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Oldest primate fossil yet found. It is a tiny Chinese Archicebus fossil

:rofl::rofl::rofl:You seem bamboozled by the fact that you belong to a family of apes and your ancestors were a chimp like creatures.May be its time to go back to school.

maybe u need to go to school mr humanity region because what yr saying is just a theory not a fact.
maybe u need to go to school mr humanity region because what yr saying is just a theory not a fact.

:omghaha::omghaha:Who do you think you are Ronald Reagan.:lol:.In English language a word can have multiple meaning according to the context its been used.In modern science, the term "theory" refers to a well-confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with the scientific method, and fulfilling the criteria required by modern science.This formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence.In layman's term its as good as fact.Here, the term you are looking for is hypothesis.May be instead of listening to crooked televangelists if you've gone to a school you should've known these things.
:omghaha::omghaha:Who do you think you are Ronald Reagan.:lol:.In English language a word can have multiple meaning according to the context its been used.In modern science, the term "theory" refers to a well-confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with the scientific method, and fulfilling the criteria required by modern science.This formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence.In layman's term its as good as fact.Here, the term you are looking for is hypothesis.May be instead of listening to crooked televangelists if you've gone to a school you should've known these things.

Dude i think that ancester, or that missing link that joins humans with apes is u.
Dude i think that ancester, or that missing link that joins humans with apes is u.

:omghaha::omghaha:Did you ran out arguments and suddenly became an evolutionist???Sorry I am not 8 million years old,so your post is just dumb.
Dude i think that ancester, or that missing link that joins humans with apes is u.

That's a childish comment.

You can call him ignorant etc. for not agreeing with your POV.

But calling him anything other than modern human is so middle school.

:omghaha::omghaha:Did you ran out arguments and suddenly became an evolutionist???Sorry I am not 8 million years old,so your post is just dumb.

Please ignore the childish comments.

Thank you
That's a childish comment.

You can call him ignorant etc. for not agreeing with your POV.

But calling him anything other than modern human is so middle school.

Please ignore the childish comments.

Thank you
Dude there is some thing called joke.

:omghaha::omghaha:Did you ran out arguments and suddenly became an evolutionist???Sorry I am not 8 million years old,so your post is just dumb.

After reading yr comments in this page i thing u really are:omghaha:
I'd shy away from statements like "omnipotent" creates "complex things".

I doubt Allah mian is sitting some place putting together new stuff like screwing together a mechano set

Perhaps "omnipotent" creates "rules" that govern the evolution of all things simple or complex.

Well, God is omnipotent and omniscient by definition, so that's not really a debatable point. Either one accepts God, or one doesn't.

As for creating complex things, that's exactly what I meant: that God created a complex system, i.e. the universe, including its constituent components (matter, energy, etc.) as well as the laws governing their behavior.

Essentially, it lays the field open for science to investigate reality since understanding the cosmos only amounts to "reverse engineering" one of God's creations, not replacing Him. In fact, if you view the cosmos as God's playful challenge to humans, then science is worship of the highest order.
How can mutation in the on/ off gene still form a functional tail?! The tail would be present as the tail formation gene were still active....However, the function and the on/ off a gene is also important....

It's just an example of a possible mutation that could prove beneficial in a specific context.

For an analogy on building a wall, if the bricklayers are ill, then no wall would be built. However, if the supervisor controlling those workers loses track, then the workers would continue laying bricks and you might end up with a larger wall than intended.

Well genetic entropy in the sense that the telomere is decreasing in size every generation does make sense, am not familiar with the rest of the theory

The arguments in academia are quite complex, but one way that I understand it is using the following analogy.

A 747-400 jet engine has six million parts. Let's say you take one part randomly and replace it with something else, i.e. a mutation. Of course, the vast majority of changes would be neutral, since the failsafe and backup systems would restore original functionality, but for the ones which slip past the error-correction mechanism, the chances are far more likely that you will break the engine, rather than you will improve its functionality.

guiding mutations?

Never mind. That was just a silly theory of mine having to do with quantum effects backwards in time.

Strictly science fiction.

May I ask what is your profession...

I trained as a physicist, but ended up in other fields, including IT -- mostly because you can make 10x the money using 1/10th the mental effort.

I still follow physics and various other sciences, more as a hobby than a way to pay my rent.
It's just an example of a possible mutation that could prove beneficial in a specific context.
WELL, that example raised a number of questions in my mind....Let me try to explain as I go on.
For an analogy on building a wall, if the bricklayers are ill, then no wall would be built.
this 1st part is not a good analogy, because the bricklayers would represent the proteins rather than the DNA. The DNA is the blueprint...so if the blueprint is faulty, your wall would look like ANYTHING BUT a wall! The composition of the cement and bricks can be equated to RNA and if that i faulty your wall could end up as a starting point for the leaning tower of Pisa! :rofl: Sorry couldnt help myself but yea...

However, if the supervisor controlling those workers loses track, then the workers would continue laying bricks and you might end up with a larger wall than intended.
THIS is what happens when we have cancer....the workers = to the cells keep dividing and going on and on forming masses of cells!

