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OIC Peace-keeping Force (OICPF) deployment in Syria


Jan 4, 2009
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United States
For the last one year a slaughter has been going on in Syria. Arab League initiative in UN failed to stop the slaughter, because Russia and China do not care about Muslim lives and do not want to give up the license to kill minorities and “trouble makers” without due process under the shield of “sovereignty”. Now some GCC countries are providing material help for the opposition to fight the Assad regime and save as many innocent lives as possible, but it is not enough to stop the brutal assault by a well equipped army of substantial size, despite some good amount of defections.

Since the world is unable to stop this slaughter in Muslim land among Muslim people, I would urge Muslims to take up the matter in their own hands. We have an organization called OIC where we have 56 member states, most of these are majority Muslim states:
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
List of Muslim-majority countries - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please note that most of the larger majority Muslim states have size-able armed forces. I propose the following action items:

- an emergency OIC summit meeting to discuss this matter and follow up meetings to finalize deployment plan
- once a decision has been taken to form and deploy a peace keeping force, start asking all 56 member states to pledge the equipment and force they can provide and make plans for transportation
- ask wealthy OIC member countries to contribute to cover the expense of this joint OIC project

Among the OIC member countries, we have sufficient spare force that can be mobilized and deployed and make sure that the killing is stopped and both sides take their fight in the political arena via ballot boxes. We, Muslims, if we cannot do something about this injustice and slaughter among our own people, then I believe we should be ashamed to call ourselves Muslims and say that we follow the teachings of our prophet (SAWS).
I dont understand why Muslims countries want to intervene in Syria, there are no Muslims in Syria, in Syria there are only Syrians, and the ones who are being killed are the army and innocent citizens, the terrorists aka FSA are killing them.
Don't ever mention religion in Syria, you are racist.
they should be military intervention by arab countries to take Assad and his regime out of the country and public execute them. they killed so far more than 12000 innocent people men women and children
I dont understand why Muslims countries want to intervene in Syria, there are no Muslims in Syria, in Syria there are only Syrians, and the ones who are being killed are the army and innocent citizens, the terrorists aka FSA are killing them.
Don't ever mention religion in Syria, you are racist.
Sorry Mate ! But Your personal opinion doesn't represent your nation's opinion... Its has become necessary to reply Al-assad in his own way. Thousands of Syrian muslims are martaryed and damascus in bruning into fire... I will support OIC If they will send their peace keeping force to Syria... If you really want to stop them then you have to stop Al-assad first or it will become more deadly for our Greater middle east region.
I dont understand why Muslims countries want to intervene in Syria, there are no Muslims in Syria, in Syria there are only Syrians, and the ones who are being killed are the army and innocent citizens, the terrorists aka FSA are killing them.
Don't ever mention religion in Syria, you are racist.

As far as we are concerned there are 90% Muslims in Syria who are being brutalized by a moronic tyrant who should be removed , peacefully or by bombing him.
1. Initially it was learned with much excitement by the Muslims that OIC was going to have a military wing. Actually OIC is nothing but one of the tentacles of WCC's enslavement. In Jeddah the ugliest and unkept structure is the OIC Building. That is a true reflection of the health of this organization.

2. If they are talking of an OIC Force it will be a mercenary force serving the cause of WCC through fratricide.
1. Initially it was learned with much excitement by the Muslims that OIC was going to have a military wing. Actually OIC is nothing but one of the tentacles of WCC's enslavement. In Jeddah the ugliest and unkept structure is the OIC Building. That is a true reflection of the health of this organization.

2. If they are talking of an OIC Force it will be a mercenary force serving the cause of WCC through fratricide.
well if OIC does have a peace keeping force i think it will be full of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis since you guys are also largest contributor in UN.. probably rich Arab country bankrolling you guys.
well if OIC does have a peace keeping force i think it will be full of Pakistanis and Bangladeshis since you guys are also largest contributor in UN.. probably rich Arab country bankrolling you guys.
Really Pakistanis are the contributer but not largest one, Thats an unfair claim.. Well ! Turk and Arab Muslim Nations got some new weapons in their inventry, I hope They have brought them for their military purpose, KSA already surpassed india interms of Air force.. and Turk military is one of the best in world.. Well ! I don't think they need full power to bring Al-assad down.. Only 30K to 40K troops along with free syria army will enough for him.
they should be military intervention by arab countries to take Assad and his regime out of the country and public execute them. they killed so far more than 12000 innocent people men women and children

If Arab League can create a peace keeping force and get the job done, there will be no need to create a force under OIC. But if the Arab League fails to do it, then the next option would be to try to get the OIC to do it.

And if the OIC could do it, that would change people's mind about the effectiveness of this organization. A collective action by Muslims and show of unity would of course be considered not a very good development by countries with restive Muslim minorities.
Probably non-Muslim nations would never let the OIC to set a precedent for unification of Muslim Armies intending to accomplish military objectives.
Probably non-Muslim nations would never let the OIC to set a precedent for unification of Muslim Armies intending to accomplish military objectives.

Hardly. Non-Muslim nations have to do nothing. It is just in human nature not to unite for too long. UAR was there once too. It had no western intervention. If you call supplying arms as western intervention then you clearly don't know what is the meaning of it.
No Muslim country would ever want to relinquish the fruit called "power" to another one. For example, no matter how much Pakistan loves Turks, Iranians and Arabs, it will still never accede territory to them, forget giving up sovereignty for some sort of union-hood.

Look at EU. All EU countries are Christian by origin. And none of them has acceded to dissolve each national flag, anthem, customs etc to form the true European Union like how USSR was.

Look at us, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia etc. We all are Dharmic countries by origin, identity and overwhelming majority. Still you don't see us forming a single country, do you?

Accept it; there will never be any single consolidation of your countries. It is impractical in the real world.

Really Pakistanis are the contributer but not largest one, Thats an unfair claim.. Well ! Turk and Arab Muslim Nations got some new weapons in their inventry, I hope They have brought them for their military purpose, KSA already surpassed india interms of Air force.. and Turk military is one of the best in world.. Well ! I don't think they need full power to bring Al-assad down.. Only 30K to 40K troops along with free syria army will enough for him.

First of all, our defense budget will cross $40 billion this year. Secondly, GCC countries won't send any military forces for combat operations as they need them at home the most. Thirdly, Turkey is already in a military alliance called NATO which binds it to a more real-world based alliance that would see its interests for Turkish people.

The only country that has any justification to maybe consider an intervention is Turkey since they are being affected economically due to the unrest at their borders.

If GCC Arab states were to cause a conflict in Syria with Iran joining on Assad's side, Israelis would die laughing their heads off. :rofl:
These so called Ummah, single Caliphate etc are almost always the dream of the south asian muslim who is mostly middle class or poor and looks "up" towards the Arabs/Persians. There is a definite economic angle to it apart from the obvious religious angle.

Take it from me the Arabs or Persians have never and will never view you South Asian muslims as their equal and will never share their resources with you for all the religious obligation in the world and why should they ?. Heck the GCC Arabs dont even look up their Magrebi or Levant cousins as their equals let alone south asians.

So stop with this illusion that you lot are equal or you can become one single homogenous bloc just because you practise the same religion and move on with your lives.

KSA already surpassed india interms of Air force..


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