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Once again, MQM shows Courage

bcoz of oppostion of shariah act, the MQM is not gaining popularity,
PDF is example for u, almost every one here is crictising MQM!!

They didn't oppose it they just boycotted it. There are a lot people against the Niazam-e-adl bil and it is not shariah the document is only declaring a speedy justice for people.
— Well general Ayub Khan's period is known to be the most progressive economically, but do you know only 12 families were running the country? So the industrial set-ups that you talk about benefited a few. If one closely scrutinses the development" undertaken by the PMLN, it is quite obvious that it is in the Punjab. You had an extensive road network system laid there (bling bling...Motorway), as many villages in Sindh and Balochistan still await for a metalled road to be laid.

So you think the Pakistan cricket team won the World Cup due to the political stability in the country? Makes no sense!@#$%^& forgotten the match-fixing scandals that emerged thence?

The Industrial setups employed many and gave them bread and butter, Sindh was given a fair share of the budget and they had their own governement of a coalition between MQM and PML(N) that later broke away and made a PPP and MQM coalition and that didn't bring progress either, later for Sindh they got their own government of a governor and even total dominance of Sindh yet still the situation for the interior didn't change whislt the same can be said about Baluchistan, keep in mind two parties that dominated these assemblies also look forward to independance away from Pakistan. As for sport read about something called the adhoc comittee politics has always been in sport a good controll of this brings success and match fixing is an individual players own destruction of his self esteem governments don't have anything to do with that.

— Yup the MQM was helpless in front of the PPP jiyalas!

You are trying to say that the system wasn't prepared to face what happened I wonder who could be responsible after five years in power it was helped by organised crime bought alot of money to whoever stole it leaving us in a bad state and if rumours are correct helping someones campaign.

— Terrorist is too strong a word. I'd say the party has violent tendencies.

Violent tendencies I hope you have seen the actions of APMSO they have a feud with Jamaat students something that has led to bloodshed in the streets of Karachi.

— Well I live in this city every day. Do you know Benazir Bhutto refused to allow other senior party members to become chairman of the PPP or run for the premiership post (this was before the NRO was promulgated and the PPP was unsure if it should run in the elections and who to field as the PM). Everyone likes power. Altaf Hussain is no different. He has been able to avoid splits in his party since the mid 1990s, unlike the PPP and the PML. He is popular with the people and if they want him there, then one really can't say much. The party is doing a great job so why would one bother who is leading it.

He has bought about so much violence in bringing splits that I think many people don't stand against him and plus their is a danger of losing your life, anyway all the people who had formed the party alongside him have left. As for wondering who is leading it is very important had you seen the way Altaf Hussain ran away on the basis of excuses.

Now look at the PPP — it only has the BB Income Support Programme to its credit. What has it achieved in the last one year? In this case the chairman of the party needs to be removed because he was not elected but selected, has little support and is too lost in political campaigns to secure his position that the party is little bothered about working for the people.

It is a coalition partner with MQM they are in power MQM has its fair share of government responsibilities yet I see nothing that show them take up this responsibility. They have power in Sindh and the only bandwagon they are joining is the fact that Mustafa Kamal did his job I can't deny he has done a good job though.
@ Bane Blade:

The Industrial setups employed many and gave them bread and butter…
— Where? Which province?

Sindh was given a fair share of the budget and they had their own governement of a coalition between MQM and PML(N) … these assemblies also look forward to independance away from Pakistan.
— It’s politics baba: PMLN works for the Punjab, BNP works for Balochistan, ANP works for Frontier, MQM works for Karachi….about PPP not sure who it works for :P

As for sport read about something called the adhoc comittee …
— You missed my point: sportsmanship and politics are not interlinked.

You are trying to say that the system wasn't prepared to face what happened …and if rumours are correct helping someones campaign.
— What do you mean by helping someone else’s campaign?

Violent tendencies …. APMSO and Jamaat students …
— I’ll stick to violent tendencies. Terrorism is too strong a word.

He has bought about so much violence in bringing splits… anyway all the people who had formed the party alongside him have left…. Altaf Hussain ran away on the basis of excuses.
— I have no opinion on Altaf Hussain. I am indifferent to him and his politics.