The arguments in academia are quite complex,
Indeed hence my annoyance of the ignorant people worshiping evolution when they have no idea how complex life is :blink:

but one way that I understand it is using the following analogy.

A 747-400 jet engine has six million parts. Let's say you take one part randomly and replace it with something else, i.e. a mutation. Of course, the vast majority of changes would be neutral, since the failsafe and backup systems would restore original functionality, but for the ones which slip past the error-correction mechanism, the chances are far more likely that you will break the engine, rather than you will improve its functionality.
well, even you have to admit, even the randomly selected part needs to be important enough to BREAK a whole system otherwise like silent mutations it can still yield a functional air craft and no one will know something is broken until they open it up for servicing...

Never mind. That was just a silly theory of mine having to do with quantum effects backwards in time. Strictly science fiction.
Pry do explain...I like to hear what others have to say....it is interesting...

I trained as a physicist, but ended up in other fields, including IT -- mostly because you can make 10x the money using 1/10th the mental effort.

I still follow physics and various other sciences, more as a hobby than a way to pay my rent.
The ONLY SCIENCE I am incapable of following is physics...too many questions as to why and how?! :P

:rofl::rofl::rofl:You seem bamboozled by the fact that you belong to a family of apes and your ancestors were a chimp like creatures.May be its time to go back to school.

Or maybe its time for you to come out of 1870s theory and hit 21st century


I see your'e using Kent hovind's resources...but why quote the quran ? Hovind doesn't use the quran..he uses another text :)

I think using more than 1 sources is not a norm in India but in the rest of the world, that is how we do things :coffee:
The chinese must be laughing at us south asians who still are arguing about evolution because it goes against our fairy tale... @Chinese Dragon
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:omghaha::omghaha:Who do you think you are Ronald Reagan.:lol:.In English language a word can have multiple meaning according to the context its been used.In modern science, the term "theory" refers to a well-confirmed type of explanation of nature, made in a way consistent with the scientific method, and fulfilling the criteria required by modern science.This formal scientific definition of theory is quite different from the everyday meaning of the word. It refers to a comprehensive explanation of some aspect of nature that is supported by a vast body of evidence.In layman's term its as good as fact.Here, the term you are looking for is hypothesis.May be instead of listening to crooked televangelists if you've gone to a school you should've known these things.

A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, esp. one based on general principles independent of the thing to be...: "Darwin's theory of evolution"

A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of knowledge that has been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.
Unfortunately for Darwin, there was no experiment involved...

A body of descriptions of knowledge is usually only called a theory if it has fulfilled these criteria:
It makes falsifiable predictions with consistent accuracy across a broad area of scientific inquiry (such as mechanics).
It is well-supported by many independent strands of evidence, rather than a single foundation. This ensures that it is probably a good approximation, if not completely correct.
It is consistent with pre-existing theories and other experimental results. (Its predictions may differ slightly from pre-existing theories in cases where they are more accurate than before.)
It can be adapted and modified to account for new evidence as it is discovered, thus increasing its predictive capability over time.
It is among the most parsimonious explanations, sparing in proposed entities or explanations. (See Occam's razor. Since there is no generally accepted objective definition of parsimony, this is not a strict criterion, but some theories are much less economical than others.)

A thing that is indisputably the case.

Law: An individual rule as part of such a system

Now please stop showing us more evidence of your lack of knowledge!
WELL, that example raised a number of questions in my mind....Let me try to explain as I go on.
this 1st part is not a good analogy, because the bricklayers would represent the proteins rather than the DNA. The DNA is the blueprint...so if the blueprint is faulty, your wall would look like ANYTHING BUT a wall! The composition of the cement and bricks can be equated to RNA and if that i faulty your wall could end up as a starting point for the leaning tower of Pisa! :rofl: Sorry couldnt help myself but yea...

Well, the analogy was meant to illustrate the functional roles rather than be a detailed analogy.

It's been a while since I studied genetics, so correct me if I am wrong, but a detailed analogy might involve seeing the junk DNA as the "head office".
Its RNA as being a "corporate memo".
The encoder gene DNA as being the "site office".
It's RNA as being the "daily roster of tasks for that site".
The enzymes thus created being the "workers".
The raw material chemicals (fats, carbs, proteins, etc) as being the "cement".

If the head office sends a memo to start construction, but the "stop construction" memo is late, then the wall would be longer than originally intended.

well, even you have to admit, even the randomly selected part needs to be important enough to BREAK a whole system otherwise like silent mutations it can still yield a functional air craft and no one will know something is broken until they open it up for servicing...

Correct, but since evolution is only concerned with mutations which do affect behavior, let's restrict the debate to those mutations. If there is nothing for natural selection to differentiate one organism from another, there is no basis for selection and evolution is not applicable.

Pry do explain...I like to hear what others have to say....it is interesting...

It's completely speculative and it would be hard for me to explain without getting into heavy quantum mechanics.

Broadly speaking, it's about successful mutations -- which, by definition, would exist in large numbers in succeeding generations -- providing a feedback loop backwards in time to favor their specific mutation to occur in the first place. It's a causality loop in time.

It's like saying that the lottery winner goes back in time and gives themself the winning lottery numbers.
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