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Once again, MQM shows Courage

great boys... I hate nawaz i hate them all but atleast i respect nawaz for taking a principal stand by not joining the colaition to get in power if MQM IS SO GOOD TELL THEM TO RESIGN FROM THE GOVERNMENT TO SHOW THEIR DISCONTENT...never will MQM ever resign...and please let's not forget 12th may and let's not forget that MQM wants provincial autnomy so that it eventually leads to a great MQM plan of Jinnahpur.... MQM will never ever RESIGN FROM GOVERNMENT THOSE BOYS JUST WANT TO STAY IN POWER!!! MQM is a problem for the federation of pakistan!!!

And why should they resign ? they have got votes
there is no reason that they should resign
and about that provincial autonomy bill
provincial autonomy is the ONLY solution for the Balochistan issue

MQM shows no fear and is now a days openly drawing attention of the people of Pakistan, media and other political allies on creeping talibanisation . MQM the only political party criticized and walked out of the parliament in protest. They said they aren’t against Islam as they are Muslims as well. But according to constitution of Pakistan there cant be 2 judicial law in Pakistan. And the current constitution isn’t against Islam. Their recent press conference on Nizam-e-adl is not shocking to the liberal forces of Pakistan including the human rights, civil society and other political parties representative. Other political parties are restricted to show their concerns but we have heard many individual voices throughout the whole Pakistan people are not in favor of this Nizam-e-adl.

People are a bit scared of talibans as TTP Spokesman Haji Muslim khan has threatened parliamentarians indirectly. But MQM stands firm on their rules and regulations. No fear to religious extremism and no shariya, which belongs to only Hanifi laws of islam. As there are many other sects, which have their own beliefs and practices.

The parliament has accepted TTP demand by allowing Nizam-e-adl . Militants who has killed policemen in Lahore and which are involved in suicide bombing mosques and killing torturing people who are muslims as well and several other cases. It was declared nizam-e-adl won’t be imposed till true peace comes in swat and till talibans wont give up weapons.

Despite of the Manawa attacks and several suicide attacks on Mosques, gatherings and Armed forces of Pakistan the so called liberal political parties like PPP, ANP, PML-N and PML-Q has given support to this nizam-e-adl in Malakand division, swat and its nearby region. And has lost support of the liberal voters of nation. ANP has revoked its manifesto and went against the teachings of Ba’cha khan of never surrender in front of ill and bad. So is for the PPP their leader Mohtarma baynazeer Bhutto said there are people in Tribal areas that are responsible for insurgency in Pakistan and she said she wouldn’t tolerate these militants creating insurgency in Pakistan. Nawaz Shareef connections with Al-Qaida and taliban is not hidden with anyone is still continue with Zia’s strategy of making Afghanistan 5th province and has support to these militants and talibans.

Yesterday attack on charsaddah after nizam-e-adl in swat is a question itself. Agencies recovered body and the person got arrested is from swat. Yesterday Soofi mohammed spokesman said taliban has given up arms. But the TTP spokesman denied to give up arms and declared that they would prolong this movement to other parts of Pakistan and arms is prestige of Muslims.

MQM’s growing support in Pakistan against Talibanization is increasing day by day. Their liberal politics for the people of Pakistan suits to the environment of prosperity and development. They have pointed out very important points of the future of Pakistan if we will allow these militants taking over our areas in the name of islam. There are various examples in islam that Our prophet peace be upon him and his campaignions never imposed islam and shariya by force. A common moderate muslim wont accept talibans forced islam . Islam is what Mohammed peace be upon has preached. Not what soofi mohammed and baitullah mehsud has imposed by guns and shells.

If MQM is not against Islam and if they think they are really muslims and as per Pakistan constitution there can not be 2 different law systems working parallel, then I will advise them to opt for Islamic law and save Karachi from valgarity, pop culture, hooliganism, fast growing crimes etc. and don't be just name sake muslims or muslims on ration card only and not in eyes of Allah and thus keep likes of Sufis and Mehsoods aside. This will be a good initiative and good example from MQM as real muslims.
@Ababeel: “I will advise them to opt for Islamic law and save Karachi from valgarity, pop culture, hooliganism, fast growing crimes etc. and don't be just name sake muslims or muslims on ration card only and not in eyes of Allah and thus keep likes of Sufis and Mehsoods aside. This will be a good initiative and good example from MQM as real muslims.”