It is a coalition partner with MQM … Mustafa Kamal did his job I can't deny he has done a good job though.
— MQM has power in Karachi not Sindh — it won the majority of the seats from the city. Mustafa Kamal by the way has only continued the good work of Naimatullah Khan (of the jamaat). In Karachi, mayors have to work to prove their worth. Do you think a Sindhi dominated area will ever support the MQM or any party of a different ethnicity. And this not only applies to Sindh but also to other provinces and even Karachi itself. In Pakistan we have extremely little tolerance.

P.S. How did we exactly get here? This need to be at the other MQM thread…
Where? Which province?

The province with most progress was Punjab followed by Balochistan and then Sindh too had a bit of the industrial developemant.

You missed my point: sportsmanship and politics are not interlinked.

In our PCB setup we have always had politics and everytime a nwe sports minister came their was quite a bit of change in the PCB management and management matters.

What do you mean by helping someone else’s campaign?

For one moment if thught sanely the destruction specially in Karachi helped MQM's cause alot more than PPP's.

I’ll stick to violent tendencies. Terrorism is too strong a word.

And I will to a terrorist student wing, specially the way they work in some universities.

I have no opinion on Altaf Hussain. I am indifferent to him and his politics.

In that case I hope you won't elect it for parliament local council though I feel you should.

MQM has power in Karachi not Sindh — it won the majority of the seats from the city. Mustafa Kamal by the way has only continued the good work of Naimatullah Khan (of the jamaat). In Karachi, mayors have to work to prove their worth. Do you think a Sindhi dominated area will ever support the MQM or any party of a different ethnicity. And this not only applies to Sindh but also to other provinces and even Karachi itself. In Pakistan we have extremely little tolerance.

They are in the coalition government hold ministries in Sindh as well as national and they have a say in policy because they sit in the cabinet, how difficult can it be for you to understand that.

It’s politics baba: PMLN works for the Punjab, BNP works for Balochistan, ANP works for Frontier, MQM works for Karachi….about PPP not sure who it works for

The IPP project and the developement in tourism in NWFP Sui expansion and the yellow cab scheme were for everyone not Punjab. If anyone is sane and can vote then they should bring PML(N) to power because they are probably the only party that is nationally supported enough to bring change.
@ Bane Blade:

Sindh too had a bit of the industrial developemant.
What development?

In our PCB setup we have always had politics and everytime a nwe sports minister came their was quite a bit of change in the PCB management and management matters.

So the PMLN put in place a good management, who was on it?

For one moment if thught sanely the destruction specially in Karachi helped MQM's cause alot more than PPP's.

The PPP does not have a support base in Karachi. That’s the reality. If given a choice between MQM and PPP, karachiites would rather opt for the MQM. What destruction is there in Karachi now? Are you implying that the MQM is popular because it resorts to violent tactics and forces people to vote for it…?

And I will to a terrorist student wing, specially the way they work in some universities.

Gone are those days. That's Karachi of the 1990s. Now you have sporadic instances of violence in unis — in fact much less than those by the Jamaat in Punjab University all year round.

In that case I hope you won't elect it for parliament local council though I feel you should.

I will never vote for him. I’ll vote for the party and its manifesto.

They are in the coalition government hold ministries in Sindh as well as national and they have a say in policy because they sit in the cabinet, how difficult can it be for you to understand that.

Pakistani larki hoon, really dumb! We in Pakistan always expect development to trickle top-down. Work needs to be done at the grass-roots level: the town councils, union councils and district managements. The PPP hasn’t done that. It isn’t interested. Badin (from where we have the Sindh interior minister and his wife the National Assembly speaker) is one of the most impoverished areas in the country. How many bills are tabled in the provincial assembly? Look at the news reports, every other day they stage a walk out.

The IPP project and the developement in tourism in NWFP Sui expansion and the yellow cab scheme were for everyone not Punjab. If anyone is sane and can vote then they should bring PML(N) to power because they are probably the only party that is nationally supported enough to bring change.

