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Operation Blue Star -Sikh Holocaust 1984

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Do you know what Indian Constitution says about Sikh Religion?



Right to Freedom of Religion

25. Freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion.-

(1) Subject to public order, morality and health and to the other provisions of this Part, all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right freely to profess, practise and propagate religion.

(2) Nothing in this article shall affect the operation of any existing law or prevent the State from making any law-

(a) regulating or restricting any economic, financial, political or other secular activity which may be associated with religious practice;

(b) providing for social welfare and reform or the throwing open of Hindu religious institutions of a public character to all classes and sections of Hindus.

Explanation I.- The wearing and carrying of kirpans shall be deemed to be included in the profession of the Sikh religion.

Explanation II.- In sub-clause (b) of clause (2), the reference to Hindus shall be construed as including a reference to persons professing the Sikh, Jaina or Buddhist religion, and the reference to Hindu religious institutions shall be construed accordingly.

What it means is that Sikhs are not recognised as a Seperate Religion but a branch of Hindu wider religion and they can wear Kirpans.

A sikh has to marry and register under Hindu Marraige Act while there was Anand Marraige Act for Sikhs during the time of British for Sikhs. There is seperate Acts for Muslims, Chritians. Some would say that Indian has so many religions but that is not logic. Make the rules same for everyone and let it be called Indian Marraige Act or Hindustan Marraige Act or let all religions be independent and recognize them.

In my school leaving certificate it says my religion as Hindu-Sikh and that is the thing which is not acceptable. It is the place of discontent. Where is religious freedom.

Bhindranwale fought for religious freedom and most of you dont know because our source of information is TV, news paper, radio and all these are state controlled in one way or the other. Its just like CBI works in conjugtion with political masters or unjust use of authority.

My respect for Bhindranwala grew as i grew with age and found about what happened. Just for the simple reason that he could have fled the war or run away as many would do but instead he stood and fought. This might not be logic but he stood true to the Gurus Word.

I do not appreciate violence or killing of any human but do we actually know our history. Dont you know that our history is taught to us buy regulated Government organisations in both Pakistan and India. Search for yourself and you will find many things.

Sikh Gurus always propogated Religious Freedom and fought the wars against unjust and wrong.

gagan damama bajio pario nisane ghao.
khet jo mandio surama ab jujhan ko dau;
sura so pahichaniai jo lare din ke het,
purja purja kati marai kabahu na chhade khetu.

The hero, entering the field,
Fights on without quailing.
Know that man to be a true hero
Who fights in defence of the defenceless;
Hacked limb by limb, he still flees not the field.

~ SGGS, Kabir jee, 1005

Guru Gobind Singh jee, seeks the divine boon to ever do noble deeds and be able to lay down his life for the sake righteousness:

deh siva baru mohi ihai subh karman te kabahun na taron,
na daro ari so jab jai laron nischai kari apuni jit karon
ar sikhaho apane hi mana ko ih lalach hau gun tau ucharo,
jab av ki audh nidan banai ati hi ran mai tab jujh maron.

Lord, Grant me this boon:
Never may I turn back from righteousness;
May I never turn back in fear when facing the foe;
May I ever instruct my mind to chant Thy praises;
And when the end arrives,
May I fall fighting on the field of battle.
Sikhs Hold Demo Against 1984 Carnage​


MUMBAI: Ahead of US President Barack Obama's India visit, hundreds of Sikhs held a protest rally in front of the United Nations, asking him to raise the issue of the 1984 anti-Sikh riots before the Indian parliament.

"He (Obama) must raise this issue in his speech to the India parliament," said Gurpatwant Pannun, lawyer for Sikhs for Justice (SFJ), a US based group that organised the rally in New York on Monday.

"We also want the UN to intervene to bring the perpetrators to justice," he said. In September, Bakhshish Singh Sandhu, coordinator of Sikhs For Justice had met Obama briefly to describe the events of 1984 and asked him to take up the matter in New Delhi, the group said.

Pannun noted that despite several attempts made by the Sikhs to bring the matter to the attention of the Obama administration, the president had not included any discussion of the anti-Sikh riots in his agenda.