— It’s not a matter of being a Muslim. Let’s not bring religion into it please. Those who register their protest against the Taliban (be they Muslim or non-Muslim, liberal or not so liberal) are in my opinion more worried about the impact this invasion will have over the lifestyles they lead. What exactly is wrong with pop-culture? Increasing crime-rate has got nothing to do with Sharia — it’s the job of the law-enforces (police etc) to control crimes, an economic overhaul to curb crime is more important than a judicial overhaul. Same applies for vulgarity and hooliganism — that’s got nothing to do with MQM’s stance.

@Bezerk: “By that logic, MQM approves of turning a blind eye to a 'Burning' Pakistan but if somehow that fire starts to creep up to their doorstep, they'll rise up in protest and start showing mutahida 'Courage'? This mentality is the reason why they're known as traitors through out Pakistan and their ideology isn't accepted in other provinces… As a national political party, I've never seen an aggressive attitude from them regarding TTP. Until now of course.”

— No MQM doesn’t approve of turning a blind eye… this was my rationalisation of their attitude. I’ll reiterate that MQM is a local party, it doesn’t have any outreach or presence on the national level. Why their ideology isn’t accepted, I don’t know… may be they haven’t made an effort to or don’t really need it. If you the city’s business pulse in your control, you wouldn’t care about the outback. Yes, MQM has been mum but why are you so perturbed that they are raising their voice on the issue. PPP, PMLN, PMLQ, ANP…parties with strong intra- and inter-provincial presence but have done nothing as well. All politicians and political parties are alike. It’s unfair to single any one out.

@Bane Blade: “Are you trying to indicate that this is how our nation should have worked if this should have been the way we handled our problems than this dreaded WoT would never have even come on our side of the border because from day one we could have said "I take care of my own patch, you take of yours… We talk of the same MQM that grew on the funding of Zia ul Haq and also joined hands with PML-N first then Musharraf and cum next election joined PPP this is a party that has shown that it is willing to sell its soul for power the same party whose leader thinks the most dreadfull thing that happened was the creation of Pakistan they in my opinion should be the first to be tried for treason.”

— FYI, PMLN too was funded and backed by the ISI and General Zia. If it’s about selling your soul for power then what about PPP and the NRO…
One should do what’s humanly possible. You can’t take care of the whole world but an make a difference in your sphere, no matter how limited it is. Hence, “"I take care of my own patch, you take of yours” works fine.

@ H2O3C4Nitrogen: I think MQM should launch actions against the Afghanis in Karachi. Its good to have this Ghunda Party of Altaf BAI on our side.
But you never know that they might become toys to external hands Like The Mareeh and Bugti did.

— Let’s not use this forum to promote ethnic riots. It’s the most unwise thing one can do. Tolerance is what I’ll advocate. And worry not, nationalists such as the Marris and Bugtis wouldn’t want to be with the MQM.

@Zob: great boys... I hate nawaz i hate them all but atleast i respect nawaz for taking a principal stand by not joining the colaition to get in power if ……..never will MQM ever resign...and please let's not forget 12th may and let's not forget that MQM wants provincial autnomy so that it eventually leads to a great MQM plan of Jinnahpur.... MQM will never ever RESIGN FROM GOVERNMENT THOSE BOYS JUST WANT TO STAY IN POWER!!! MQM is a problem for the federation of pakistan!!!

— One would never forgot May 12 nor December 27. MQM has no backing in Sindh, so it won’t get anything out of wanting provincial autonomy. Can you please provide a reference for that statement?
full support to MQM.
very disappointed by PML(N). they are affraid to join centre and fight the talibans.
MQM's ideologically a racist party and only speak of certain people and damn care about Pakistan. for them its all about Karachi and those who think themself a muhajir (even after 60 years of partition). and if they stop doing this, simply loose funds they get from ..... well you know better, which could threaten MQM's existance.
Why should they resign from govt??

Is this the Solution??