I’ll vote for the PMLN if I was sure it was going to win Karachi or Sindh. Their support base is zilch outside the Punjab. They need to work on that. Their biggest success was the Motorway, which is in the Punjab. As for the yellow cab scheme, it failed (google it, there was report in the press about its failure a month or two back I guess). Sui expansion — Dera Bugti to date is without a gas supply.
MQM is a NAZI party i live in karachi and i know the word DESHAAT is synonyms with MQM....and as for MQM NOT BEING A FEUDAL PARTY I BEG TO DIFFER IT MAKES EVERYONE SIT ON THE FLOOR BOW THERE HEADS listen to someone a 1000 miles away given lectures about pathans are depriving the locals and then he cries that what happened in SWAT is wrong.....they call Imran Khan zaniyii...they are the same as the NAZIs of germany...even they claimed to have 100% turnout....no matter how corrupt Nawaz is he never said creation of PAKISTAN was a MISTAKE....FOR THAT MATTER EVEN ZARDARI DIDN'T....MQM is a terrorizing Karachi and its people....and it is by far not a secular party it started of as MOHJIR QAUMI MOVEMENT....there leader is also called ALTAF BHAI....they rather call him DON....and one thing is for sure no one can beat urdu speaking crowd in arguments so i won't even try....but like i said before i don't care who you support just support PAKISTAN....pakistan hai tu MQM,PPP,PML,ANP hain.

@NADJA please remember sister that like i said before 14th August is pakistan independence day not MQM independence day please explain to me why on the 14th of AUGUST guys on bikes roam CLIFTON carrying MQM FLAGS.....khuda kee liye PAKISTAN ki izzat kaaro....
@Zob: please remember sister that like i said before 14th August is pakistan independence day not MQM independence day please explain to me why on the 14th of AUGUST guys on bikes roam CLIFTON carrying MQM FLAGS.....khuda kee liye PAKISTAN ki izzat kaaro....

Come to Seaview any weekend and you'll see the entire Karachi roaming on bikes....pass in front of Bilawal hosue and the entire area has PPP banners — an MQM guy won the elections from the constituency. Your logic defies me!
I think this has gone a bit far and I will certainly not derail the thread any further however if anyone starts a thread about which party we should vote for I will defend my points and prove to you why the PML(N) is a better party over many other parties and we can debate manifesto's thought the main discussion was why not MQM I think Zob has rounded the points quite well.
I do not come here regularly. But PML-N is a better party? pls! These below explain his corruption as a leader. Thanks.

1- Rules bend for Mariam nawaz: Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

2- Nawaz imported a helicopter illegally and did not pay the taxes. He bought 2,000 acres of land in Raiwind, where his family has built a palace for itself. tribuneindia... World

3- Wapda spent Rs15million to electrify Nawaz Sharifs surrey mansion (raiwind estate) for which it was paid only Rs5 million Pakistan and Politics

4- The Lahore High Court has observed that PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif has been “scandalising, abusing, disobeying and ridiculing” the judiciary.
LHC verdict says Nawaz ‘abusing’ judiciary -DAWN - National; June 25, 2008

5- PML-N MNA booked for wheat smuggling: http://www.thenews.com.pk/arc_default.asp

The government has confiscated huge assets, properties and Rs 300 million bank deposits of the Sharif family, an official announcement said here on Sunday. Liabilities and encumbrances of any of these assets and properties will be cleared by the Sharif family before the takeover by the government, the announcement said.

Confiscated industrial assets include Brother Steel Mills, Hudabiya Paper Mills Limited, Hudabiya Engineering Company and Hamza Spinning Mills Limited. Residential properties include houses at Model Town, Lahore; 135 Upper Mall, Lahore; one plot at Model Town, Lahore; one plot at Upper Mall, Lahore; and three houses on Hall Road, Murree.

Agriculture properties include 10 kanal and two marla land at Khanpur, Sheikhupura Road, Lahore; 41 acres and seven kanal land at Watton, Sheikhupura; 14 kanal and two marla land at Bhaipheru, Chunian; 35 kanal and three marla land at Bhaipheru, Chunian; and 88 kanal land, Phubtian, Raiwind.

Following is detail of the confiscated assets of the Sharif family:

Bank deposits: Rs 300 million.

