They had been acting humbly for centuries, but as soon as they thought they are strong, they came out, revealed their hideous faces and started letting out the venomous hate they have had in their dark hearts. They started showing it through ganging up on absolutely weak innocent people who trusted them, they caused 200+ thousands casualties, millions of displaced people and unfixed strife among it's people who had lived in peace and harmony for thousands of years and totally destroyed their ancient beautiful country. Another victim of their venom was Lebanon, the Switzerland of the ME, which it's people are the most cultured and educated. Created for themselves a foothold in the name of destroying Israel, and the only countries are being destroyed are theirs. The third victim is Iraq, they were watching it like hyenas and as soon as Americans got there, they attacked it and killed as many as of Iraqi scientists, pilots and officers and immediately started arming and training both Shia and Qaeda, and bombing both sacred places until there was a bloody war among them, so they finally got down on their knees and couldn't say no to cunning evil Mullahs in Tahran.
And now, they are trying to do their vile plan in Yemen until, finally somebody stepped in to rescue this poor country from further destruction
So filthy vile country.