do not even start. A nation that can build nuclear reactors and SLV can not be compared with one that makes a petty tank with imported components. It is even funny to compare.

1- They didn't finish it yet...

2- Iran gets tech help from China

3- Turkey is buying one actually from Korea... We actually want to be safe rather than sorry...

4- You really have some big problems with Turkey or you wouldn't be insane enough to compere Turkey with Iran expect nuclear science and nano * Iran have some important achivements in that*

Only you and some Iranian fanboys are insane enough to compere Turkey and Iran on industrial and technological level... While rest of the world is sane enough to know what is right...

Yea rite. Please see source below that Indians and Turks like:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | India nuclear test 'did not work'

Key word... CLAIMED...
Yep, I am zionist controlled Turkish mercanary of Israel, US and India.... Logic at its best...

You stated that you were going to rain missiles on India which is on whole other level than Iran... Your scientific growth means nothing against a country of 1.2 billion people who have the second economical growth in g-20...

A nation of 1.2 billion that needed a nation of 4 million ie Israelis to assist them against Pakistan (Kargil)
Nobody is stopping you from posting a link here to back up your statements. Until you can demonstrate some credibility I won't bother.

Solomon you are so lame. Here is your link from one of the most respected newspaper of your country. Either he is lying, or your leaders are lying: KAHLILI: Iran already has nuclear weapons - Washington Times

And here is the book you should have read instead of reading a book written by a charlatan: Amazon.com: The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower: Robert Baer: Books

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