7- Nawaz honors family and friends in 2008 cabinet: PPP is confused as Nawaz honours friends and family

8- PML-Q issues whie paper against Nawaz: PML-Q issues ‘white paper’ against Nawaz -DAWN - National; February 13, 2008

Tax Liabilities of Nawaz Group
2007 LHR: A division bench of the Lahore High Court (LHC), postponed for two weeks proceedings in 52 identical petitions by the Sharif family challenging the assessment of tax liabilities of its industrial units by the Income Tax Department. The petitions were filed in 1995. The department had assessed the liabilities of the Ittefaq Group and its directors at Rs 20 million, but the assessment was raised to Rs 400 million during the first tenure of Benazir Bhutto. During the first tenure of Nawaz Sharif, the department reduced the tax to Rs 20 million on an appeal by the family. During the second tenure of Benazir, the department increased the tax to Rs 650 million

80 cases pending against Nawaz
More than 80 complaints of corruption and misuse of authority were pending at different stages of inquiry, investigation and trial against former PM Nawaz Sharif when he was granted pardon by the president and exiled.
The complaint said Nawaz Sharif did not mention in his declaration of assets in the nomination form for NA-12 in 1997 that he owned a helicopter. It was alleged that he did not pay duties of Rs30 million on this machine.
The complaint said that bank borrowing, according to a "conservative estimate", during this period reached Rs9 billion. The number of their industrial units allegedly increased from nine to 20.
Ghalib Online / 80 cases pending against Nawaz

Talk about a mess

Now an explosive 200-page report of Rehman Malik's incomplete probe is haunting Sharif. The secret document was leaked to the London-based Observer newspaper, which recently published details of alleged corruption involving the PM and his family. According to the report, the Sharif family obtained loans from Pakistani state banks for business purposes and illegally converted the money into foreign exchange worth at least $66 million. This sum was then allegedly stowed away in offshore accounts. Sharif has also been accused of owning four flats in central London worth $5 million without informing Pakistan's tax authorities.
• Nawaz imported Helicopter for personal use worth: 1.3 million Pounds
• 55 cases were made on Nawaz by Jamaat Islami.
MQM is a terrorizing Karachi and its people

Why peace loving karachiites votes MQM??

....and it is by far not a secular party it started of as MOHJIR QAUMI MOVEMENT

Thats mean if a say u kaafir u will not fight me!!
Bcoz allmost all people were kaafir before the guaidence of Prophet(PBUH)!!
Its was Muhajit qaumi movement, but currently its Muthida Qaumi Movement

....pakistan hai tu MQM,PPP,PML,ANP hain.

Thts why we are trying to say u dont support talibans!!:pakistan:
It is a coalition partner with MQM they are in power MQM has its fair share of government responsibilities yet I see nothing that show them take up this responsibility. They have power in Sindh and the only bandwagon they are joining is the fact that Mustafa Kamal did his job I can't deny he has done a good job though.

If u think that MQM is fair share in coallition then tell me why is MQM begging to take action against the terrorists in karachi??

And why Mustafa Kamal in his every speech, ask govt to restore development funds, why he always says that land is enroached where we going to start new prroject, and polic is not helping us to stop encrachments!!
They are in he cabinet and I can tell you why they love making noise just to gain media attention and that is what I have been saying all along they are being an oppurtunist and will make PPP give them more power.
@ Bane Blade: I agree :)

This thread needs to be culled.
Altaf appeals to Karachiites to setup ISS
Updated at: 0422 PST, Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Altaf appeals to Karachiites to setup ISS KARACHI: Quaid Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) Altaf Hussain, slamming the grenade attack incident in Ranchor Line area here, has appealed to the citizens of metropolis to establish their own Independent Surveillance System (ISS) in their respective areas.

Hussain said, “I have repeatedly urged in my several addresses to the people of Karachi to form their own independent system of surveillance in their particular areas.”

On account of rising incidents of ransacking, looting, stealing homes and shops on daily basis in Ranchor Line area, it is utterly necessary for people to establish their own surveillance system in order to prevent thefts and plundering incidents, Altaf urged adding, people should form surveillance bodies, comprising six men in each team and schedule them for surveillance of their respective areas.

He demanded President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani, Interior Advisor Rehman Malik, Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah and Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza to finalize security plans on war footing bases to prevent Karachiites from growing incidents of thefts, plundering and ransacking.

Altaf also asked for immediate sue against dacoits and thieves operating in Karachi.

Altaf appeals to Karachiites to setup ISS - GEO.tv

Instead of joining the police and using the system he is appealing for having an independant surveilance group now how is that constructive for a democratic setup?
This means community police!!

And police is doing nothing for karachi!!
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