If the resign then they will sit in opposition!!
And opposition always try to destablise govt. which destabalise country!!
If u are destablising govt thats mean u are destabalising the country!!
PML(N) is a party that has represented the people of Pakistan quite a few times and had it had ISI funding or election rigging or whatever the PPP couldn't have won the elections succeding Zia as for MQM's funding I would simply point to the days I wouldn't know if you were around or not but I have seen videos of 90's and MQM gunmen holding rifles battling the other MQM in a turf war it looked like san andreas and one can only wonder where this money came from, Indeed we sould care of our own sphere but as I said that the then MQM government chose to support Musharrafs war on terror if this was initial policy then why did it change? Or are these simply publicity stunts for the US to sit and clap at.
You should see the speeches of MQM's leaders against zia ul haq at KU
this is typical propaganda against them that MQM was formed by zia ul haq
:Dand dont tell me that MQM is hungry for power
you can see nawaz sharif and benazir's record
both of them used to throw dirt at each other when any one of them was in power:enjoy:
and then in musharrafs government both of them sit together against musharraf and so a "brother and sister" relationship was formed between benazir and nawaz sharif :lol:

The politics of spreading news about of opposition is quite common and every parliament has them MQM is just known for its terrorist activities caught on video's they have fought against rangers control of the city the law they talk of upholding today was uprooted in those days they were killed at sight because they put everyone at that position Karachi became a battleground similar to that on the 12th of may and we all know this was once again a fight MQM started and also continued I can give you video evidence of that.

@ Asim Aqil the populous of Afghanis should be removed from all over Pakistan and they should be deported had it not been for that dictator Zia we would never had had this problem he opened the borders and then we say a gun flow that kills our own brothers and sisters.
PML(N) is a party that has represented the people of Pakistan quite a few times and had it had ISI funding or election rigging or whatever the PPP couldn't have won the elections succeding Zia as for MQM's funding I would simply point to the days I wouldn't know if you were around or not but I have seen videos of 90's and MQM gunmen holding rifles battling the other MQM in a turf war it looked like san andreas and one can only wonder where this money came from, Indeed we sould care of our own sphere but as I said that the then MQM government chose to support Musharrafs war on terror if this was initial policy then why did it change? Or are these simply publicity stunts for the US to sit and clap at.
@ Bane Blade:

1. PML(N) is a party that has represented the people of Pakistan quite a few times and had it had ISI funding or election rigging or whatever the PPP couldn't have won the elections succeding Zia.

Pakistan Muslim League has been there since independence. Nawaz Sharif is Zia's protege and the N faction was formed in the 1980s. The PMLN under Sharif figured in Zia's Majlis-e-Shoora even though it did not have a popular support base. With Zia's death the curtain also fell on his ideology and the ISI was not stupid enough rig polls and ensure victory for the PML in the 1988 elections. Remember BB had massive international support. However, it was only a couple of years before the PPP government was destabilised with Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismissing it and the PMLN coming to power again.

2. As for MQM's funding I would simply point to the days I wouldn't know if you were around or not but I have seen videos of 90's and MQM gunmen holding rifles battling the other MQM in a turf war it looked like san andreas and one can only wonder where this money came from,

Watch December 27 videos, and make a wild guess as to where all the arms and ammunition came from. Also what do you think, the ISI never made contact with the judiciary during the last two years — how has it been able to survive? You can't deny nor ignore the intelligence's role in the workings of this country.
MQM does have violent tendencies but it a secular liberal party. Being a woman, I'd opt for those credit any given day.

[The videos you are referring to are from around the time when the MQM (then known as mohajior qaumi movement) had split into two factions, one of which was headed by Altaf Hussain. And yes that was a bad period in my city]

3. Indeed we sould care of our own sphere but as I said that the then MQM government chose to support Musharrafs war on terror if this was initial policy then why did it change? Or are these simply publicity stunts for the US to sit and clap at.

What does MQM siding with Musharraf's war on terror in 2001 got to do with MQM denouncing the Taliban in 2009? Life isn't stringent, neither should one expect oneself or others to be. Fine they made a bad decision like the other leading parties, but at least it's making amends. They are following a democratic process. I either subscribe to their use of violence, but neither can I disregard the development work they have done for the city :)
They're only concerned about an issue when it becomes personal to them or if that 'Issue' threatens to 'Take over' karachi. Where exactly were these 'Courageous' outbursts for the past few years against the taliban? Weren't we still fighting the Taliban in FATA?

Actually, that is incorrect, MQM held huge rallies against the terribans on numerous occasions in Karachi and they had a huge response. They held rallies in 01, 05, 07 and the recent 09 rally.


Protest against flogging.
Pakistan Muslim League has been there since independence. Nawaz Sharif is Zia's protege and the N faction was formed in the 1980s. The PMLN under Sharif figured in Zia's Majlis-e-Shoora even though it did not have a popular support base. With Zia's death the curtain also fell on his ideology and the ISI was not stupid enough rig polls and ensure victory for the PML in the 1988 elections. Remember BB had massive international support. However, it was only a couple of years before the PPP government was destabilised with Ghulam Ishaq Khan dismissing it and the PMLN coming to power again.

