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Oliver Hazard Class Frigate Acquisition by Pakistan

the FFG-8 USS McInerney:
here it is it,,


one of the biggest warships build by a westren country after world war II

i hope it brings some good with it...


The first picture looks totally junk to me, I think it should go directly to Gaddani scrap yard rather than occupying place at PN dockyard.
but it is damn good frigate atleat it will increase number of ships in pn pocket how many we get 1 or 2 if we get knighthawk anti sub role heli with it well than im sure with chinese frigates heli and usa frigate heli indian subs think 1000 times before entering pakistani waters
The first picture looks totally junk to me, I think it should go directly to Gaddani scrap yard rather than occupying place at PN dockyard.

well thats what we are going to get form our best all weather friend and close ally in war against terrorism the great nation of USA!!!:hitwall: :hitwall:
we better get use to such scraps because thai is what they have always fed us with....:hitwall:

Although i don't expect any good from US, but i think we have to wait and see what modifications does USS McInerney bring with it.
I do wonder if it will come with anti sub heli or will it be our z-9?
well thats what we are going to get form our best all weather friend and close ally in war against terrorism the great nation of USA!!!:hitwall: :hitwall:
we better get use to such scraps because thai is what they have always fed us with....:hitwall:


Correction: That's what the government of Pakistan requisted that the US give away in military aid (for - almost - free).

Why blame the US for PN's lack of funds?
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The first picture looks totally junk to me, I think it should go directly to Gaddani scrap yard rather than occupying place at PN dockyard.

Irrespective of what it looks like to you, you should perhaps keep in mind that several fine navies have been were all too happy to take used Perry class ships into service: Bahrain (one), Egypt (four), Poland (two) and Turkey (nine). Those navies thought/think it was worthwhile abopting these used ships. Perhaps they know something you don't. Anyway, in many ways these ships (still) are superior to anything the PN currently fields or will field in the near future.
Oliver Hazard Perry Class Guided Missile Frigate - Naval Technology
These frigates must have 10 year life left in them so that is why Pakistani Navy requested them

From strategic point of view Pakistan already has the harpoon system which it upgraded so it would fit nicely on these Frigates -

Rest of the items can be customized
I think Perry is a good interim Solution for PN, until PN recieve in Future TF-2000 or a comparable chinese AAW-Destroyer. Perry Frigates give PN the ability to Perform limited Area Air Defence, but the Combat Managment System of these Frigates need a modernisation.
I wouldn't be too surprised if the US fitted some advanced trackers to the frigates for monitoring their positions when required.
Yup they probably have fitted some secret sensors for monitoring our positions and provide it to INDIA in case of war
Yup they probably have fitted some secret sensors for monitoring our positions and provide it to INDIA in case of war

PN has the resources to check such devices. Don't give the impression that PN is made up of idiots who can not even detect a tracking system.

This is not going to happen.
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IN 2006 the PN requested 6 Oliver Hazard Perry Class FFGs from the U.S. Despite its age, the upgrade potential available for OHP is pretty good, and if implemented on even 4 ships, it would certainly give the PN an excellent capability boost. For example, the PN could fit its OHPs with the following:
  • Turkish GENESIS
  • Mk.41 based ESSM (32-cells)
  • 4x2 Harpoon Block-II AShM
  • Mk.32 based ASW torpedo launcher
Upgraded OHPs will afford the PN the time it needs to 'catch-up' in the naval game, and to introduce next-generation frigates such as TF-2000 and TF-100 at a relatively comfortable pace.
I wouldn't be too surprised if the US fitted some advanced trackers to the frigates for monitoring their positions when required.

I wouldn't be surprised it the US is monitoring your position via your cellphone. :pop:
IN 2006 the PN requested 6 Oliver Hazard Perry Class FFGs from the U.S. Despite its age, the upgrade potential available for OHP is pretty good, and if implemented on even 4 ships, it would certainly give the PN an excellent capability boost. For example, the PN could fit its OHPs with the following:
  • Turkish GENESIS
  • Mk.41 based ESSM (32-cells)
  • 4x2 Harpoon Block-II AShM
    [*]Mk.32 based ASW torpedo launcher
Upgraded OHPs will afford the PN the time it needs to 'catch-up' in the naval game, and to introduce next-generation frigates such as TF-2000 and TF-100 at a relatively comfortable pace.

- Aren't the Mk32 ASW torpedolaunchers standard fit? IIRC they have been from the inception of the OHP.
- Harpoon refit would likely only require decklaunchracks, as the ship has traditionally been equipped with this missile (but the Mk13 launcher got made non-operational)
- 4x Mk41 in place of Mk13 would likely not be cost-effective as refit.
- a mix of Turkish (Genesis) and Australian refits would seem appropriate, but a lot depends on what the status of the Mk13 is and whether control equipment (the STIR, but also any below decks consoles for weapon systems) are still present or easily reinstalled/replaced.
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