"Obama cannot trade dollars with blood; we want him to pay tribute to the Sikhs who died," he said.

SFJ also announced that widows of Nov 1984 anti-Sikh riots will also hold a protest rally on Nov 8 when President Obama will be addressing the Indian parliament.

"The purpose of the protest is to remind the president that Sikhs and other religious minorities of India have been victims of violence and as president of United States, he has moral and legal obligation to address the violation of human rights," it said.

SFJ has also initiated a case against Road Transport and Highways Minister Kamal Nath in New York for his alleged role in the killings.

Sikhs hold demo against 1984 carnage - GEO.tv
Jagdish Tytler and Sajjan Kumar must be hanged for their heinous crimes against the Sikhs ASAP.

But unfortunately the Congress continues to shelter these murderers.:frown:
what i derive is ,we must not interfer in internal affairs of india like that of operation blue star. it was india,s prob how to manage ...
same is for india not to interfer in our internal issues like balochistan , sindh or before that for pushtoonistan by airing racism .. nor should pakistan get involve in any such act ..
on kashmir issue both countries should respect each other and leave to kashmiri people what ever they decide ......plz don,t say kashmir is internal prob .... other than kashmir in any other prob we should suport peace .. even in kashmir we should offer peaceful help to kashmiries as now.. no need of militancy ....
^^^^Like this kind of people, GoI ordered to remove their Indian Citizenship...
Another example of Indian terrorism against its citizens.
@ peace...I have read bhindrawalas stories too...about how religiously tolerant he was...and how he saved a hindu female from paying dowry and stuff...all that makes me want to believe that he was indeed a saint...but why did he stock up arms in the golden temple?
weren't their MMG? and rocket launchers in the temple complex?

see...the sikhs have this misconception that the GoI attacked the golden temple to embarrass the sardars of india who wanted their own state...the GoI attacked the golden temple because the separatists were operating from there.

IMO...whatever happened was bad...the 1980s was a turning point in the history of the sikhs in India.Had they chosen to intensify the Khalistan movement...we'd have sikh kids not going to schools and colleges and becoming mujaheedin like warriors...
in today's India I see no disparity b/w sikhs and hindus...sikhs hold good positions in India and are among the richest in India.
things have turned out well for sikhs.
so I believe that this whole episode though is a dark chapter in the history of our nation...but it also has a flip-side...a side that shows how from the dark days of the 80s we have progressed to this day and age where we live in peace and calm.

@Peace123...In India wherever people start talking in regionalistic way..they are condemned...like in the case of Raj Thackrey standing up for the maratha youth....the south Indian politicians promising of a 'bloodbath' if anything happens to Prabhakaran...etc etc..it's a nation which is weakened by it's diversity and strengthened by it's diversity...it's what you want to believe in.

They are all pussies bro.The ballsiest of them all were Kamaraj and MG Ramachandran and they would not have destablised law and order for any damn reason.
Had we crushed lal masjid and mullahs back in the 1980's we wouldn't have terrorism problem today. instead we used American funding to arm them till teeth!
Had we crushed lal masjid and mullahs back in the 1980's we wouldn't have terrorism problem today. instead we used American funding to arm them till teeth!

But you would have had russia in the neighbourhood.
i am sorry GUBBI but these days nothing is AN INTERNAL PROBLEM.....and secondly....places of WORSHIP steer greif if attacked no matter what is stored inside it....so yes you can't tell OUTSIDERS to move on...because in a global environment nothing is an internal matter... and before you preach such things look at this forum NO PAKISTANI ever told an INDIAN to move on and not comment....

So I guess by that token the Lal Masjid operation was oppression by the Pakistani Govt/Army on the Pakistani majority community..right?
So I guess by that token the Lal Masjid operation was oppression by the Pakistani Govt/Army on the Pakistani majority community..right?


totally irrelevant; good work trying to forge a connection. Subsequent to lal masjid, few if any major protests and/or unrest took place. The State and civilians were not going around burning Islamists or their homes.

the scale of violence in LM pales in comparison to what happened during the Sikh genocide of 84
The survivors of the Sikhs killed should be compensated and a national apology should be declared for the Sikhs.
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