And when it came to power it bought progress to the country at that moment the days of MQM were tough and the violence in karachi was at an all time high yet we showed progress we had good industrial setups made and even our Airline did well the field os sports progresed.

Watch December 27 videos, and make a wild guess as to where all the arms and ammunition came from. Also what do you think, the ISI never made contact with the judiciary during the last two years — how has it been able to survive? You can't deny nor ignore the intelligence's role in the workings of this country.
MQM does have violent tendencies but it a secular liberal party. Being a woman, I'd opt for those credit any given day.

and all that happened was that the Police and authourities stood and watched people were attacked killed businesses were broken under the eyes of an MQM governor.

[The videos you are referring to are from around the time when the MQM (then known as mohajior qaumi movement) had split into two factions, one of which was headed by Altaf Hussain. And yes that was a bad period in my city]

Thank god atleast we come to the agreement that MQM used to be and may still be a terrorist organisation.

What does MQM siding with Musharraf's war on terror in 2001 got to do with MQM denouncing the Taliban in 2009? Life isn't stringent, neither should one expect oneself or others to be. Fine they made a bad decision like the other leading parties, but at least it's making amends. They are following a democratic process. I either subscribe to their use of violence, but neither can I disregard the development work they have done for the city :)

They have worked for the city of Karachi heck i live their in summers and I can say they have done a good job but please tell me that if a party is changing its stance then it needs a change in its leadership Altaf Hussains MQM needs to become just MQM because I see publicity stunts like the one when he was resignining from his position and how people were crying for him to stay they need to grow up if he resigns he should be removed and replaced not loved and cuddled and begged to.
The politics of spreading news about of opposition is quite common and every parliament has them MQM is just known for its terrorist activities caught on video's they have fought against rangers control of the city the law they talk of upholding today was uprooted in those days they were killed at sight because they put everyone at that position Karachi became a battleground similar to that on the 12th of may and we all know this was once again a fight MQM started and also continued I can give you video evidence of that.

Well i dont like to talk about the 90's operation i know some people those who's family members were killed many people who were killed didnot had any thing to do with mqm they were just common citizens i would like to call PMLN and PPP as murderers or terrorists instead of MQM
and at that time there were two factions of MQM (MQM and HAQAQI) the haqiqi workers were those who were thrown out of mqm and they were also supported by the agencies

But at the end they failed to wipe out MQM as it has support from the common people living in Karachi it is also interesting that MQM was acquitted from the cases in sindh high court

About 12 may
You will deny it but all parties were involved in the firing and riots
Now the main reason why people blame the responsibility of that incident only to mqm is that there were blockages on the roads
but the containers which were used to block the roads were there because the high court bar requested the government to block the roads that day
And when it came to power it bought progress to the country at that moment the days of MQM were tough and the violence in karachi was at an all time high yet we showed progress we had good industrial setups made and even our Airline did well the field os sports progresed.

PML-N? bringing socio-economic progress?

Seriously, have you forgotten the frozen dollar accounts, qarz uttaro mulk bachao schemes initiated by NS or were they part of as you put it the "great" economic times of Pakistan.
Well i dont like to talk about the 90's operation i know some people those who's family members were killed many people who were killed didnot had any thing to do with mqm they were just common citizens i would like to call PMLN and PPP as murderers or terrorists instead of MQM
and at that time there were two factions of MQM (MQM and HAQAQI) the haqiqi workers were those who were thrown out of mqm and they were also supported by the agencies

But at the end they failed to wipe out MQM as it has support from the common people living in Karachi it is also interesting that MQM was acquitted from the cases in sindh high court

This is what MQM really is
and if this is their real face i can see how they won all their seats support from common people eh????

About 12 may
You will deny it but all parties were involved in the firing and riots
Now the main reason why people blame the responsibility of that incident only to mqm is that there were blockages on the roads
but the containers which were used to block the roads were there because the high court bar requested the government to block the roads that day

I don't deny but I know the PML(N) were not their nor is TI fight so it leaves only 2 parties that have already kissed and made up bet the fact is still that MQM fired weapons and blocked routes they lit fire to a tree and then they say the burning down of the forest was not because of them.
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